Straight Guys (Aren’t Really) Gay: Shirtless Dudes Furiously Dancing

We probably posted this already, but it’s not popping up in my search. So be it! This is a slight deviation from the “Straight Guys Are Gay” formula. These dudes never actually do anything remotely “gay”. They don’t really have much contact at all. What they do, however, is show off their nicely muscled bodies by dancing to what sounds like Hindi club music. The dude in the dark shorts also does a very impressive handstand and oh, momma – nice back. Please enjoy their obvious joy.

– J. Harvey

To watch, Follow the JUMP:

37 thoughts on “Straight Guys (Aren’t Really) Gay: Shirtless Dudes Furiously Dancing

  1. Their Handstand on a Plank to Double Bro Plank With Dancing is both more impressive and gayer

  2. Totally fascinating-south-sea island style-great hand movements-nice to see masculine men without inhibitions –thanks for posting this.

  3. Wow… Yeah, they can be as straight as they want to be, as long as they make some man-on-man sex vids too… The thick one really is a cock tease! He knows he’s got an ass that dreams are made of, and he’s not afraid to let the world know it.

  4. you dancing like that is not gay, just happy! (not that there’s anything wrong with being gay)

  5.  They aren’t gay – check out their Youtube channel SundayFundayz – they are straight and complete douche bags

  6. these guys are so enjoying their freedom.  i watched their other vids, and looked through their pics on facebook, totally happening guys, travelling the south asia nations, enjoying the cultures and finding joy everywhere.  i agree that both are hot, but i prefer the dude in the dark shorts, and completely agree that his pale peeking ass cheeks and crack are enough for me to get hard and stroke.  i am glad he is not doing this in front of me in person, because i would want him to do it naked and then do a hand stand on my ass and a bro plank with cocks in each others’ mouths.  GRRRRRR.

  7. You have to take inconsideration these guys are not American.  Men is some European countries not all are more open and  affectionate with each other also expressive (as in this clip) This does not mean they are gay. American’s have so many hangups about sexual identity.This is why the internet e.g. MH has allowed them to explore and express their deepest and darkest sexual fantasies .something they wouldn’t do face to face usually and certainly not with their male friends. An advancement in American culture is “Bromance” men are becoming more comfortable to be able to express their feelings fora mate not necessarily sexual and feel more comfortable. Mind you what man doesn’t like his dick sucked, straight or gay?

  8. Hey Manhunt I agree You can not stereotype these guys  It just young men having fun dancing Yes I agree  those aerobatic acts could be a type of break dancing  In some cultures you can find women to escort in your rooms  It cost$ . So, if guys wanted play straight they will dancing with each Shunning off any moves that are sexually over-toned. Dancing is movement that can be sexually  a turned on move.  Straight guys  love seeing women dancing with each other maybe even making love. I find it a turned off.

  9. Well ok, they were having fun yeah. But sort of odd and pointless. Although the pale one in the multicolored shorts had great armpits. 

  10. Exactly! If you watch their other videos it is clear that these guys are American.

  11. odd, only like the print shorts guy………..stupid guys do stupid things when the are high or stoned & then film this stuff, who was the poor schmuck who filmed it??

  12. I asked some twenty-something (supposedly) straight guys about all this straight-guys-are-gay stuff and phenomenon, considering it’s so homoerotic, and they said that it’s to show they’re so straight they can do gay things without being gay.  Okay, well, whatever.  Yeah.

  13. I liked that vid, nice to see straight guys not afraid to be themselves, most straight men wouldnt mind being gay cause gay men do get more
    men and women than straight men

  14. As impressive as the handstand was… That video made me want to crawl into a corner and drink till I passed out so there was no chance I would dream of it.  

  15. lolz..tats not arabic !! Its Punjabi, a language from Indian subcontinent. Jeez !! Can’t you Americans differentiate b/w who’s an arab and who’s a Sikh??

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