Awkward Gay on Straight Spooning

The new season of the Real World isn't good for much honestly. But once in a while a hot naked guy or awkward gay-on-straight spooning occurs. That leads us here, to a late (probably drunk) spoon fest between gay roommate Derek and frat boy Bronne (yes, his parents decided meathead was his fate from the onset).

Anywho, check out the awkward but kinda hot action, you even get to see a some ass! Can't say I'd mind being in between those two.

– Andy

7 thoughts on “Awkward Gay on Straight Spooning

  1. wow…what a lucky gay guy to have a straight friend like that. Most straight guy will be so defensive

  2. why is begging through this whole vid for him to stop but for some reason if the cameras were not there he would be begging for something else! lol

  3. LMAO. What an attention whore… “no! *snicker* no! *laugh* get away from me!”

  4. Derek is not cute and this whole Cancun cast sucks. The guys are all tools and douchebags! I’m not watching. I try and watch and hope I find a trait or cast member I like. And I never do..oh well!

  5. um Brono is so cool! and he had to grow up with a gay best friend or brother(unless he has a dying thought of being gay himself), he was not the timid straight guy and can hold a conversation jokingly without crushing feelings or being like dont touch me! lol

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