In an interview with Instinct magazine, pop singer Adam Lambert revealed his belief that the gay community’s resistant to him as a fellow gay man. Not because his music is screechy or boring! Nope. We hate him because he likes sucking dick(s).
“As a community, we’re a little bit resistant to a gay male pop star ourselves,” Lambert told the magazine. “It’s very easy for people to look at my origin, which is American Idol, and automatically assume that I’m a commercial sellout or a puppet or a flash in the pan. I don’t think I’m any of those things. There’s something weird there. We’re very eager to celebrate a strong female. But to celebrate a fellow gay man – it gets catty sometimes.”
Oh no, Adam Lambert! You are such a victim! You’re so right! It’s impossible for the gay community to embrace an openly gay pop star. That has never happened in the history of gay culture. Ever.
– Dewitt
Click through to hear Adam’s new single and (inevitably) hate crime him:
I think the gay community may not be eagerly embracing him as he doesn’t have the best reputation as of late. His physical altercation with his boyfriend and getting so drunk that Lady GaGa kicked him out of her birthday party really don’t help his likeability factor. For me, his songs are very hit or miss. “If I Had You” was fun. The rest, um, not so much.
Not everyone in the community is going to like him just because he is gay and playing the victim is just a weak excuse to use. His initial performance after American Idol polarized so many people it shouldn’t come as a surprise to him that we’re not all embracing him as our poster child. Do something beneficial for the community besides partying and we might change our minds.
elton john, much?
Adam, sweetie, being gay does not guarantee you an audience in the gay community. That’s a very stereotypical assumption, if you ask me, and falling back on your sexuality as a defense against criticism is even worse.
You want us to pay attention? Fine … record something else good (as of now, you’re a one-hit wonder) and stay out of trouble.
I don’t not like him because he’s gay. I don’t like him because he’s an awful singer and most of his music sucks.
Very well said.
Yo Adam….stop playing the “victim” and get your head out of your ass. If you want a wider fan base record music that is enjoyable to listen to…on a personal note man up and shed the friggen make-up
Though I’m not defending him in any way (I do see him saying this the way he did as an attempt at sympathy which he doesn’t deserve)
I do think he’s right (to an extent).
Think about all the iconic ‘gay culture’ music artists, yes there have been some gay male artists, but most (especially in more recent years) have been female, and it really took no time nor effort for those female stars to become huge in the gay community.
I agree with him, that it’s easier for a female star to make it big in the gay community, than it is for a gay male to. It seems to me that they have to do a lot more to win us over is all.
Adam apologized for making generalizations about the community on twitter last night, but from this write up and the comments you guys seem to be making his original point. So condescending. Ugh. Way to twist someones words, where did Adam ever say anything about hate? You don’t have to like his music but it is common knowledge the male gay community loves supporting the lady divas & straight boys w/ muscles.
FTR: Adam has raised $50,000 for The Trevor Project + 1/2 million for Donors Choose & $400,000 for Charity Water — if you care to pay attention he does a lot more then just party.
He’s incredibly talented and I like him as a person. But his music doesn’t stick in my brain. And I’ll admit, I think that most out gay musicians are actually pretty cheesy and awful. So most people’s expectations of mainstream gay performers are higher than of straight performers.
I actually like this record, but I’m so sick of hearing Adam Lambert whine about whether or not he’s accepted or persecuted because he’s gay. If he stopped insisting that the public condone and love him because he’s gay and shoving his sexuality in our face, maybe we would have some brain power left to listen to his music without our response to it being colored by his sexuality. He really needs to decide if he wants to be a musician or an outrageous queen. I don’t think he can succeed as both, unless maybe he wants to be the 21st century Sylvester or something like that.
If he wants to be the 21st century Sylvester, he has a long, long, long, long, LONG way to go.
Only speaking for myself, and not for the entire gay community, I’d say that he flies under the radar for me and I don’t really know much of his music. I think of him as an American Idol star, and while there have been some good singers come out of idol, most are really bad and have to prove that they can offer something else to the music scene for me to care or for the public to embrace them. One artist, who is also openly gay, whose career I actually do like, is Will Young from the Brit Idol. His new song “Losing Myself”, is awesome. You should check it out.
