Are We Sure This Is Actually Brad Star?

Brad Star is back on the gay porn scene! Or at least that’s what they want you to think. I mean, is it really possible this is the same person? While I’m not usually one for conspiracy theories, it’s quite possible they just grabbed some random muscular dude, slapped two star tattoos on his hips and gave him a clip-on ear piercing.

Like, I’ve masturbated to Brad Star on numerous occasions, and my dick isn’t convinced this is the same guy. It’s not as if I don’t enjoy watching him get plowed up the ass by Cliff Jensen‘s hard cock, but it’s totally a different kind of boner! Does anyone see what I’m talking about? Which version of Brad do you prefer?

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Hot Jocks Nice Cocks

To check out Brad Star and Cliff Jensen in action, follow the JUMP:

Brad Star:

Brad Star (With Man-Bangs):

The New Brad Star (Getting Man-Banged):

508 thoughts on “Are We Sure This Is Actually Brad Star?

  1. I’ll take all of the versions of Brad Star, EXCEPT the one with the “man-bangs” (wow talk about a bird chest haha). But yeah, Brad Star fan here. Love ya Brad!!!

  2. to be honest dewitt i kinda get what you mean,
    where in the first pic he looks like the college guy everyone wants to fuck, and is sitting in class with a semi going on at just the thought of him, and then after the jump with the “Man Bangs” he looks even more innocent and yet kinda dirty in a way (which that whole beautifully breakable thing just does it for me).
    then we move on to the being man banged pictures which are hot in themselves, but with the previous pictures to compare them to he just appears to have gone too porno, and have the same haircut and same facial expressions as nearly every single other pornstar out there.

    What ever he has lost in the transition from photo’s A to B to C and beyond, it actually seems that this man is losing it with age instead of getting finer with age. Oh well maybe a college “dorm” scene might bring him back into the spank bank.

    Maybe he is like Samson, but instead of strength its his powers of instant boner creation that he has lost by cutting off his man bangs.

    My suggestion, grow your hair back and then get ploughed in the ass by zeb atlas!


  3. Appears to be the same guy, but it looks like maybe he’s been ‘offline’ due to a nose job. That would account for the difference in appearance.

  4. I’ve looked at this for about 20 minutes now and, while I hate to admit it, I believe this is the same Brad. Although I’m not sure what the big deal is. He’s been fucked before by Chad Hunt in a scene on a couch.
    And I agree, I LOVE the old Brad Star, but I wouldn’t kick this one out of bed. Especially if he decided to go vers with me. WOOF!

  5. I think it’s because he’s used too much crystal and he’s getting slightly older and maturing – but mainly it’s the drug use

  6. If you look closely he’s got the same moles on his chest. Definately he’s been working out and maturing. 🙂 SMOKING hot.

  7. It’s the same guy. Just a shorter hair cut. More muscular, less body fat. and more mature looking in the face.

  8. i think it’s him…he just got older, cut his hair short, lost a bit of fats and got more muscular, but i still see that i think it really is him

    maybe he went out of the scene to reinvent himself just like what happened to tim hamilton, went out a boy came back a man

  9. I’m not convinced. If you really pay attention, the “new” guys nipples are quite a bit bigger…not something you’d expect with someone who appears to have lost weight. looks like they went from nice bite-able dimes to nickle-quarter sized. Seems odd to me. That, and the new guy looks like he needs to cut back on the crank.

  10. I noticed that too LR. I thought it was the tanning but hard to tell honestly. When he’s getting fucked he looks normal so probably just a little warm in there.

  11. Who’s to say a guy doesn’t want a change of pace once in a while? Some people have to reinvent themselves in order to stay in the game. And then some guys don’t know when to change or get out of the game. Any suggestions?

  12. I thought the same thing too, Dewitt, when I saw these photos on another site. I was like, really, THAT’S Brad Star?!?

    But upon closer inspection, I think it is. The tops of his eyes are very slanted/diagonal in both pics. And Jeff is right about the moles–the ones on his chest match, as does the one on his right side in the upper inner thigh/lower torso area, at the widest part of his pubes (if he didn’t shave them). I think it’s just our boy with a haircut and all grown up!

  13. i like the younger brad star but i gotta say, like him much better as a btm this time around!

  14. He’s the same Brad Star: the g4p actors that puts me to sleep faster than sheep. He was so boring.

  15. i sucked off the real brad star once so–give me another go at him I’d recognize that taste anywhere!

  16. I think he has matured nicely; like the new look. I do think he has had a nose job though! Who cares with a cock like that!

  17. I’ll take old Brad. It might very well be the nose. But there’s definitely an attitude shift…could be cockiness, drugs, illness…definitely feels different.

  18. it iz one in the same the cock us still the same, grown up, baby fat gone, so much hotter now!

  19. same Brad but the justin B haircut is SO wrong lol And whats up with the sneakers during sex? Is this a straight porn film? lol

  20. I think hes hot in both pics. Dont get it. Does not look like he had any plastic surgery either. And just as cute in either pic.

  21. Same hot Brad. Kudos to him for going to the gym and dropping the fat…though he still looked good during his husky days. People are so quick to assume his “new look” is attributed to surgery, drugs or disease. How about the simple fact that he’s just getting older. Jeez.

  22. This is probably not the right place, but I’m really tired of watching white guys jack and fu**. I’m starting Þo find the whole thing a little boring. Same old thing everyday. Predictable and boring. I can’t even get wood anymore. I looked at Jim Pulver and Giorgio Canalli and those pix from 1983 got my juices flowing.

  23. the nose and the nipps r different… but a better tool for comparison would be cock shots……

  24. I see whatCHA mean…I think though, that it’s still him, just…with a little less weight. I could be wrong, but that’s my assumption: He’s lost weight and gotten more chiseled.

  25. I have recently becoming obsessed with Brad Star. He’s hot hot hot and spews cum like there is no tomorrow. The new version surprised me but still hot… I just hope the mega tan and bodybuilder muscles are just a phase because, for once, I do like the boy next door look.

  26. I hate to admit it but that was all but Brad… The first pic really is attractive even without taking his clothes off. Compared to the succeeding pics brad is so hot on that college presentation. It appears to me that he dares me to take his clothes off. The beard around his mandible, under the lips, the 2 nautical star tattoo on that bikini line drools meh,and that gorgeous stare makes me wanna melt…not to mention his long equipment it never went short even when he changes his habits. He was a whole package of a beef cake. I wonder if he could gain some meat on his thighs and work on with his chest. Lovely. How i wish he would be paired with Martin from MASKURBATE… WHATTA PERFECT MATCH!

  27. Well I do understand that they may look different but if you glance at the ear shape the “original” Brad Star has is called a ‘Pinner Ear’. This feature is only passed down genetically making the two Brad Stars either siblings, parent and child, OR in a more likely case the same person.

  28. It isn’t like Brad Star’s family is the only family that has “Pinner Ear.” The “two” Brad Stars don’t have to be sibling or parent and child or related in any way. They could be two guys who look alike and both have happen Pinner Ears. It would be improbable but entirely possible. Granted I’m sure it’s the same guy, I am just making a point.

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