Has Straight College Men's latest scene gone too far? They've paired their model Rhett with an unlikely scene partner–his own father. Luckily, it doesn't quite reach the incest factor of The Peters Twins' hardcore fucking, as the two men only jerk off on a couch next to one another.
Does anyone think this is hot? Because it kind of creeps me out. And now the bigger question… do you think this is actually Rhett's father? Or are they just going for shock value? I'm extremely skeptical after hearing this whole "black nun" story, but you'll have to watch the video and decide for yourself!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Straight College Men
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i believe that’s his real dad…. because if it wasn’t they would’ve gotten somebody a lot hotter
No Thanks
Putting aside the freakiness of this pairing, consider this: Jr. will look like Sr. in good time.
I think they are related… which is weird to me… power dynamics and all that. But the interaction between the two seems like genuine father-son
I think its his father… you can fake the interaction but I think if they actually wanted to fake it they would have at least chose a guy who was hung. lol
PS, why on earth is this guy doing it again? Watched the video but I could barely hear their discussion… at least not until the part where the son was laughing at that sight of his dad in the buff… lol
Better question is why does porn need shock value at all. Brothers, twins, fathers, incest. Is just two regular non related dudes going at it, not hot and sexy anymore???
I do believe that it is his father, and he is doing it for the money. I have seen it, and it is a little on the creepy side. Rhett is kind of sexy, and he does have quite a dick on him. But jacking with his Dad does cross a line. But it was their idea. If they are not related, then they did a good job finding a match of facial bone structure.
Absolutely grosses me out
If I wanted to see someoine ugly jerking off I’d look through my neighbor’s window, Thank you! That’s just plain NASTY!!!!
Doesn’t matter that he’s ugly or too old for us gay viewers. What matters is that with porn sites posting videos of son and dads jerking off together and brothers fucking each other, we as a gay community are losing the point—-this doesn’t help our side win in the gay marriage cause. We look like we’re losing our morals to our boners. Maybe the right wing is right about us. They ask “what’s next after you legalize gay marriage?” Legalize incestuous gay pairings? Maybe future porn will involve more animals, and us bored gays will only be sexually fulfilled by marrying our dogs.
Exactly where my thought process was alluding to. I agree with you 150% Double Standard!
Double Standard? Apparently you’re ignorant of much of what goes on in straight porn, because father/daughter fantasies have been plentiful in porn in the past, as have mother/son fantasies, and brother/sister fantasies. There was an entire porno with storyline and everything dedicated to purely incestuous scenes. Granted they were just actors, but that was the fantasy. This is nothing new, not by a long shot.
I think it’s also pretty demented of you to presume that anyone is believing porn to represent the ENTIRE GAY COMMUNITY. Granted the extremists may to try and prove a point, but there are sexual deviants of every breed and nature out there, it’s not limited to gay people.
Wow… The thought processes apparently forgot that male-female incest is also a reality, and easily just as common if not more so than male-male incest.
Seriously, why should other people care who a person decides to have sex with as long as they are legal age and consent to it? Love is love, and sex is sex – let it be.
Also, why is it that when straight people do something immoral it doesn’t reflect poorly on the entire straight community, but if a gay person does something immoral, suddenly they’re setting the entire gay community back a mile? There are plenty of straight freaks out there but we don’t presume to think that every straight person is a sexual deviant, why should we allow people to think or perpetuate the idea that if one gay person does something we all secretly want to?
Grow some balls and stand up for the fact that people are different. Stop victimizing yourself based on the actions and opinions of others.
It’s kinda creepy, but I actually think it’s pretty cool that the dad doesn’t care that his kid jerks off on a site that caters to gay men. And that he actually drops, and picks up, his kid from shoots. If that isn’t a supportive father, I don’t know what is.
The son’s really cute. I’d hit that.
@ Bill, who said I was victimizing myself? That really doesn’t make any sense and is beside the point even if I was. I know there are incest straight porn videos and sites, etc. I’m just saying that we’re proving the right wing right and this kind of porn doesn’t help the pro gay marriage argument. The ignorant right wingers who are anti-gay marriage like to generalize, and so with us normalizing incest porn on our gay blogs sets an example to them of our kind. Sure. it might be just two guys in the video, son and dad, and *of course* it doesn’t represent the entire gay community. But it *appears* to represent the gay community to right wing extremists. I just hope this doesn’t get out to the greater internet community. Think about how msnbc or CNN would treat this. You’re preaching to the choir on the fact that people are different.
much better pairings need happen then this.