Personally, however, I’ve always preferred listening to female singers to males… have absolutely no idea why, but my record collection bears that out. While I enjoy gay male artists like George Michael, 70s Elton John and Culture Club, I mainly listen to female artists like Diana Ross, ABBA, Madonna, Beyoncé, etc.
I don’t think this speaks to me not embracing gay male artists, just that I personally like female singers more… maybe that’s part of what’s going on here, not a victimization of him because we’re all “self-loathing” gay men who can’t like ourselves or respect gay artists. After all, in other creative mediums, I love gay male artists… in art, architecture, theatre, literature, etc. Sexuality can inform someone’s creative work, but it shouldn’t define it. If he produces good work, I’ll listen to it.
What was that one song he did? I always heard it in my hotel lobby. . . . “What do you want from me” yea, that’s the only song I even knew he had. His statement is beyond pathetic and if he thinks that the “gay community” actually cares enough to hate him, he’s fooling himself.
I don’t think he’s entirely right … but I don’t think he’s entirely wrong either.
Yeh, you’re right. That comparison was way off base.
Maybe people find him annoying because he’s annoying and he sings like he’s in a cheese platter 80’s hair band.
You are a very wise man 🙂
I agree!!
I fully agree.
I can’t stand him and I’d feel the same way if he were straight; I don’t care for his music, public persona or private persona and he’ll always be an American Idol reject in my book.
I like the guy. I like his sound. Not his musical choices – as much. But I listen and appreciate his voice. It’s a great tone to my taste. He’s got a little bit right there –
and he is under the radar – and he’s struggling because we love Cher, Madonna and
Lady Gaga as apposed to gay men. I remember one guy in the 1980’s … Muscle Rock
Thor. A really mediocre album – but a hot guy, hot cover, and two nice tunes. He
was dumped off the scene in about 10 days due to lack of support from gay men.
I met him a few years later. He thought he had it going on – as a career that was going somewhere. But compared to the airplay Weather Girls got, he was ignored.
He had a helluva time finding gay clubs to even perform at live. I have to say –
there’s some smoke, and then there is some fire where there is smoke. We could make more of an effort to keep up with and support out gay male artists and actors. And it’s endurance – tenacity – and flexibility on their part to keep at it, and keep evolving.
So we meet in the middle or pass in the night – depending on both sides. So I own up and respect his feelings.
He has an amazing voice and is theatrical. That does not guarantee an audience. It does get you noticed on a reality singing competition. He needs killer songs and interesting production to get past the fact that he is truly one of a very few gay artists that were out BEFORE they got a career in pop music underway. It’s not easy to be a successful pop star!
Of course he is correct…and stating a simple observation like “As a community, we’re a little bit resistant to a gay male pop star ourselves…” is not the equivalent of whining or guilting us into accepting him. Give a queen a break!
If he was making music as catchy/good as his female counterparts, the fans would be there no doubt. Times are hard girl, we can’t just be buying your music solely cuz your gay. give us something to sing about bitch.
who’s adam lambert?
What about Ricky Martin?
Boring song. Couldn’t even get through it. Waaaaaaaah, Adam Lambert, it must be hard to be rich and famous enough that people care enough to read your complaints on blogs and magazines. It wouldn’t be hard for him to capture the gay audience if that was his goal, but instead he seems to want to connect the dots between classic rock and soulless radio fodder at boring tempos, with schizophrenic dynamics (quiet, straightforward verses into screeching, screaming choruses), minus much originality, innovation, or the catchy/quirky, fun choruses that are known to capture the gay audience 9 times out of 10.
Adam, you spent the entire competition in the closet for fear you wouldn’t win, then you have the nerve to blame the gay community when you lost? Get a life!
I see-ish what you’re saying. However…the music we like, is incredibly personal, and individual, and generally we like what we like because it resonates.
