First, Alexis Grace was voted off immediately after news broke that she'd make the final four. Now, after iTunes sales rankings were leaked and revealed that Kris Allen and Adam Lambert were the two best-selling artists, the frontrunners have found themselves in the bottom three.
In the past, people have cried out that American Idol is fixed, and the producers haven't really done much to prove otherwise. I find it hard to believe that Lambert didn't receive more votes than Allison Iraheta or even Danny Gokey. I mean, I find it hard to believe that they haven't already crowned his ass this season's American Idol winner.
Then again, maybe it's for the best if Lambert doesn't win. It sure didn't hurt the career of Chris Daughtry, Clay Aiken or Kellie Pickler. What do you think?
– Dewitt
“oh, so adman lambert is doing amazing and will probably win? well let me atleast vote for this guy cause i want him to reach atleast 2nd or 3rd, adam will do fine if i don’t vote for him a dozen times tonite.
PS: you’ll know it’s fixed when adam isn’t “saved”
PPS: if anything the only thing fixed now is a scare tactic that they might lose their favourite contender cause they had too much confidence in them…
) and she got got 8th place 
Ashley Leitaio, go read up about how she was the front runner to an old canadian idol season (and, went to highschool with me
(okay, arguably it’s because during the summer vancouverites were likely too much out enjoying the summer while ontario buggers were all hooped up inside abusing their air conditioning humms… >.> )
American Idol is run by Fox, aka the ONLY news station that wouldn’t show Obama’s recent press conference. They will not allow an openly-homosexual person to win.
It’s better to not win, anyway, as winning means you’re owned by American Idol…you have more freedom if you’re the runner-up than if you win.
Um, BU, I don’t watch but pretty sure the judges only get one save per season. Can’t save him now even if they wanted to, wasted it on Matt. But if it’s not fixed, those two should rebound now that viewers have seen that frontrunners DO still need votes.
Mike is right, no matter how amazing the victory moment is, you are best off finishing 3rd and not being the official winner or runner up, bound by your entry contract you signed way back when getting into the final competition was a pipe dream.
Coming in second on American Idol didn’t hurt Clay Aiken’s care; Clay Aiken hurt Clay Aiken’s career. He hasn’t taken care of his voice so he does NOT sound good at all anymore, PLUS, he has HORRENDOUS taste in music and doesn’t record anything people want to hear, except for a few Claymates who are still hanging around. Few people even downloaded a FREE song he offered the other day. He may as well go back to teaching; his music career is pretty much over.
Adam sucks. He’s as fake and as fabricated as the show.
They never said Adam was in the Bottom 2…He was probably safe and Kris was in the Bottom 2, but the producers manipulated it to guarantee that Adam’s fans would think he was close to being eliminated to guarantee he’d make Final 3.
The producers of the show have used this tactic in the past…and they have manipulated the watchers for seasons now.
They din’t even intend Kris to make it to the Top 12…Are we surprised that we heard nothing about him until his first performance episode? It was a fluke that he made it through…and now they’re nervous he might have a chance of sneaking into the Finals above Gokey, one of their “chosen.”
I hope this homo or Danny Hokey wins, because winning means you have to sell your soul to Clive Davis.
I love Allison and Kris and hope they do well in the future, but if they win they will be forced to make crappy music chosen by what Clive thinks is marketable.