Everybody loves Leander, but who wouldn’t? He’s the total package — handsome face, killer smile, great body and an enthusiastic performer. Both Leander’s scenes with Tim Tales have been scorching hot, and there’s no sign that this redhead is ready to stop… But where will he go from here?
I had the great opportunity to speak with Leander recently, and he talked about how he got into the industry, his future plans and his off-camera scholastic endeavors. Leander says that he still has a hard time believing he has fans, but really, what’s not to love?
– Karsh
Photo credit: IMW Photography
Read our exclusive interview with Leander and see more pic below:
Leander, thanks so much for talking with me today! How’s your day going?
Great! The weather in London is fantastic today, I’ve been enjoying the sunshine.
It’s cloudy and overcast here in Atlanta. We’re getting some of that traditional “London Fog”, I suppose. Are you a born-and-bred Londoner?
I definitely feel like a Londoner, but no, I’m originally from Australia. I moved here when I was eighteen.
Very cool! What brought you to London?
I wanted to see the world. From Australia it’s very difficult to travel a lot, because of the distance and cost. But from London, I knew I could travel around very easily.
Was it a big culture shock?
On the way to London, I visited Oman in the Middle East. THAT was a culture shock, but lots of fun. London has a bit of everything, so it’s not hard to find something familiar here. I felt at home very quickly.
So let’s talk about your work on Tim Tales. You really staked your claim in your first scene with Tim. What made you decide to get into the adult industry?
It wasn’t something I really went after, but I’d always thought about it. I always said to myself if someone asked me, I would do it. So when Tim asked me if I’d shoot with him, I didn’t think too much about it.
I do it because it’s fun! I really enjoy sex, so why not have sex with hot guys in front of a camera?
Good point. Besides, if Tim asks you to shoot with him, who’s going to say no to that?
Well, exactly!
How has the reception been since that first scene?
Overwhelmingly positive. Lots of really great comments on blogs and Twitter and whatever…. Which was great, people were getting off on it, which is exactly what we wanted. Being my first appearance, I was really, really nervous about whether people would like it.
But like I said, I do it because it’s fun. I enjoy it, and people picked up on that, so that was cool. I mean, not everyone loved it, but I’m just one guy. I don’t expect to make the whole world cum.
“Make The Whole World Cum” would be a great title for an LGBT charity song.
Haha! Wouldn’t it? We could get all the porn stars together for a naked sing-a-long.
Is there a trick to sucking and taking a really big dick?
Well, for a start, you have to love doing it. And relax! It’s great working with someone like Tim, because he really knows how to use his big dick. But yeah, ultimately, you just have to really want it!
You’ve done two scenes with Tim now. Anything else coming up on the horizon? And do you watch your own scenes?
Yeah, I’m talking with some people about different projects. There are so many hot guys out there to play with! So yes, there’s definitely more on the horizon.
I watch the scenes once, just to make sure I’m happy with how it looks. After that, never again!
Just once and never again? Why’s that?
Watching yourself is strange; it’s like listening to your own voice. I much prefer to watch other guys fucking!
As a newcomer to the industry, has it been easy balancing porn with your regular life? The copper hair and rockin’ body has gotta be hard to miss.
Haha! I do get sly smiles from guys here and there, and I think, “Hmm, he’s probably seen me naked and taking a giant dick”.
It pays to advertise!
I see a lot of guys say they try and keep their porn life and their regular life separate. I guess that works for some people. But I only have one life and porn is part of that now. Besides, everything is so interconnected these days. When I agreed to shoot the first time, I did it knowing that people in my life might find out and just decided to be okay with that.
Has there been any backlash?
None at all. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, but I find that if you’re cool about things and don’t make it a big deal, everyone else will do the same. But that could be easy for me to say living in London—I guess it might not be so easy in other places.
That’s true. What is the gay scene like in London? It sounds pretty open and accepting.
It’s very open and accepting in my experience. I’m actually not on the scene very much, but when I do go out, I find everyone really friendly. Whatever you’re into, you can always find other guys who are into the same thing. So I think it’s pretty easy to get out and have fun. Plus, in London, there are always really hot guys from all over the world!
Man, you are really making me want to flex my passport and visit London! Let’s talk about your life off-camera. Walk me through a typical day.
Okay, one thing about me is that I have to eat as soon as I wake up. Before I shower, before I get dressed, before anything… I need breakfast!
