38 thoughts on “A Sneak Peek At Logo’s A-List

  1. great, another show that focuses on gay people being all about pretty men, pretty things and pretty lives. gratefully its on Logo so no straight people will see it, and the rest of us can turn it off.

    I’m Italian and just as nauseated by Jersey Shore. Playing up stereotypes for TV fodder…how original.

  2. I agree w/ Sal… however, I’ll probably watch it and point out to my friends how awesome that we’re not as materialistic and pretentious as those ‘mo’s.

  3. It looks worse than I’d imagined — and that was pretty bad.

    The worst part — its called “A-List:New York“. In other words, move over endless Buffy reruns, Logo is about to become the gay(er) Bravo, with A-Lists reproducing themselves like “real housewives”.

  4. LOL. These girls are a riot. No one has told them that NY isn’t an gay A-list town anymore.

    Well, unless A-list means buying another shirt, going to another “bar” or being attitudinal and swish.

  5. I’ll stick w/the housewives of new jersey- cause this looks.. like… Snooooooorrreeee.
    wake me up when it’s over, thanks.

  6. I’m vehemently against the Real Housewives series, so I might have to plead temporary insanity for thinking this would be good before seeing this preview. It’s just gonna play up every negative gay stereotype.

  7. Am i like the worst gay ever for not knowing who any of those “A-Listers” are? I mean except for Mike Ruiz, daddy crush party of 1. But seriously what A-List are they on? So they go to parties and date rich “sophisticated power gays” what does that mean to anyone?

  8. Except for a few brief shots of the decorative boytoys, I don’t see anybody there I’d ever want to fuck (and I see several I’d run away from). And if they define this group by its sexuality then that’s gotta be a main criterion for its audience draw. With no eye candy, what’s here is a repellent collection of unattractive, shallow, spoiled, purposeless bitches, and it doesn’t even look like it’d have any camp value as with, say, Dynasty.

  9. Ahhh. Logo continues to disappoint…for the amount of talent in the gay community, you’d expect, well, I expect a whole lot more…I was hopeful when Sordid Lives Series was on , then they canceled it..RuPaul’s ok, as is Big Gay Sketch from time to time…Rich and Steve too..so that makes about 90 minutes tops I’d watch the network…now I know how blacks felt about pre Norman Lear black comedies.

  10. even though I watch the occasional housewife show, I rarely follow any one of them….. I find those shows having the same effect of working in certain bars or restaurants….. I think everyone knows certain places where everybody that works there gets their lives ruined (and I am not talking about gay bars only)…

    it seems that every cast member of housewives goes to shit in their off-camera lives….. it is a revamped version of Jerry Springer…..

    so now we have a gay counterpart…… I found this preview pretty sad…… it is sad that 2010 all some people can talk about is shopping, drinking, sexing, hooking, etc….

    I would like to believe that there r plenty of gay men who r smart, funny, entertaining, accomplished and attractive, and who could make up good reality television (if that is ever possible, I think it is)…. there r tons of us who work hard, have more than one selfless bone in our bodies, contribute constructively to our communities, and do not have to relish on our financial/societal gains….

    some times, if u got it, u must NOT flaunt it…….

  11. These shows, like every show on TV, get made because people watch them. For all of you above who said how horrible it is but that you’ll still watch it, thank/blame yourselves.

  12. This looks as unwatchable as that Real Housewives crap. Do these guys have any concerns besides conspicuous consumption and being complete cunts to each other?

  13. Apparently “presentation is everything” on the West coat, and “power is everything” on the East coast. Honestly, I know these a-holes think their stuff don’t stink, but the people on these so called A-lists really think they have reached a new high, but in reality they have degraded themselves to a new low. This one blonde haired guy makes Richard Simmons look like a raging testosterone monster in comparison.I’m reminded of a local sociopath I know who has naked photos of himself online, and he thinks he looks like a movie star, but he really looks like a naked scary hairy chimp. I guess when people lose any sense of morality or substance, they acheive the A-list. I wouldn’t trade places with any of them!

  14. i don’t see these types of shows going away anytime soon.
    if it were only as easy as “not watching” to make them go away (it hasn’t worked for “HE who shall not be named!” yet :/ )

    either way, I can’t watch the promo (living outside the united snakes)

  15. Shouldnt this show be called ‘The W-List'(stands for Whores….).Seems to me that they all have a Julia Roberts Pretty Prostitute complex.Find rich man,insinuate your self into their wallets and then be a bitch til he kicks you out for a younger gay guy.
    People,is this the best we can hope to become?I’m mortified that some of us might watch this horseshit!

  16. wow, just the clip of this show made me throw up in my mouth. and will that reichen guy GO THE FUCK AWAY already? sheesh!

  17. This reminds of why it’s so great that I live in a 350K population college town dominated by casino power. The night life here blows, there’s almost no money, and we have 0 high end designers here. I don’t have to deal with the “power gays” and the little gold digging whores that go after them. Not to mention I think I’ve seen lesbians who make better looking boys I’d rather spend the night with.

    All of this reminds of the likes of Mr. Klein and his new porn star boy toy.

  18. Am I missing something? Is “I threw up in my mouth a little” a gay remark? I see it all of the time, and, frankly, it’s grown old. Can’t we come up with new things to say? *Ok. Here come the bashers*
    I didn’t waste my time watching the trailer. I wouldn’t give it any of my time.

  19. Seeing this saddens me.

    Most of those “A”-listers seem empty, and their lives appear even more meaningless.

    This has nothing to do with jealousy.

    I can only hope that this “show” will find itself cancelled after 2 or 3 episodes.

    I don’t aspire to be like any of those people — one of those queens actually said it himself: (paraphrase) “one minute you’ve got it; ´next minute, you don’t.”

  20. Okay, maybe I’m just an old queen..(shut up!), but can anyone tell my why I should give anymore of a flying f*ck about any of these people…any more than I do the Karshians, Britney Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Bridezillas, or any of this reality t.v. CRAP!

    I realize that it is like a train wreck, you have to just look once, then after that the best thing anyone with half a brain can do is turn it off, I”m about to pull the plug on cable anyway, it is a total waste of money!

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