You may not think you want to watch a video of some random dude playing Rock Band. But did we mention this random dude is completely naked? Not to mention, his pelvic thrusts could easily put several gay porn studios out of business. That’s not even a joke.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get a good screen cap of his jiggling booty, so you’ll have to watch the video to see him in action. Although it should only take up four and a half minutes of your life, you may waste up the entire day replaying this. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
– Dewitt
To watch this video clip, follow the JUMP:
Nice. This reminds me of the time I came home and found my boyfriend doing the exact same thing – playing Guitar Hero in the buff. I was so turned on that I stipped off, walked up behind him, and mounted him while telling him to keep playing. He did – didn’t even miss a beat, and I shot a massive load into his ass. It was great.
On a side note, I’d love to do the same to this guy. Very good looking.
Okay, Guitar Hero isn’t the EXACT same thing as Rock Band, but cloase enough… Lol.
Wow. Just. Wow.
This guy should probably just quit fooling around with Rock Band and do porn. He’s good-looking, has a great bod and a gorgeous ass. Wonder what’s behind that guitar!
Meh … next please.
Yep, you’re right…..totally pointless video. *yawn*
just another case of closeted gay college boys. they WANT to suck each other’s dicks, but instead, they prance around naked clutching plastic toy guitars. sad, really. honey, just get on your knees and DO IT!
Now if this was Jon Bon Jovi nakid you’d have my attention!
I always wondered what was missing from America’s Got Talent – incredible ass!
Yep, he does have a great ass and moves those hips. The youtube post – he claims to no be gay. There are no less than two other guys in the room with him – I’d like to see the video they shot later for “Like a Prayer”.
Yeah, why the hell has he not done a vid on some amateur site? And who are the other dudes on the edges of the video?
The fact it’s Bon Jovi he’s playing is immensely hot.
Slightly eye-catching that the recorder is definitely male.
Or a very hair-legged female.
What a dork!
Hottie, though!
That ass is amazing. Yowza!
I would do him in a heart beat.
Oh, hells yes! Gorgeous, cute, sexy and fun to watch.
I forgot to add, I bet the camera guy was whacking it (keeping the camera that steady takes practice… I should know, lol).
Too long & no dick flash at the end! Gen Y I guess, If U like the hairless puffed up boy look.
Three words: that sexy ass!
I like to play Rock Band naked too
I only play alone though, there is something very unsexy about video games haha.
INCREDIBLE. SO EFFING HOT! Unfortunately, he is straight, or so he claims. I went to YouTube and looked up the comments, and of course there is a ton of guys saying how hot he is. He commented twice on the video saying “Not gay. I love women” — but then I wonder, if he is straight, why is he playing Rock Band naked in front of his friends? Doesn’t sound so straight to me. Regardless, I’d sit around and watch him naked any day of the week.
Very hot, but yeah, why play naked in front of his friends if he’s straight?
Only halfway there: Better than Tom Cruise but, It would have been better if he’d have smashed the guitar in the end revealing a full-blown boner. lol
Hawt, nonetheless~!
I’ve heard that there are straight people who don’t recoil in horror from the sight of other naked men and aren’t closet-cases. Shocking, right? I’d always thought that everyone in the military, the gym, and at the beach was gay. I mean, they had to be, right? They didn’t seem threatened at all by exposed skin. And now this… My world-view’s blown.
Cute guy, btw. While video games aren’t sexy by themselves, this guy sells it pretty well.
Straight huh? Shaking your ass at another guy…guess we have different views. Hot just the same.
I agree with you Woody it would have been hotter to see his “full monty” body at the end and the boner would have been an added bonus.
Agree with furrifun47
A video of a naked guy is never pointless.
The guys has such a hot ass; I would love he pays with my “guitar” up thats ass, hahaha. But he might be straight. Straight guy always do studips stuffs as they were gays. Anyway I dont mind, I would love fuck him, gay or straight, doesnt really mater for me!
Big fucking dorky boring show off!
Smoking hot! Someone needs to sign that boy up for a real shoot!
What a beautiful ass! T O T A L L Y H O T ! ! !
Ever heard the expression “Boys will be boys”? Doesn’t make him gay just because he did that. It does make him hot tho! lol
at first i thought it was hot.
then i remembered another videolike it on xtube
thought… mmm maybe a real band will get inspired to be naked on stage.
oh! blink 182 did it for their video!
yeah, id say is cool to bring that back
Do u dudes spend all your time whacking off to lame ass bull shit on the internet? Get a life you bunch of fucking losers
Totally hot, totally cute, and almost certainly not gay. I agree with ToddM: Boys will be boys, and that’s all I see going on here.
