True, the ones that you WANT to reach are no way in hell going to see this post. But maybe if you pass it on?
This is the story of Shane and Tom, and why #EqualLoveEqualRights (use that hashtag if you share this on Twitter) is hugely important and what the human race should aspire towards.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to move up my wedding date.
#EqualLoveEqualRights on Facebook.
– J. Harvey
Watch the video after the break. Have tissues handy, and be prepared to feel anger.
That was aweful….People are so close minded when it comes to this sort of thing.
No offense to Shane, but he makes his own point — THEY HAD NO WILLS. Was it horrible what Tom’s family did? Yes, but even if marriage was legal, and they werent married, then he’d be in the same position. MAKE A WILL. It always amazes me how people dont want to make a will and leave their loved ones in worse shape than before.
Nothing showed up in the box.
Top, so you made a will in your 20s? While yes I think they probably should have done that, lets be honest, how many 20 year olds think about wills? Also, his family could have easily contested the will and won.
Survivorfan1279 — actually yes i did, but more to the point.. if those two guys started a BUSINESS together – they they should have had reciproical agreements, etc in place so that if one died, the other would take over, etc. In the video, he makes his own point, HAVE A WILL – so kudos to him for saying that. He doesnt say if the family took any $, but I’ve heard far worse stories about the surviving person being left penniless because all the $ was in the deceased person’s name. It is true that if they were “married” then it would have been easier for him, lets say it was legal, and they weren’t married, then he’d be in the same position he was now.
Had they been married he would have had a legal right to at least gotten information from the Hospital.
I watched this earlier this morning, it made me extremely sad, and I really want to punch the mom and dad both!
That is such a weird comment to make. I mean, reallly, how insensitive can you be? Is that what you took out of the film? That people should write wills?
And if they were married or civil partnered they would not have to have wills.
No puedo creer esto! En verdad lo siento mucho y espero que algo bueno pase en la sociedad y en nuestras familias; y que se reconozca y respeten las relaciones, sean como sean. ¿Qué más da?
So even after his parents came out as assholes..neither of them did anything to protect the other? And then Shane rolls over for them for whatever they want. AND he gets to pay for a funeral he is not allowed to attend. Wow.
This is such a sad and tragic event. I am fortunate here in the UK we have Civil Partnerships for same sex couples, granting similar benefits of marriage but not full marriage. For a country that prides itself on freedom and liberty I find it outrageous that only a handful of states have same sex marriage in the USA. Love is universal and marriage equality should be too.
How sad. Depending on your views of the afterlife, if everyone has to answer for their transgressions in life at the pearly gates, I hope there is a trap door that St. Peter can pull and send Tom’s family and all the other haters, like the Westboro Baptists, straight down to where they belong! When are all these narrow-minded people going to realize that hate doesn’t solve anything? And while I understand that Shane was in shock, he should’ve hired several Navy Seals, Marines or MMA fighters as bodyguards to accompany him to the funeral. Those Indiana rednecks wouldn’t have stood a chance!
sad video to watch, especially when you see what a lively couple they were. every video of tom was him jumping in laughter- they seemed genuinely in love. tragic.
this video will haunt me for a long time. it was the NOT the lack of a will that created this horror. you can not and should not have to form a will to be in love with any person – straight or gay. it can happen to anyone. thankfully i can type by touch because i can’t see the screen clearly through the tears.
That was incredibly heartbreaking. My love and thoughts go out to him.
I know it’s not comparable, but my best friend (we loved each other likes brothers) was killed a few years ago. Going through that separation still affects me daily. This type of grieving is hard to explain – you never think it will happen to someone in their early 20s, so it destroys you. I can’t imagine losing a partner with whom I shared so much like Tom and Shane….
This video has definitely made me want to stop being complacent and do more to fight for equality. I want to prevent situations like this from happening in the future.