My mild crush on actor Andrew Garfield that began with The Social Network has now exploded into a “I want him to marry me and fuck me stupid on our wedding night” situation. It’s due to this adorable interview he did with Ellen about how wearing his Spider-Man suit made him feel all vulnerable and naked because it was skintight and he was commando underneath. I don’t know about you but I just bought my ticket on Fandango. I think I’ve used that line before but I really mean it this time.
The paps took some pics of Andy in his Spidey suit on the set, and it made him very self-conscious about his buttocks. We hear Mark Ruffalo had a similar problem.
“It was an acting exercise… Knowing that your keister has been shot from many different angles makes you very uncomfortable.”
I’ve never wanted to be a camera so bad. Get into Andrew Garfield being a combination of bashful and hot after the JUMP:
– J. Harvey (via Queerty)
Ya just gotta love mesh! Nice ass, too.
and the front?
Not my type, and I’m not an ass guy, but… dat ass, damn, and I love the hell out of him.
the accent seals the deal! swooooooon
Amazing ass! And the rest of ‘im ain’t bad, either!
Rather see what he looks like in front, and I will be going to see the film. Wonder if it’s gonna be in 3-D? I always thought the Spiderman films should be shot, when he’s flying around from building to building, with a 3-D camera on top of Spidey’s head.
the poster makes it look like he’s the king of flatasses but he has a nice set of cakes on him. makes me like him even more
yea, he looks like a flatass in everything i’ve seen… those shots could be of a stunt double?
I think Tobey was alot cuter.
You are not serious are you? Tobey is weird looking… and i’m being nice.
Handsome with a flat ass. Meh.
he is adorable, he can come climb MY walls ANY day
Good to know that he’s commando under there. I’m sure my eyes will be checking out both the sexy ass and hopefully the big bulge up front (but I’m not getting my hopes up on that part).
I entirely agree!