I don’t think there is any obligation for gay men to support gay artists if what they produce doesn’t resonate. It isn’t a question of whether or not he’s talented, or what his personae is. If his music isn’t what people want to hear, they’ll listen to something else.
most of the venomous tirades above pretty much make Adam’s point, imho.
He’s absolutely right. Gay gays will rarely support other gays (unless they want to fuck them) but they will easily dedicate all their time/money to a straight woman (ala Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Beyonce) who claim to stand for gay rights as long as they financially benefit for doing so. Adam Lambert (who might have so so songs, but an amazing voice) has been out since the beginning (unlike other gay singers who have come out once their careers have dimmed down. And his personal antics are no worse than those of Rhianna, Britney, or Madonna, but gay guys always have this intrinsic need to put down other gay guys, particularly those that don’t play the straight acting game
That’s not why I “hate” him……it’s because he’s a mess.
He is not my taste when it comes to music,so know I do not care for him. Has nothing to do with were he puts his dick or who is putting the dick to him.
We dont hate him cause he is gay…
We love him cause he is who he is 🙂
Aww….poor Adam……We don’t hate you cuz you’re gay shug…..we hate you because you’re a screechy queen who has all the singing talent of a cum burping bullfrog, and quite frankly are one of the biggest gay community facepalms.
I love Adam Lambert. I have a lot of respect and appreciation for his talent. He has a lot of courage to put himself out there as an openly gay man. I enjoy that musically he makes efforts to push the envelope and produce a unique fusion of pop and glam rock.
I agree with his comments that the gays are especially hard on him. Reading these comments you guys all sound like a bunch of jerks and I would have no interest in being friends with any of you much less having sex with you. You really should all be ashamed of perpetuating the stereotype that gay men are all back stabbing raving bitches. You proved him right.
Have some courage. Get some balls and learn to express some respect for others. Say something nice about someone. Give some encouragement. Show some support.
Yes, some of these comments are a bit harsh, and not everyone needs to be so mean. The problem with Adam Lambert IS HIS MUSIC. I am openly gay, but I’m not gonna support someone else just because they are openly gay. If the music is subpar, then no one will want to buy it. He released a single, What Do You Want From Me, and it was a hit, people liked it, but they haven’t liked anything else he has done.
My problem with him started when he was on Idol. He screeched and screamed WAY too often. Sorry, but that’s not enjoyable to one’s ears (gay male or female diva!) he needs to tone down the theatrics and concentrate on the music and his singing before he starts lashing out at the gay community. When he actually SINGS (not screeching like Mariah Carey or Darryl Hannah in Splash) he actually has a nice voice. Check out his performance on Idol of Smokey Robinson’s The Tracks Of My Tears, he sang it almost as good as Smokey did! Very restrained and he put the song across very well.
Start singing Adam, and not screaming, and maybe the crowd will start to appreciate you more.
Also, the bit about not supporting gay male artists, what do you call Elton John, Ricky Martin, Boy George, Scissor Sisters, ERASURE, Sylvester, George Michael. So all that talk about gays not supporting gays is a joke!!
Was going to say “What the hell Adam?!” , then read the comments and thought “very well put Adam”.
Your comments about Adam remind me of a child who’s not been taught the difference between right and left and is being punished for taking a wrong turn!
I’m not even a diehard fan and EVEN I KNOW WHAT GREAT THINGS HE HAS DONE FOR THE COMMUNITY! So Gaga, Madge and Kesha are very clean and classy, huh?
Listen! You are not entitled to like or not like or even be a fan of a person JUST BECAUSE THEY’RE OPENLY GAY! HEEELLL NOOOO… But supporting them, is completely different from all this! Maybe we can respect him just for the fact that he’s polarized a big percentage of his followers, who love him no matter what, into loving the gay community AND GOD KNOWS I KNEW THIS PEOPLE BEFORE ADAM AND SOME OF THEM WERE EVEN HOMOPHOBES! Just head to and read the comments in the blog and SEE HOW MIDDLE AGED MAINSTREAM PEOPLE ARE LOVING HIS “LOVELY GAY PERSONA” !