Then I usually go to the gym. My brain doesn’t work so well in the morning, so I focus on my body instead.
I’m doing a Ph.D. in neuroscience, so I spend the middle of the day doing research, running experiments and writing papers. Probably not what my porn fans imagine me doing!
I often spend the evenings with my boyfriend.
I’ve also just started parkour training. I like climbing and jumping on things, so it’s a really fun way to keep exercising. So I’m often doing that in the evening as well.
How does he feel about your endeavor into porn?
I’m very lucky. He’s totally cool about it.
That’s really awesome. Let’s go back a bit though… You’re getting a Ph.D. in neuroscience! What made you interested in the field?
Well, I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology. From that, I became really fascinated about the brain. It’s such a complex thing; how does it work? How does this squishy thing in our heads make us move and talk and think and laugh?
Is there a particular focus in neuroscience that interests you?
I’m researching movement. How does the brain make us move when we want to, and why does it feel like we’re in control of our own movements? I get to do fun stuff like stimulate people’s brains with magnets to make them move.
Oh, now I probably sound like a mad scientist! No one will find me sexy anymore! I should do some porn in a lab coat or something. Scientists can be sexy too!
Yes they can! Don’t discount the gay geek population out there! Do you have any big plans for the summer?
Yeah, I’m going on a trip to the Carpathian Mountains in Romania in July. I can’t wait!
That sounds exciting! I’m sure it’ll be a great trip.
Oh yeah! Mountains and castles and wolves. I’m really excited. We don’t have those things in Australia.
Well, I know you’ve got a lot going on and a bright future in the industry ahead of you. Where can your fans follow you online?
I’m on Twitter at @xxxleander.
Hot ginger who likes dick, knows parkour and has an accent? He is perfect.
he has only one flaw: he has a boyfriend!
(seriously? laid-back easy character, ph.d., love of travel and enjoy life, handsome and ginger… some people have everything, dammit!)
I mean, he has a brain, no he studies brains! *imagines Leander in white coat with lab goggles and nothing underneath with hands holding magnets*
Absolutely charming and sexually open young man and I can’t wait to see more scenes with him in the center of the action.
Every…single…thing…about…him… **swoon** is right!
Ho-ly FUCK! Great interview on an amazingly hot guy.
That guys is incredibly hot!!!
Okay, I’m working on my PhD… and nobody I know working on theirs looks like that! I’ve got to change programs!
I know right! You can drop a penny on that butt and it will bounce right back to ya!
How does he have time to do porn while doing a PhD?? I’m in one myself and there is no time for me to travel and stuff in between experiments, writing papers, and basically thinking about my experiments and interpretation of my results!!
Well he’s only done two scenes (that we’ve seen, that is).
yeah, two scenes filmed in Germany lol
Follow me and send me a sexy message … https://instagram.com/john_seis_/ https://twitter.com/John_Seis
I think he’s hot, I’m a fan but:
I just don’t see how you can do porn IN ADDITION to something like PhD work in any field. Academia is professional and porn isn’t. Any time that I see it listed that a porn star is in an extremely professional field, I wonder if its not a gimmick. How do you get a job in academia if your background is centered around porn?
Leander would be better served to study his own neurophysiology vis-a-vis his porn hobby. Sexual arousal releases the same chemistry that authentic feelings of love release. The best purpose of sexual arousal is to reinforce the experience of authentic love by reinforcing its chemistry. It’s why we call sex “making love.” It’s the chemistry that’s released that’s the same as released by the feeling of love. But sex without love amounts to experiencing the reinforcer without experiencing that which nature intended to be reinforced. Thus the feeling of emptiness eventually of promiscuous or casual sex. Give it time, Leander. It will happen to you. It will hit you one day that your porn activity was personally futile. Not every itch merits being scratched. Not every hankering warrants indulgence. Not everything that’s fun contributes to the authentic happiness that Aristotle talks about, the psychological correlation with obeying the laws of nature. Dumb people muddle through a half-assed life. Intelligent people like Leander are forced by their greater awareness to face the reality of what they do for good or ill. Something else, Leander is subtracting something psychologically important and wonderful from his relationship with an authentic lover by “having fun” with men outside of a psychologically intimate, committed relationship. Self-indulgence and rational self-interest are not tantamount. What a missed opportunity for him while he’s “having fun.”