
Cause it’s Huuuuuummmmp day and
I wanna see some HUUUUUUUMPS.



Last week’s Ass Wednesday is the FIRST TIE EVER! In honor of this special event, our TWO WINNERS(!) from last week are getting their own posts this weekend so we can determine an official Ass of the Week. With 21.7% each, your butt champions for last week are #9, Samson and #5, “Naked Fishing Guy” (who turned out to be fitness model and bodybuidler John Kesler):

Naked, Nude, Waders, Chaps, Fishing, Sports, Bareass, Fly Fishing, Waders





In the meantime though, Let’s move on to other asses. This week’s contestants all come from Dat Ass Got Me, one of my favorite butt-related tumblrs. The competition is fierce this week and I don’t even know who my favorite is yet. Thank goodness for voting.

Since it’s all from tumblr this time, a lot of this is anonymous butts I just liked the look of. If you know anything about any of these guys just listed as “this dude” or “that guy,” shout it out in the comments so that I can adjust as needed!

To the BUTTS:


1. This dude clearly using a selfie stick like a white girl on vacation.


2. This rando muscly biker (whose balls I’m very worried about).


3. Naked beach dude.


4. Belasco drawings should just always be in this contest.


5. This suuuper cute guy who looks sooooo familiar.


6. Marco Rubi got all KINDA ass.


7. Daniel Sicilian.


8. BangBoogie.


9. Norbert.


10. THIS.


So who’s got it this week?

[socialpoll id=”2333728″]
You’ve got a week to figure it out and I’ll tell you who takes the #cakes next Wednesday!

– tyler

7 thoughts on “#AssWednesday

  1. That first one with the caption which turned out to be #10 choice wise hell yeah! And the actual #1 picture as well! Both sucked me in nicely and yes all puns intended! LOL

  2. This weeks choices are particularly hard (as in I’m hard looking at this weeks choices) but after long and close examination I go for number one

  3. Too many to pick just one! Though I imagine there’s a fun story behind the picture of the guy on the mountain bike.

  4. I was wondering how long before #8 cums because of the carpet stimulation on his cock head. I’d love to have my face between his ass cheeks when he does.
    (here’s me eating some ass, and jerking him off from behind, in honor of ass Wednesday)

  5. I’d rub my face in it and then lick it all up and then kiss him with his cum still in my mouth.

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