I agree with KK.. seriously ya’ll just sit around watchin this shit. arguing the fact he is gay.. well i guess the fact a large percentage of you dont hang around with straight guys, they happen to do a lot of crazy shit.. maybe he showin off for some girls.. never know. get over it the fact he isnt gay
LOL.. eh hmm.! 2:43.. Just what would happen if Grandma really did walk in?!! Everyone’s so boning for a peak and nobodies listening to what the guy says!
When you put yourself out there you shouldn’t be surprised if you get comments from guys, that was stupid on his part. I do have to say that he is a good looking guy with a verty nice ass…since he’s claimed his straight I guess he’ll be another one saying “no homo” when I guy compliments him from now on.
Straight? My ass! But yes, his is smokin hot! He’s a closet homo. Straight guys don’t perform naked in fromt of their mates; IE the dude with the camera. lol
He’s hot as hell, has an AMAZING ass, is playing a video game, and he picked a pretty awesome song to play on top of all that. Ok, where do I sign up to date this guy or hell just fuck him? lol!
what a bummmmm
kinda douchey but his body, esp that ass, very HOT
P Lump LOL I was beginning 2 think that I was the only one who herd the Grandma comment and that comment is one of the reason I don’t think he is gay ( could be wrong ) sound like a bunch of young kids playing around and the song choice ( great BTW ) ON A PRYER well maybe he was on a DARE . But than again with ASS like that ? STR8,GAY or 4 PAY qho cares ? I would still FUCK the S**T out of HIM !!!
I wonder what kind of bet he lost to his friends to get to do that on camera.
Nice ass.
And yeah, there are a lot of guys who are not all weirded out about nakedness among friends. I don’t see why any guy who is naked around other guys has to be gay. Have we bought into homophobia so much that WE think it’s impossible for guys to be comfortable around other guys unless they’re gay?
HE IS ADORABLE!! So this is what hot young gay men do now…play naked Guitar Hero with their friends watching? I was really hoping that with that sexy face, awesome bod and incredible ass that he’d toss the guitar away at the end for a big finish. Sadly that didn’t happen but damn…HOT MAN!
VERY SEXY but… friend’s don’t let friends play guitar hero naked LOL
Aaaand Manhunt Daily finally starts to redeem itself. GOD DAMN! Ugh. I damn near crawled through my monitor. Not only does he have an add I’d like to crawl up & die in but looks like my childhood crush Brian….I’m actually not altogether sure that’s NOT Brain honestly…same body, smile, etc. & he would be dork enough to do this *shrugs* LOL
….now if you’ll excuse me, I have some “business” to take care of. ugh watching this 1st thing in the morning is NOT going to spell for a productive day LOL
Can I just bury my face in between his beautiful ass while he’s do’n that…goodness greacious!!!
BORING!!!!! nice body would loved to see more though…
If the dick wasn’t hanging below that guitar then there’s not much there!!! LOL
Fuck all you haters..the guy has a cracking body and that ass is amazing…how many times guys go crazy for a still photo of a guy without seein his cock and also quite obviously to me nothin much goin on down there. Too many guys used to wankin over too many photos!
Mr guitar guy whoever you are…Rock On!
raelly, your body is incredible but, my love, the way you move that ass it seems like you are gay, you should have shown your cock.
1. I’m surprised it’s on Youtube
2. He looks like Rafi Gavron’s older kinda toolish big brother
3. His dancing was kinda off, but I think it was offset by him being naked, because I kept watching. xD
That was soo cute good looking guy, I would love him to play for me, wonder who was in the room with him, wish it was me
Is there any one could help me to watch this video? we can’t access youtube here……
yea that ass is sweet! pretty hot! I’d hit it. Twice!
anyone else notice: the feet of the person holding the camera are clearly masculine — another guy took this video [[HOT]]
one gay guy filming another gay guy…HOTT…have a guitar u can cum over and play any fucking time sexy
Awesome body – I would’ve loved a quick pan of the camera to see the camera man too! Kinda voyeuristic… this kid has [proverbial] balls at least to show THAT much. Again with the haters… YOUR ass wouldn’t be there! Gay, str8 – doesn’t matter! HOTTIE
kept his white socks on – which revs me up – nice physique – and a touch of exhibitionism is cool
I have to admit that eventhough he didn’t give me that rock star vibe, he did show a playful exibition for us to see. That butt was a nice bubble that i wanted to see more of but, he left me hoping to get another look. What a tease.
Yea there was a total of 3 people there, left hand side for a minute or two you need a hand, then also the feet of the person filming.. Gee.. Too bad I wasn’t here!!
I think the Camera man is Naked too
I think the Camera man is Naked too