Rogan Richards: a buff, handsome, take-no-prisoners power-fucking alpha-male porn star who oozes masculinity and gives 110% in every scene. Really, what better intro is there than that? But seriously though, Rogan is full of personality, a great sport, and of course… He’s all about the flex!
I had the great opportunity to speak with the 2014 runner-up for Best Gay Porn Dick about his latest project, how he first got into the gay porn industry, a few of his geekier interests and more.
– Karsh
Photo credit: Raging Stallion
Read our exclusive interview and see even more of Rogan below:

Rogan Richards, it is such an honor and a pleasure to speak with you. How are you doing today sir? How are Mousey and Wumpa?
Wampa with an ‘a’ mate – from The Empire Strikes Back. Mousey is always cool as ice, and Wampa is a space cadet, so it’s hard to tell… I am, truth be told, the most frustrated and angry that I’ve ever been.
I saw the trailers for your latest project #JESUSLOVESMYFURRYPECS — can you tell me some more about it?
Considering me and Skippy Baxter are in it, I’m sure everyone is expecting a porno, but it’s actually a short film and an excuse for me to be creative and start showcasing myself as a filmmaker and video editor. That’s where my career started, and it’s where it’s leading back to. Also, it’s pretty fucking hot, and it’s a good teaser to the porn films that Skip and I have filmed that will be released later this year… *wink*
So I do this thing, ‘cause I’ve answered this question so many times that I make some ridiculous explanation up like, “I was actually an illustration in a Frank Frazetta book and a warlock granted me a real life existence, the catch being the warlock wanted to get as close to humanities’ greatest gift, their soul. To do this, he possessed my cock and tries to enter as many humans as possible. Due to this uncontrollable urge to enter everyone, I became a porn star. Seemed logical.”
The scene you did with Scott Hunter for Men at Play is definitely one of my favorites. You two have a really great friendship!
That was actually the first time I had met Scott, and the chemistry between us just blew up! Since then, I am lucky to say he has become an amazing mate. He is one of the kindest, most beautiful men I’ve ever met — inside and out. And the sex is off the scale!
You’ve worked with some of the hottest men in porn and for a number of different studios, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do a bad scene. Who have been some of your favorite scene partners?
I let my scenes speak for themselves, but I can say I have had to struggle through several films. So if what you say is true, then I’m a FKIN great actor!
What’s been the secret to your success and longevity in the industry?
I play by my own rules.
Complete this sentence: I have turned down some genuine opportunities because…
I’ve been barred from the USA!
(I’m working on a working visa as I write this…)
If people could learn something about you that isn’t obvious from what you do now, what would you want that to be?
I used to run around the playground in primary school pretending I was Dale Arden.
I know you’re a big fantasy fan — Masters of the Universe, Paul Kearney, Frank Frazetta, etc. What current fantasy series or creators are you into?
Ha! I hadn’t even read this when I answered your earlier question! And I see you have done your homework. I’m reading The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne. I’m pre-cumming for the new Mad Max and Star Wars films, and I’m watching The Walking Dead.
Where can people follow you online?
Insert “my web site” here. So I guess this is a good way to wrap up the interview and explain my melodramatic answer to your first question.
The short answer is at the beginning of 2013, I approached a company to update my website. Two and bit years later, and with over $5000 AUD spent, I am no closer to seeing this website see the light of day.
As a control freak and someone that likes to move full throttle, this experience has literally been the worst FKIN experience of my career. I’m not one to ever place blame on another; I blame myself for choosing a company that didn’t know the extent of the job they took on, and once I realised this, it was too late.
Where does that leave me? Kinda beaten down and uninspired. (No – I’m not gonna kill myself or turn to religion!) If you know me, you know I’m a fighter, and I will come out of this on top and bigger and better like I always do. Or die trying.
In the meantime, you can Google me.
“Alpha male who oozes masculinity?” LOL, he’s as nelly as they come. Just being a top doesn’t make you masculine.
Its always nice to read something about my friend that isn’t all sex and goes to some lengths to talk about the person behind the ‘off the scale’ sex. I’m lucky to have met such a great guy and I wish this man every success in the world.
so right ,
Hot, hunky, hairy AND a Star Wars geek? **swoon**
Rogan Richards tearing Landon Conrad apart is hoooot!
No one is implying him being seen as masculine has anything to do with him being a top. He’s actually pretty masculine.
your bloody awesome fella
I love “attitude” for the right reasons … and Rogan has it … besides being a Bear to lust after and must have in my Chamber of Pleasure!
Great stuff, Rogan. Keep it up (I’m sure there’s a pun in here somewhere?) (Lol)