You love Dato Foland. Apparently, we love him here too — there are a bunch of posts about him, including two Cock-A-Doodle Do Me installments. He brings a certain je ne sais quoi to his scenes, and his rabid fan base is in love with his stunning good looks.
Dato may be setting the web on fire with his performances, but now this Lucas Entertainment exclusive is doing something he’s never done before — an interview with Manhunt Daily!
(Don’t worry, I was gentle.)
– Karsh
Photo credit: Lucas Entertainment
Learn more about this red hot Russian porn star in this exclusive interview!
Dato, thanks for talking with us today! You’ve been having a great summer — tell us what you’ve been up to!
First, I want to say thank you to Manhunt Daily for your interest in me. I am delighted to honestly answer all your questions.
I would rather tell you what I didn’t do this summer. I didn’t go to gay parades, nightclubs or any parties. I took the time to take care of my body and mind. I understand that acting in adult films is not just a hobby or work, but rather my profession. So I concentrated on these factors and that gave me a lot of stimulation.
I started training hard and focusing on my career. I created my own website and established connections with lots of people in the industry. And of course, I filmed some movies.
Speaking of which, congratulations on your new exclusive contract! Why did you decide to go with Lucas Entertainment?
Because they believed in me more than anyone else, and I love their product. I actually get off to their scenes more than any other studio. They are, in my opinion, the fastest growing company [in the industry], which I respect, since I know the business from the inside. So many companies lose their businesses or independence because of bad business decisions.
Plus, the team at Lucas Entertainment is dedicated, focused and hard working. They are a team I am proud to be a part of.
Let’s talk about your latest scene — also your first bareback scene. It was really hot. Great chemistry. But reactions from people are always mixed when it comes to barebacking. What influenced your decision to make that shift?
Yes, we had great chemistry. I come from Russia and every gay man there knows him. He is one of the very few Russians that made it in America. I always thought he was very hot, and I was happy to find out that he thought I was hot too.
When we first met, the feeling was electric. We couldn’t wait to film our scene. I thought that Michael was going to be very rough and tough, but I was glad to find out that he is very gentle, caring and really paid attention to making me feel good.
It took me a year to make this decision, and there were several factors to it. This is what I do in my private life, and it is also what my fans want to see, and it is all about my fans. You see, porn is all about a fantasy, and we as performers are creating this fantasy.
This, in my opinion, is our job, and as far as I am concerned, no one fantasizes about sex with a condom because it’s unnatural and a distraction.
And of course, there are now new forms of protection like PrEP, which I have been on for a year and a half; that helped make my decision easier. My job is to get people off. It’s what I do, and I want to put 100% into it.
Do you plan to continue doing bareback scenes?
I already filmed 5 scenes for Lucas Entertainment and plan on doing another 10 with them. I plan on working in the industry for another 5 years, and after that we will have to see.
You have a ton of fans out there. What do you think they would be most surprised to know about you?
That I worked at the Moscow offices for GreenPeace. I care very much about our planet and nature. I am also a teacher of chemistry and biology.
I hear you’re into photography as well! How did you get started with it?
When I was a teenager, my grandfather gave me a camera as a gift, which was the start of my hobby. I have always had an interest in nature and the country, so it all kind of came together. Now I have a modern camera and a collection of photos of rare animals and plants in their natural environment.
Tell me what a typical day is like for you when you’re not filming.
My day starts with a huge breakfast and lots of coffee. I head to the gym then go for a nice long walk. I really enjoy taking walks and discovering places I have never been, whether it’s in Madrid or in a town I have never been to before. The day usually ends with dinner with friends.
I am also planning a new staged sex show that will be new and interesting.
Are you seeing anyone special? A lot of your recent Instagram photos have you along with a pretty hot guy…
Ha, ha, ha. I am not just an actor. I am also a poet and artist, and I always need a muse. So, I am not sure exactly which guy you are talking about.
You’re based out of Madrid. What’s the city like?
I love Madrid for being so progressive and open. Nobody cares about the color of your skin, your sexual orientation or how you carry yourself. There is a lot of energy, love and friendship in Madrid. Plus, sports fans don’t beat each other up after a match here.
Sounds awesome! Dato, where can our audience follow you online?
You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, my personal website, and of course, LucasEntertainment, whom I think I will be working with for a very long time.
Glad he at least got out of Russia with what’s going on there against Gays now a days. Saw that show on HBO horrible!
And he is right no one dreams or fantasies about having sex with a condom on but it’s a lot more convenient at a studio with preplanned testing and what not than real life hook up’s and only someone’s word that they are safe to be with that way.
While I love to watch all the BB sex it really gets me off I am not sure I could trust Prep to protect me just yet and I think people will ignore getting tests done just because they are on it and issues are gonna pop up soon enough.
Anyways good interview with a hot guy thanks.
“THIS IS WHAT I DO IN MY PRIVATE LIFE” -when discussing bareback sex
A lot porn stars do it off camera but refuse to do it on cam because it sends the wrong message which is very hypocritical.
Flex just release a “bonus” scene with timtales in which it was so obvious it was full on bareback but they tried to hide the fact that it was.
Ray Han also claims to not do bareback, but in fact does it off cam. Billy Santoro has said that he has been fucked by him off camera and that it was full on bareback
so true, no one jercks thinking about condoms..
people dont usually say they are into bareback because everybody else are the hypocrites…I mean, almost everybody actually does bareback sometimes, but because of prejudices and stigma about HIV, most of people deny it. people assume that the ones who do bareback are HIV+, which is the real stigma, because the hypocrisy and ignorance of people, not the porn actors, but the rest of people… the ones who criticizes them
hes actually wrong their i have had fantasy fuck dreams that involved helping the guy put a condom on with my mouth etc lol i still go safe in my dreams as well as reality it seems hehe
if he continues to bareback on camera and in his real life he may not be around long enough to do porn for 5 more years as he says he want to do.
