Armani Exchange Ads Cause A Stir

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When we posted the shots from the new Armani Exchange campaign we were just happy to see the hottness that is Marlon Teixeira and Clint Mauro in a homo-erotic embrace.

But some moms aren't too happy about the ads being displayed in Kansas City, Missouri… where the children can see them! They even called it soft porn… apparently they don't watch Cinemax past midnight.

Anyways, check out this report from the local Fox newscast.

– Andy

24 thoughts on “Armani Exchange Ads Cause A Stir

  1. unbelievable.
    promoting homosexuality?
    america, grow up.
    usa becoming one of the most backward countries in the developed world.

  2. Interesting that they probably wouldn’t complain if the couples were male/female ala Abercrombie & Fitch.

  3. funny part is they say its a homosexual couple, I bet that the two guys are actually straight

  4. Well Abercrombie & Fitch gets a lot of flack too because of their ads actually, but because they are considered in the store and not usually advertised in the window display they usually get away with it. I don’t think they will be forced to take these ads down. The demographics that by AX clothes are not the same demographics that would be offended by the ad.

  5. Also, don’t forget this is the same backward state that believes in creationism rather than evolution. As I recall they are required to teach creationism in public schools.

  6. This is the best address I can find and I am only assuming that if it is not it will get forwarded to the correct person, – Knowing all the organizations that will be taking this to the marketing department to complain if you like the advertisement you should take the time to drop a line offer your support.
    So many of the campaigns have been stopped by organizations banding together that this one might leave just as easily without some support and backing.

  7. I am from Kansas City and I find it hysterical that this made it on here. I am not shocked one bit that the A/X posters in the window caused this stir.
    It is interesting that people believe this to be softcore porn. Last time I checked, that would involve tits and ass. Two people embracing eachother, regardless of their gender, is not porn.
    I give praise to Armani Exchange for taking a public stand towards equality. If they take the signs down, thats another discussion.

  8. with all thats going on in this world these people are worried about these armani ads..get a life people and worry about more important things like getting a job

  9. It’s disgusting how these protest groups always use the word “family” in their titles. I wonder how many of these straight-laced, puritanical “families” have children who abuse substances and engage in consentual sex or have husbands who take out the stresses of their jobs on their wives. Bunch of hypocrites!

  10. Dear Old Man,
    The people who shop at A/X are not the ones protesting the ads. So…if the people who are offended by them don’t shop there, you still won’t be able to shut the store down. Hates it. Hates you.

  11. Children totally learn to grow up and base their life around that window display across the steet.

  12. Can we stop using the complaints of a few people from ONE state in the midwest and a news network to bash the entire U.S. as a backward country?
    If you really think the whole U.S. is so backward try coming and living here Korea where all the gay bars in the entire country operate on one run down side street in Seoul and the sex life is entirely relegated to bathhouses.

  13. Kyle, We’re not bludgeoning religion so much as making sure that one religion in particular cannot dictate their morals on the rest of society. And Seoulman, if you don’t expose the malcontents behind the “complaints of a few people”, they gain strength in numbers and their ignorance spreads. To quote Thomas Jefferson, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance”.

  14. I e-mailed Armani and I got an automated reply that said to forward any marketing or PR requests to:
    A|X Armani Exchange
    Public Relations Department
    111 Eighth Avenue, 9th Floor
    New York, NY 10011

  15. I said nothing about being silent and allowing people to spread a message of bigotry and intolerance. I’m just tired of hearing how backward America as a whole is because some people in it are morons. I think you missed the point of my post entirely.

  16. We don’t mean that America is horrible place to live, Seoulman, it is a great place, but we are a little backwards. For a country based on freedom and liberty for all, we’re still a fairly restricted society. Compared to countries in Europe and Asia, we’re more restricted on drinking age, nudity in ads and television, and violent content in shows. All the cartoons from Japan I watched as a kid were heavily edited for violence and cleavage and pantie shots of female characters. It’s technically illegal to film porn anywhere in America except California. Same sex marriage isn’t nationally recognized like it is in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, and Sweden. We are a very restricted country and backwards considering the principals we were founded on. And there are quite a few cities in the US that don’t have any gay bars and the sex life is confined to public bathrooms.

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