“Ass Up Breeding,” Next Door Raw’s Tribute to 2Live Crew

Face Down / Ass Up:
That’s the way we like to fuuuuuuuu

Ever the subtlest around, Next Door Raw makes it their mission to broadcast exactly what you’re getting into well before you even click the thing to watch it. And Ass Up Breeding was no exception. Let’s meet the players:

81746_01First up:

Brendan Phillips.  Brendan is the slutty bottom whose mind is apparently “working overtime,” which translates to him concocting one of the most common Craigslist Fantasies ever put online: the good ol’ “my door’s unlocked come in and rape me.”  If you don’t believe me, here are several options from JUST THIS AFTERNOON in New York.  This is a thing that dudes like. I personally take great comfort in the four different keys it takes to get into my building/apartment, but I realize that’s less sexy than the MDUCIARM scenario.

At any rate, Brendan decides that Orlando Fox is the man to fulfill his super unremarkable dreams, and after some shared messages, he texts him the address (and leaves the door unlocked, of course).

Which brings us to:


Orlando Fox. Orlando is the hired gun in this one, who gets the call to just let himself in, find Brendan on the bed, and then – I guess – let himself in. Again.

Fun fact: Orlando looks distressingly like a guy I went to high school with. His name was Shay or Shane or something like that (I’ll think of it right before I go to sleep tonight, I’m sure. Seth?), so if anybody knows anything about where Orlando is actually from or what his real name is, I’d be very curious to know if that was ol’ what’s-his-name from back when. His dick is much bigger than I remember it being in HS if it is.


Unrelated: where can I score a pair of these sweet Next Door Studios Panties?!








So now you know the setup:


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If I’m being honest, this scene is fine and these guys are hot, and Brendan is a really good slutty bottom, but the RAWWWWW thing just feels super duper played out to me. It was made such a big deal of when it first became more mainstream that now it feels like “sure… if that’s what you want. But did you have to put it in the title of the studio and pretend this was something new and exciting? Really?”




I don’t know. This outlet just never feels very special because their only real selling point is that nobody has a condom on. Given the choice, I’d rather spend my energy/money over at NDCasting cause I know Markie More is gonna be totally killin that like it’s his job. But here’s some pics anyway (and nary a prophylactic to be spotted!):


81746_03 81746_06 81746_09 81746_09 81746_10 81746_12 81746_14 81746_15


And since we’re sticking to our ALL POLLS ALL DAY election mantra, I wanna know what you’d do:


[socialpoll id=”2352919″]



– tyler


PS – This is the song I was talking about in the title, if nobody was picking up what I was laying down.







(It’s important to note that I didn’t type Ass Up Breeding even ONE TIME without writing Ass Up Breading first and then deleting it)

4 thoughts on ““Ass Up Breeding,” Next Door Raw’s Tribute to 2Live Crew

  1. I’d rather face this guy while being fucked but yeah there are times I would rather be as the title says face down. LOL

    But your right was no need to add the raw part as it is common to see now with PreP being used most of the time. Unfortunately some saying they are on PreP neglect to say they are undetectable and on that med for a different reason other than prevention.

    I’ve seen plenty of profiles and posts lately saying door is open I will be ass up face down come on in dump and go though on many hook up sites.

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