The context of this naked (but unfortunately pixelated) GIF of Dave Franco is unimportant, but you can watch the original video here if you must know the source of this awesomeness. With this image in mind, is anyone still going to argue with me that Dave is the hotter Franco brother?
Ugh. This is almost as good as that time he fucked himself.
– Dewitt
Dave Franco makes my balls blue.
Why argue? I could fixate on him ~ way up close and personal!!!
He’s f’ing hot!
he is seriously hot but also seriously SHORT! maybe we should do a post or a poll on short guys vs tall guys, which is hotter?
Dave is certainly the prettier of the two (and his short videos are hilarious!), but I still think James is hotter and sexier. I wonder if they ever blew each other…
Dave is cocky sexy, James is dirty sexy. I get with them both