He was probably just…tired(?). Just like Taylor Lautner was just…fatigued…that one time. We’re not gay, we’re just not getting enough sleep. Here’s some interesting footage of Tim Tebow. It looks like he might be mocking us at the outset, but then you realize…he’s got some interesting femme qualities. Hmm.
Look, despite playing for Jesus’ team, any indication that he’s into cock is going to cause us to raise an eyebrow, perk up our ears, keep fapping to that Tim Tebow/Tom Brady fantasy, etc.
– J. Harvey
Watch the video after the JUMP:
Wow. Doesn’t have time for a girlfriend indeed.
If he’s not gay, he’s in training.
I don’t really like it when the person I am having sex with cries and prays afterward. Attractive or no, the capital C “Christian” thing is a turn off for me.
wow… you guys ARE just gonna beat this to death, aren’t you?
Not that there’s anything wrong if Tebow plays for whatever team he wants, but this is getting ridiculous. He’s a decent QB, he won some games, now let him grow and do his work. He’s not the second coming, and not the worse thing ever happen to NFL. He’s a nice kid whose trying to do his job, that’s it. Ignore him if you don’t share his faith. I can’t believe the amount of effort out there to try to ‘tear him down’. It’s not like he rape sorority girls in bar restrooms for kicks. Oh wait, people like those QB better……
I play for team Jesus, and I still love cock.
If I didn’t know he was a football player I would certainly think he was auditioning for a Drag Show – Just sayin
he also has some fem qualities on a Jimmy Kimmel show he did earlier last year. plus he kisses his fellow players a good bit, too.
Can we move on from Tebowing now?? He lost the big game, his season is over and his 15 minutes of fame have come to a close, for at least this football season.
BUT lets go back to that hot quarterback in SanFran, Alex Smith, here about suck face with Saint QB, Drew Brees…..
This is the lamest crap i’ve ever seen. Who cares! We have hands and arms…. can we not move them as we please? as far as the Jesus bit, I feel sad for anyone who believes in some voodoo/witch, walking on water, rising from the dead, patchoulie smellin’ hippy named ‘Jesus’. Keep your bougie Tebow stories and your bible stories at home. better material please.
Oh for the love of . . . LJOo82? I call bullshit. This false equivalency garbage is older than Betty White and not nearly as fabulous. Which gay people are trying to use the bible to call for Tebow to be put to death? Which gay people are using Tebow’s and Lautner’s obvious gayness as an excuse to deny them jobs or housing? I don’t dislike Tebow because he is gay and I don’t dislike him because he is Christian. I dislike him because he shills for a hate group. Don’t even try telling me what bullying is. I know exactly what other people did to me when I was growing up. Gay people pointing out the obvious when it comes to Tebow bears absolutely no resemblance to that.
awww poor virgin Tebow!
B1, as far as I understand, he appeared in one commercial that was pretty homo-oppressive, which has something to do with his faith, but it is not about the faith itself (but people within the faith with a particular way of interpreting and preaching it)…
had he not appeared in that video commercial in the first place, he’d probably not be in the media eye so much….
and in my view he looked pretty gay in this video, above, and it did indeed remind me of Taylor… let us just hope he does not get himself in some sort of scandal due to self-hatred closeted behavior later on…
wish the guy the best in the world, like anyone else, but his views r problematic and his behavior, above, is the one that would get many fem gay men into trouble in many parts of the world…. so even if he is straight, he should be careful acting that way if he ever travels abroad..
but better yet, it would be great if he used his position under the spot light to promote equality and love amongst people of all spectra of society…. or just keep his opinions to himself….
did dude run a mile before he sat down for this press conference?
We Bitch and complain that we want people to stop using “Gay” “Queer” and “Fag” as demeaning terms and then we enable with shit like this.
V-8 says”he looked pretty gay in this video”
What does it mean to look gay??
Highly animated, lot’s of str8t men can’t control their wrist’s.
Frankly it was lame and rather sad of J.Harvey to even make a posting of the vid. Have you nothing better to do in that office of yours than to come across as a bitter queen??