Well he’s already said he’s on PrEP, and we can only guess any any other precautions he’d take
Another member of Michael Lucas’s PrEP army,Truvada must be a shareholder in Lucas Entertainment.
PrEP just prevent him from HIV only 92% not 100%. So, if he got a jackpot of 8%, what he will feel now….
Fair enough if you don’t use a condom. It is a business and if people watch more bareback you will produce more bareback but don’t bash condoms it is jus ignorant. Especially when he said condoms are unnatural!!!! So are antibiotics and HIV medication but i bet he doesn’t reject treatment if he gets an STI or HIV. Same argument people use about gay sex. It is just so backward. I just hope no one takes what he says seriously.
I don’t think he speaks that much english….
Share the joke
Who the hell fantasizes about a guy who is on a ton of meds or who is ravaged by disease? The reality is, as soon as these guys start to look haggard from the effects of the drugs, the industry doesn’t pay attention to them.
Or they go to Treasure Island Media or any number of other bareback-only sites.
So, what? Now we’re making people who DO protect themselves feel like they’re being unrealistic? That’s pretty fucking gallous. Almost as gallous as the argument that people who are pro-condom are adding to the stigma of HIV. Those with HIV should not be judged or treated any differently, but there should be a bloody negative attitude towards the potential threat to HIV! It is not a positive thing to have HIV!
Fact: the younger generations of sexually active gay men now have the highest rate of HIV infection they’ve had since the 80s epidemic.
When Dato says it’s “all about the fans”, what he means is it’s “all about the money fans make for me”. If it was all about his fans, he would care about the level of willful ignorance and indifference to safe sex he’s adding to.
At least sixteen other people got it without help.
Where the heck are you getting your ‘most people’ statistics from? I don’t assume that people who do bareback are HIV+, because they’re doing it in an incredibly safe situation that none of us can possibly match in our own sex lives. Pre-testing, all the best preventative drugs they can. It’s easy for them to say bareback is fine in porn, because they’re not doing it out there with untested strangers like their fans.
you missed the point. dont take everything so literally… it’s generalizing… and yes, bareback is a very common practice, almost everybody does it sometimes even when they deny it because are afraid of other people judging them
that may be true, but he seems to be missing the point that not all fantasies are healthy, and not all fantasies should be indulged. plenty of people fantasize about rape but it’s a different story in actuality. these excuses to indulge in condomless sex are getting ridiculous.
i applaud his mention of PrEP, but that’s still not an option for a lot of guys.
Ok then… Shame on me!
I’m not actually missing the point at all, but since you’ve done EXACTLY what I was talking about again in your response, I’ll ask again: where are you getting your “most people” statistics? Right here you’ve said “almost everybody does it”, and I want to know what your source is. If I turned round and said “almost everybody owns a Malm bed from IKEA”, just because I know more than a few people with that bed, it doesn’t make it true.
From the way you’re talking, you reckon the reason you don’t hear about all the bareback that’s ‘happening’ is because people are afraid to talk about it. Why can’t it be that you don’t hear about all the bareback that’s ‘happening’ because a) it’s none of your damn business, and b) it’s happening exactly as much as you’re hearing. A lot of the people I know who do bareback don’t have a problem admitting to it at all.
I’ve done it before, but I was drunk and regretted it afterwards, as have several of my friends who then became HIV+ as a result. There’s not a single one of them who wouldn’t rather they used a condom that time.
Besides, who are these people that feel like they need to lie about their sexual habits? If you don’t want anyone to know you do bareback, that’s good. It’s none of their damn business. The difference here is that Dato is making his business public and contributing to a gay community that’s seeing a terrifying spike in HIV transmission amongst its children.
relaX MISTER JUSTICE MAN! keep vvith your shit and demagogy to another, Im not into your game
There is approximately zero demagogy going on in my comments. All that’s there is reasonable disagreement with what you’re saying, because I feel passionately about it.
I understand. Some people can’t handle being disagreed with and lash out instead. It’s okay. You don’t have to lash out any more. I’ll leave you alone with your ‘Word a Day’ calendar. Might want to change the card over from the one that said ‘demagogy’ five days ago. I’m out.
Awesome point re: what’s ‘natural’.
Even if it was, there’s something to be said for condoms vs PrEP, not least of all that condoms are external and don’t involve you putting excess, unnatural chemicals into your body.
are you done? sorry but l stoped reading your pretentious comenst long ago. everybody is already avvare you are so perfect, o inteligent and alvvays right no matter vvhat…
please show us the truth! omg you are so wise! explain us, we are just inferior humans..
how can he be on prep when you can´t get it in europe because it´s on even approved from the health department lol. you only get truvada if you´re hiv+
Go. Away. Please. My comment if in regards to the fact his initial comment sounded like it was being sarcastic. Please find your own fights and stop trolling me.
There you go. You win.
you started. dont start a vvar you cant vvin next time
Disagreeing with you does not qualify as starting a war. But I’m happy to be the one walking away from this. Walking away is not a loss.
LOL alvvays pretentious
No one fantasizes about dying in a bed whilst looking like a Auschwitz concentration camp victim whilst covered with so many Kaposi’s sarcomas that you smell so bad that even the nurses don’t want to be near you. If you think I am being overly dramatic and that you can just “take a pill” then I suggest you Google “salvage patient”. But there you have it.