Aural Only: Black Eyed Peas

Meet Me Halfway

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, a nomadic rapper named searched for his true love within an abandoned interplanetary desert. Meanwhile, on a woodland planet several galaxies over, a fairy named Fergie sat waiting for her true love. In a completely unrelated subplot, some astronaut called raps at the sun. And some guy named Taboo gets absolutely no screen time.

That's pretty much the premise of the video for the Black Eyed Peas' latest single "Meet Me Halfway". If you haven't gathered from their blatant omittance on our Weekly Top Ten, I'm not a huge fan of the group. I recently heard someone call them the Nickelback of the pop and R&B world, and I'd pretty much agree with that sentiment. Not that I'm judging you for liking them or anything…

UPDATE: Okay, so I have to admit that I thought Taboo was in the beginning of the video. It was the costume, I swear! Upon a closer listen, I can actually now hear the differences in their vocals. As I said, I'm not a huge fan, so I missed this entirely.

– Dewitt

To listen to "Meet Me Halfway", follow the JUMP:

3 thoughts on “Aural Only: Black Eyed Peas

  1. Okay…did you watch the video?? The Bedouin like one at the beginning is and taboo is the astronaut…please, let somebody that pays attention to things do these posts…

  2. i totally agree with Tyre… seriously…. check, double-check, and then triple check what you’ve typed before you type it. And the Black Eyed Peas are an awesome group… admittedly now since Fergie came along, before then they were… let’s just say i didn’t listen to their music before fergie

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