I agree about the pro-antagonizing, it needs to stop. He didn’t go to catholic school, he was raised by a missionary. His sexual preferance wasn’t necessarily beat into him. Trying to make someone come out, shouldn’t be viewed any differently than pedophilia in my opinion. It’s disgusting.
I have no idea who this guy is.. I’m gessing an american footballer? To be frank the entire game is feminine. Only americans need full body padding to play a game of rugby. So what if he waves his hands around. There are plenty of gay guys who don’t do that, and plenty of straight guys who do. Frankly i would have thort that a vlog written by gay men wouldn’t be pushing abusive homophobic stereotypes. Really guys. For shame.
Don’t know if he’s straight or gay. I’d fuck him either way. Damn he’s pretty!
Since when does a bit of effeminate gesturing make you a dick sucker ? Not all gay men are effeminate and not all effeminate men are gay.
Quit shouting already. Sheesh…
I am tired of the bigoted columns on this blog. Is this guy gay?? Because of how he acts. As if gays act a certain way. This shit belongs in a middle school locker room on in a serious gay blog. I am waiting to see if the next article will be about if Eminem is black or not.
J. Harvey, if I owned this blog you would be fired for you bigoted and hateful column. Go back into the hole you crawled out of.
He could be… but if he is, I feel sorry for him. It’s hard to be truthful when you find yourself in that kind of environment. I was raised that way. They think it’s better to lie about who you really are then to own up to it and speak the truth. Kind of ironic, actually.
@V-8: So all these praise and flack is because he appear in an allegedly homophobic commercial? Look, I have a TON of problem with his faith. (Not all of them. But a lot.) But it is pretty obvious it is all from his retro playing style (which is angering all the NFL gods because they mandated read option must be dead. And he DARE to actually win games.) and he wears his faith on his sleeve. He did that ‘no abortion’ ad a while back, and I am not thrill with that at all. If he did a Prop 8 commercial or something like that, I would like to know. But in any case, I am just stunted by the venom he’s getting, while rape, wife beating, animal abuse, and drug dealing seems to be much better tolerated.
aren’t these assumptions of sexual orientation the kind we are trying to avoid from “Straight” media? Why would we shoot ourselves in the foot and create a double standard ? … let me poke my eyes out first…
OMG! I totally just read his beads!
He’s not gay…he just helps out when we are busy.
He’s a nice religious athletic tool; kind of a box of rocks type of guy, useless.
I’m a big sports fan, and being an alum of UTK I was not suppose to like Tebow but I did, hell I still do, but why are gay men trying to make this guy gay? Yes, he’s a very attractive guy, with a great body, great morals and values, leads a Christian life, and cares for his teammates. How does any of that translate into he’s gay?!!! Gay men want to have someone to talk about all the fuckin time. He’s a praticing Christain so you hate on him for that and call him gay, when the only thing you haters want is to get in his fuckin pants and you know you will NEVER have chance to do that.
I for one love the person that he is, and I don’t believe he’s gay, I’m sorry, I could less if he is or not. If he is gay then just let him live his mutha fuckin life the way he wants to live it because it’s none of our business. We want everyone else to treat us with dignity and respect, and not judge us, yet that’s what the gay community as a whole does every damn day!!!! My friends, who are ALL straight btw, all wonder why I never hangout or talk with other gay guys? Just from reading most of your comments on this is a major reason.
Grow the fuck up and mond your own business.
Also, if you don’t watch football for the sport, them stop fuckin watching and keep opinions to yourself!!!!
this is pointless your trying to stop the world from doing stuff like this to gays yet you do it yourself…maybe thats why gay do get treated equally….
What’s “gay” about this clip?
That “blouse” he is wearing doesn’t help any straight argument, either
I listened to it without the sound on. ‘Tis funnier
Oh wow!
My gaydar does beep a little (by little i mean all out alarm) whenever i see him on tv or on the net.
Things that make you go hmmm….I think it would just take three beers. And I agree with a former commentor- man he’s cayute!
Just watched again- what with the hand gestures, the lisp, the stylish coif, he kind of makes me seem straight, which isn’t easy to do!
