I’m still looking for new submissions for our ongoing It Happened On Manhunt series. If you have a Manhunt-related story you’d like to share, send it to daily@manhunt.net with the subject heading “Best Manhunt Story”. You’ll be rewarded with a FREE unlimited membership to the site, and entered to win a RealTouch sex device (as seen here) or a Manhunt Inflatable Dildo (as seen here). Awesome sauce.
As we wait for your tales of true love, intense hook-ups and unintentional bestiality, we thought we’d give you something nice to look at. Here are some straight, half-naked athletes posing for OUT magazine in the name of equality (or something like that).
The roster includes such Manhunt Daily faves as Ben Cohen and Nick Youngquest, along with Hudson Taylor, Michael Irvin and Mike Chabala. We highly recommend watching the video of Ben and Hudson doing card tricks together, because it’s pretty much best bromance ever invented.
NOTE: Opinions are divided over whether this issue is a good thing. Where do you stand in this debate? Is it “pathetic” to fawn over a straight male athlete for “not being an asshole”?
– Dewitt
Photo credit: OUT
To see more pics and video, follow the JUMP:
BEN COHEN (Read story):
HUDSON TAYLOR (Read story):
MICHAEL IRVIN (Read story):
MIKE CHABALA (Read story):
I want to film a scene for Hot House featuring me, Nick Youngquest and Michael Irvin. Then die with a HUGE smile on my face!
Sweet Jesus!!!
Reading The Sword’s link…no, we don’t NEED straight guys telling us we’re ok, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. These guys (especially Cohen) are lending us a hand. There’s nothing wrong with it.
Also, the card trick part of the vid was SO CUTE. And hot.
I prefer Ben Cohen U.U
What HE said, TWICE!
Ben Cohen is my pick too…the rest don’t even rate =P
Having known Ben since he was a teenager, I can say without any doubt that he’s a terrific guy. He looked out for me if he thought I was being bullied. He has looks, charming personality and caring heart. The other guys just look sexy…Ben is awesome! x
hheeelllloooooooooo nick youngquest!!
They’re all sexy guys although I have to say Ben Cohen has been my hunk of choice for some considerable time. What we need now is for some gay professional sportsmen and women to come out and prove that being Gay is not a bar to being sporty. If only one of them was Ben (sigh!!)
If only Mike Chabala had a gay, twin brother !
No, I don’t think it’s wrong to “fawn” over a straight athlete.
I’ve gone up to gay men in clubs and bars and have told them, “hey, I just want to say you’re a great looking guy.” I can count the number of times on one hand I’ve NOT been dismissed with a crude remark, up to and including “fuck off, you’re not my type.”
If a straight man has the class to NOT be threatened by a gay man admiring him, I say more power to him. It takes an amazing grace to be that confident and that should be celebrated as a prime example of tolerance.
I give these guys credit–they’re not just being interviewed for a gay magazine, they’re allowing beefcake photos of them scantily dressed to be taken, knowing that an untold number of gay men are no doubt going to be masturbating to them.
Of course, if you look like Ben Cohen, you have hopefully already come to terms with the fact that gay men, straight women, and straight men are all going to wank off looking at pictures of you anyway, so you might as well just give the people what they want.
I don’t know about the others, but Ben and Hudson have devoted more time, energy, and resources to LGBT rights than the VAST majority of us! All the men above are to be thanked for putting their popularity, fan base, and earning potential through endorsements (not to mention personal safety) on the line for what is probably a very unpopular cause in the locker room. I for one would be grateful even if they weren’t so nice to look at.
mow is bang on.
Yea for all of these guys for being confident in their sexuality. The confidence makes them even sexier. It’s also good to know that they have our backs. More of them please!!
Ben Cohen has always loved and supported us he is wonderful
I don’t think they are trying to tell us were ok, I think they are trying to tell their teammates and the straight folks that idolize them that we are ok and that definitely helps