Holy crap, holy crap! Bust out your naked bodysuits and sequin-covered dildos, because Cher is back in the motherfucking house. Did you hear that sound? It was this sixty-four year-old diva simultaneously snatching the wigs from the heads of Britney Spears, Madonna and Lady Gaga. Then she devoured them whole with her vagina. I’m not even kidding.
If you’re wondering why I’m so damn excited, you need to take a listen to “You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me”. It’s one of two songs Cher performs on the soundtrack to Burlesque, and it’s the most epically gay power ballad since… well, anything.
– Dewitt
To listen to “You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me”, follow the JUMP:
I fucking love her. So good to hear her sing again. How can you not root for her at any age?
I love it!!!!
Ok, so that was ridiculously awesome!
When do we get the pounding dance remix? You gotta know there will be one, huh?
Yes, this deserves a remix and it will bring back Cher to the spotlight again. She needs to be more present in today’s music and show all of these girls in the biz how it’s done.
Dance mix already up on youtube. Not too good, though.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!! The original DIVA is back and with an amazing song! This definetly needs a high-beat remix to burst the gay clubs inside out and show all this new scene queens how its done!
Will and Grace definetly got one main thing right – Cher is GOD!
Can’t wait for it. She made a good ballad that you can totally tell will be awesome when made into the dance remix. Like Pussycat Dolls Hush Hush was but 10x better.
that voice…
fuck all other divas!
cher straight to the top of the chart!
dewitt, i’ll hunt u down if it’s not at least in the top 3!
That was crap..
Good stuff! It will be a big hit. Loved the video too. Never seen many of the pictures.
Both cher and christina are great.
Cant w8 2 c the movie
Not my taste in music, but I have nothing but respect for Cher.
let me be the first to note that Cher will be the only artist ever to have a top ten hit in SIX decades (60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s)
Cher is the almighty mother goddess!
I can’t wait till it comes out in theaters.
Generally like Cher, but not a rabid fan, and quite honestly found that to be a bit of a yawner…
Think she got this just right
This song will not chart in the US guys. C’mon you know this is not what radio stations play.
It is a nice ballad, but nothing special.
She will be lucky if it cracks the top 100.
I am not saying I agree with what radio plays, but lets face it – they’re not older lady diva friendly or ballad friendly.
Are u fucking kidding me CHER is the Bitch to beat Bitches!!!! NO ONE I TELL YOU NOONE will ever top her.She should be immortilized in gold Sorry but this fag is in awe.Lady Gaga who?
Stop the Pro-Cher gay bashing. People may like her or not. Her song is beautiful and that’s it! May Diversity live long! Bitches!
So effortless. Cher really puts Katy Perry struggling to stay on key in Fireworks into perspective, huh?
i’ll have to agree with Mel
i dont think it will be a billboard hit.
top 100? maybe. it’s just american radio is crap.
it would be a hit in the uk if they could bother promoting it, but not in the us.
I agree with Nex and Mel.
It is a nice song and shows how amazing her voice is, but it is not what most people are into right now.
Not that I agree with American radio choices, but this will not be one of them. It is too slow and Cher does not fit a “market” audience anymore. Same thing has happened to Madonna, no matter how awesome we may think they are, radio and radio listeners do not like their songs.
I think Cher needs to make some more “good” dramatic movies and release some good dance up-beat music.
I was hoping for so much more with a new Cher song.
I really don’t like it.
I wish I did. I wanted to, but I don’t.
Radio won’t like it either.
Too bad, I love Cher.
I was lucky enough to see Cher in one of her “last ever concerts”, and all I can say is Thank God it wasn’t! It was one of the best concert experiences I’ve ever had. She is tough, real (surgery enhancement aside) & I can only hope that I can look back at my life and say I lived half as honestly as she has. She’s earned respect, if for nothing more than being courageous enough to say “fuck you” to all of the people who said she couldn’t, shouldn’t, or just wasn’t “good enough”!
Can’t really beat the remix of “Song for the Lonely”. Glad she hasn’t lost her touch, though. =)
I was lucky enough to see Cher in concert and LOVED it. She has a sense of humor and self-awareness that’s refreshing. This song is pretty great…she still has it!
Holy…crap. That’s mind-blowing to think about. And I love that she never takes herself too seriously.
Don’t like it – there i said it.
Epic what? Epically dull perhaps.
Saw the advanced showing of Burlesque last night and it was AMAZING! Her performance of this song in the movie was just breathtaking and she nailed her role. She’s still got her “it” factor after all this time.
JC..Cher could fart and you bitches would go crazy with the sound..O’ so fab..Cher is so fucking fab..No doubt she is but really that was crap…
That’s what I call Pussy power bitches !!!
What is it with the gays and remixes? Why ruin a song that’s great as it is?
Time for Mo, LGa, Brit, Christie, Pinkie, JHo, MaRi, and all the wannabe divas to knee in the presence of true greatness…Cher is the Mother Goddess of charm, grace, and pure talent…