Yes support means with all the hate, love or numbness towards a person of your kind and of your class, just mentioning the slightest of the good things they do to empower the community’s stance!
Let’s face it, the fact that he’s being embraced so widely internationally (selling a whopping 5 MILLION RECORDS WORLDWIDE AND A SOLD OUT TOUR ACROSS THE GLOBE FOR THE DEBUT ALBUM shows that), being accepted and praised by the majority of the celebs around the world , and the fact that he’s fighting hard with dignity to be accepted as a person WHO IS TRUE TO WHO HE IS generally earns him respect. Doesn’t it? And he does all this while being proudly gay.
Do you know when people called radio stations and asked the reason why Adam’s singles aren’t being played while they have the highest votes in their sites what they heard? “SORRY, HE DOESN’T FIT INTO OUR KIND OF PROGRAM.”!!!!!!!!!!! THEn WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU HELD A BIG PROMO CONCERT FOR HIM ON YOUR STATION THE OTHER WEEK, WHY THE HELL IS HE EVEN FITTED INTO YOUR POLL AND WHY THE HELL WHILE EARNING THE HIGHEST VOTES HE ISN’T EVEN BEING PLAYED JUST ONCE?!!! Because he is gay and the majority of the US are not ok with that. Because we have a protocol on most of the radio stations BEING TOLD TO THEM BY THE VERY ANTI-GAY PEOPLE WHO RUN THEM to not spread gay culture. And because EVEN HIS KIND OF PEOPLE don’t support him. That’s tragic…
He is a good singer, with massive talent, huge likeablity and self built artist of 15 years as a gay man and he deserves even the most little respect for that. When he wasn’t acting gay enough and shot artistic and fashion picture with a female model the DETAILS MAGAZINE EDITOR called him hypocrite and when he acted gay enough, HIS PEOPLE CALLED HIM DIVA BITCH. We’re just much better than that and we know it… 😐
This is the snippets from his latest album and it is actually really good, he was free to executive produce it this time and it has turned out great. It’s out may 17th, take a listen “unjudgmental”…
sorry for the crappy English.
Gay men in particular tend to be the most hateful creatures to their own kind and then the minute a straight person does something wrong towards them, they gather together and fight. AND then immediately return back to their snarky, self-hating ways. Adam is correct. It’s a lot of the reason why people hate the idea of being gay when they first come out. It’s because who wants to be associated with such hateful pricks like Dewitt.
I think all these comments need to be forwarded to him so he can see what the Gay Community actually thinks. I think that the biggest thing in my opinion is that he not be such a Drama Queen and not call attention to himself like the altercation he had with his BF. Gays in general get enough hatred from the straight community and displaying this kind of behavior adds onto the negativity the have on gays. So no, its not his singing but his Public behavior is what makes him unliked. Try putting some Positive instead of negative into the Straight Community.
Nonsense!! I like him; it’s his music that sucks. I don’t believe him or his style and I don’t think he knows what kind of music he wants to do. The music is not coming from his HEART, plain and simple. When he starts getting real with who he is and the type of music he truly wants to do, they’ll be no stopping him. There’s just better artists out there doing music that they love. . .
Whatever one says, he is one of us. With all his virtudes and faults we love him.
I could not agree more. He sort of reminds me of Annie Lennox in the 80’s LOL Wash your face.
I have to agree, I couldn’t tell you one song he has sung and it has nothing to do with him being gay.
Are you even gay? Or just one of his publicists?
It is sort of hard to compare Adam Lambert to Lady Gaga (BTW not a fan of her either) except maybe that they wear about the same amount of makeup, she is a huge world wide star, same with Beyonce and Katy Perry. The gay community supports Elton John, Ricky Martin, George Michael, Boy George, etc so it has nothing to do with him being gay. Perhaps the fact that the rest of these people just have bigger careers that cross the gay/straight line so they have become bigger names in the industry also they have marketing people and agents who have turned them all into their own brand. I enjoyed him on Idol but I don’t think I would know one of his songs if it was playing right now.
