On a new installment of ABC's "What Would You Do?" series, the network sent a pair of gay actors into a sports bar in Linden, NJ. The couple was joined by three others performers, playing a heckler and a heterosexual couple.
Spoiler alert! Most patrons are very supportive of the gay couple, even when the other actors try to stir up shit. One female patron even gets incredibly passionate about their freedom to show affection in public.
In the end, I'm not sure if I necessarily agree with the sentiment that "tolerance has become an American value". There's still a lot of hate out there, but it's nice to see that the Garden State folks have our back. I encourage you to consider that next time you're inclined to say that their state smells like garbage.
– Dewitt
I played division one basketball and was in a frat my frat brothers would NEVER tolerate that … I am only 24 .. I am just coming out but that one dude woulda got messed up hes lucky they only yelled at him.
Thats a little crazy … a little over the top.
Dirty Jersey, SON! 😛
Im in the middle of hick ville Pennsylvania, and im fully out, but i dont look or act stereotypically gay. i do have a rainbow bumper sticker..and all my friends/coworkers/parents know.
iv never really had any real problems. most people dont give a shit and ignore me compleatly. or there just curious and ask questions like its some medical anomaly.
actually most of the bullshit i get comes from other gay people, even tho there arent many around here.