Great Hera, no!
freaky. this just crosses the line.
dad (if its the real dad) is in a position of trust and he shouldn’t abuse that.
if this is true when did him and his son start these “father and son” sessions.
after seeing this, i refuse to JO with Dad today…im calling him up and cancelling.
By feeling that these sorts of things are representing *anyone* poorly other than those people involved, you are not only trying to victimize yourself but all gay people. I think it’s a little ridiculous.
berenstain bears for the win!!!
This is revolting.
because we dont have any rights and they do, so are we ever going to have some limits, but thanks to this incest crap and everything else we do to fuck our self’s over, pretty soon you guys will be ok with animal and pedophile porn too, so when will there be a limit, our Community is fucked up and drugged out, what you do behind close door is your business,(hope you are not breaking any laws or get caught)but when you bring it out to the open it is all of our Business, now it is just going to take a little longer to get our rights, Thanks, because I am cool with being Single
The posts for the 2 twins fucking each other was the exact opposite reactions. I guess as long as it involves hot guys it’s ok. lol.
I think the father is HOT and this scene is one of the hottest i have ever seen.
The son is cute, but let’s hope he gets his genetics from his mother’s side of the family.
They clearly look like Father & Son and that’s all more why this video should fall n the WTF category !!! The whole idea of relatives just absolutely fucking disgusting and those who think this is hot U r FUCKING disgusting as well !!!
What in the h— is wrong with a father and his son enjoying an experience as intense as orgasm together?? Its not as if there was a danger of pregnancy. It shows mutual trust and enjoyment. Most fathers and sons should be so close.
Father/son fantasies are quite common. But hardly any jerker visualizes his own father in the play. Comes too close, sort of. And don’t forget that most adolescents have trouble picturing their parents as sex-consuming humans as it is. Some even can’t image them having sex organs.
Most of the interview was inarticulate to me but I see two men, a bit camera-shy (too much LOL display), yet presenting a normal relationship: they’re easy going and teasing each other. What drives them to share sexual action is interesting, though. Just for money? Come on. SOME sexual interest must play a role, here. Otherwise they wouldn’t be able to get hard-ons in each other’s company.
But I don’t think they are doing anything wrong, the son looks mature enough to know what he is doing, and the heck with legal age if he’s not over 21 yet.
I also believe the dudes are family related. They look alike, plus that the father ain’t the usual impossible daddy hunk type.
how old is this clip?
Hey, Double Standar: shut up with your whiny crap. Bill is right. You’re being overly sensitive and self-victimizing. We have the right to be individuals and not take it up the ass for everything everyone else does. I refuse to feel a ton of guilt for something someone else does because it “reflects poorly” on the so-called gay community. Those conservative asshole are going to find their talking points no matter how saintly we act. And what about all the incest porn that straight people are doing? For that matter, have you seen a gay pride parade? Why aren’t you bitching about that? That’s about as negative a stereotype as you can get and a whole lot more people engage in those and see them as a normal part of gay life than those who’ll watch a guy and his dad jerking off. As for the subject at hand, all of you need to just f*cking grow up. It’s a damn fetish video. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. Stop trying to turn it into a damn crusade and stop shitting all over the people who like it. I personally love both young AND older men and thing the family connection is a hot idea. Would totally do both of them at once. So kiss my a$$!
they look like each other the nose the mouth the teeth they r related.
I have jacked off with my dad before. No big deal. I lived with my dad and it was easier to do it together. My dad was single at the time. I’m the only son, so I think it is a special bond between us. We would do it every day when we lived together. I’ts a good feeling to shoot my load off with my dad. We always tried to go at the same time.
I lived with my dad ( Dana Mark Haines, born December 29, 1948, and he lives in Dilliner, PA. as of 12-03-2011, and I’m his only son Corey Micheal Haines, born June 3, 1971, and I live in Tallmadge, OH as of 12-03-2011 ). Again, it was a lot easier for us to jack off together because my dad had a one room place and he was already jacking off every day when I moved in with him. My dad is my best friend and I’m sure this has made us even closer. I love my dad and I’m glad we are cool enough with each other that we can do this. E-mail me at coreymhaines1@msn.com., if you want to talk.
Others might disagree, but the dad seemed like a real nice guy. I think he volunteered so that he could help his son make some money. You could see the respect both had for each other (the dad solved his “eeew factor” by laughing a lot). And…actually both father & son seemed down-to-earth — like people that I would hang out with. This seemed more like a documentary/exploration film.
Now with that said, I agree the video was NOT sexy (of course it wasn’t given all the laughing & talking). The director could have helped this shot immensely by: 1) running a porn video for the guys, 2) editing out dad’s laughs/long delays, 3) giving dad Viagra before the shoot.