After reading pretty much every comment. Half of those comment were way off base on what Adam was stating. Gay males idolize more female artist than male artist. And that was he main point it was neither a sympathetic cry for attention nor a childish remark. I can see what he was getting at.
My personal opinion on what he does in his personal life, does play a factor in his appearance to his audience. I have seen videos clips of him making out with a guy on stage at live concerts. That’s putting the wrong impression on what his image is.
Adam if you do read any/or some of this comment
I don’t like Adam Lamberts music because it is boring, plain and simple. He has a tendency to screech and howl like a cat in a diswasher. His being gay has no bearing on my decision to not like his music. I respect that he is putting it out there, but don’t respect that he thinks he should be elevated to icon status without doing the work. I think his mindset stems more from his generations way of thinking. Young artists these days think they have put it all out there and they have worked for it, after they have appeared on a television show. There are other unknown gay/lesbian artists out there that are doing the work and earning what they have (a fan base) solely on their own merits. And not expecting fame from the tailcoats of a reality show competition.
He is a HUMAN BEING! LIKE YOU! and he has feelings, like you! He feels hated by his own people right now and that is SHAMEFUL! WHY? Why does he feel this? If you don’t like his music then don’t buy it. But, to sit here and belittle him, from his own “friends” and community is beyond me. People today are the cruelest they have ever been and looks like it is getting worse, NOT better! All these, It Gets Better Ads. Absolutely Useless, when people, like in this thread, go AGAINST what they stand for. HE IS GAY, AND WASN’T AFRAID TO TELL YOU! NOW, YOU SHOULD AT LEAST SHOW HIM THE RESPECT HE DESERVES FOR STANDING UP ON NATIONAL TV AND SAYING SO.
Very beautifully put Charles Boykin! Bravo…
Kudos to Adam Lambert for his boldness. We really do owe him in a way.
I’M A CLOSETED GAY THAT IF I COME OUT, I’LL GET EXECUTED. I’m scared to death to reveal who I am, for losing love, for losing support AND FOR LOSING LIFE. I live in a country where my president believes there is no such thing as homosexuals!
Thanks to Adam, my friends are WAY MORE ENLIGHTENED TODAY ABOUT GAYS and I feel if I want to come out someday Adam has paved the half of this bumpy road for me.
Yes, you’re dissing this Adam.
I am a music lover of all kinds. I can honestly say that I have NEVER bought an album or liked a song simply because it was sang by a gay man or woman. I strongly agree in supporting our community. ID Aids research, gay youth organizations, GLBT Founation, ect. I do not in any way believe that means gay men or women in the entertainment industry. Music is love and passion and speaks to your heart. Adams music simply does not speak to me. Neither does the Indio Girls, or New Elton John, or a lot or Ricky Martin. But I can not recall a single complaint from them on this matter. Nor an outreach from our community to do so. All I can say is buck up Lammy, the entertainment industry is a hard world. Your music speaks to those it was ment to speak to and…. they will not all be gay.
Adam DIDN’T LIE or HIDE his sexuality during the show, BUT DIDN’T SCREAM IT to prove to the mainstream America that YES, A GAY MAN CAN BE SO MUCH LOVED AND APPRECIATED MERELY FOR HIS TALENT AND CHARISMA. Then just after the show and JUST BEFORE GETTING A RECORD DEAL AND BEFORE GOING ON TOUR WITH THE AI CREW, he set the record straight to be 100% honest. NOW THAT’S BRAVERY!
needless to say, he has been out from a very early age and he has never hid his sexuality. Just didn’t see it necessary to put it into a foghorn and overshadow his talent with something completely private.
Adam DIDN’T LIE or HIDE his sexuality during the show, BUT DIDN’T SCREAM
IT to prove to the mainstream America that YES, A GAY MAN CAN BE SO
ON TOUR WITH THE AI CREW, he set the record straight to be 100% honest.
needless to say, he has been out from a very early age and he has never
hid his sexuality. Just didn’t see it necessary to put it into a foghorn
and overshadow his talent with something completely private.
He’s good, but no Liza Minelli …lol