No one’s trying to “make” him gay, you ridiculous buffoon. His mannerisms while speaking go beyond the casual effeminate.
It’s amazing what we reveal about ourselves when we speak… or type in this case. From your little rant, it sounds like you, dear sir, have some serious baggage of your own and are reading a little too deeply into a light hearted discussion. You go out of your way to slam the gay community at large and to inform us that “ALL” your friends are straight. Well congratulations on that. Does that make you more qualified to cast shade and judgement?
What’s really confusing to me… If you have such harsh feelings for the gays in general, why are you reading manhuntdaily? My guess is you’re either looking for a reason to get all belligerent or secretly wish you could have ALL gay friends and make snarky jokes and dress well. Otherwise, you would likely “mond” your own business.
Let’s break it down like long division so you can understand what’s happening here. Tim Tebow is a public figure. He has consciously made the decision to step into the spotlight by playing a VERY popular sport. On top of that, he has used that celebrity to make public statements about his faith and beliefs. That’s a dangerous game to play.
If you see any “haters” in this thread, please remember that there is a *tiny* rift between radical christians and anyone who’s gay. It is regularly taught that gays, in general, are abominations, sinners and should therefore be shunned, beaten, tortured, etc, etc. So some gays are admittedly quick to the trigger when it comes to Christians. For reference, see Michele Bachman, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Jerry Falwell, etc. I can get you a more comprehensive list if you need it.
Anyway, those gays they resent… you’re one of them. Even thought you love sports. Even though you have ALL your straight friends. In fact, it’s my hunch that you surround yourself with ALL straight friends because you hate yourself for being gay. Anyone who surrounds themselves exclusively with one group of people, and refuses to associate with another specific group, goes so far as to bash that specific group in a public forum… Well that’s a bigot.
I truly hope that you can look in your heart and come to terms with whatever it is that you find so disgusting about who and what you are. I believe when you find a way to love your true self, you’ll open up and have friends from multiple types of groups, races and religions.
But I digress. Mr. Tebow has put himself in the spotlight, and it becomes increasingly difficult to “mond” our own business when the man shows up daily on newscasts, blogs and facebook posts. I mean, you don’t have to be a fan of Matt Damon to think he’s a good looking man and wonder if he swings your way and if there’s a chance that somewhere, somewhen…. it could happen. (Love you Matty!)
My personal opinion? I think Tim Tebow is a closeted homosexual. I think he has been raised in a very loving, but strict, southern christian home where he has come to believe that his sexual urges are wrong. He most likely has never confessed his homosexual desires to anyone. And now that he’s America’s sweetheart, the volume’s turned up REAL loud and the pressure’s on. For him to even come to a place where he could have an honest conversation with himself about his sexuality would be an almost impossible internal battle.
Now here’s my question to you. If he is, in fact, gay, why would that bring his morals and values into question? I don’t think that was up for discussion here. The man clearly lives by the straight and narrow. But that doesn’t make him straight.
if this makes you feel good about yourself to think this way personally about me, then by all means go for it. I love my life, my family, friends and my boyfriend. Your ENTIRE rant just proves my point. Typical fag I’m guessing, but who knows. I don’t know or care to know you. So you go ahead and keep talking trash about me, meanwhile I’ll still be loving my life without queer drama.
Y’know. I thought I heard a lisp in there…xD
Either that clip was of seriously horrid quality, or he was writing letters from Lisp City, USA!
All that aside…all of you are hilarious one here, and giving me my life!
Well he isn’t going to be able to hide under Jesus’s dress for too much longer. He’s gonna knock the door off his closet with those flailing arms.
Well is is hooking up with Katy Perry and we all know shes a man, she has sucessfully out manned Gaga
lmao !! 4dat rant boy did u went in tebow is gay only a matter of tyme he will be out.btw he likes his men meat black.
CH, I enjoyed your breaking down of the argument. Very well written and presented.
Personally I couldn’t give a rip less about sports persons who are or aren’t playing for this team or that team…when a person gets to the point where the safety of the truth is the only place he or she can reside…they will announce their residency in that place. Until then, enjoy him in tight pants while he still has a nice ass!