The MET Costume Gala was last night in NYC. The theme was “punk” and few celebrities embraced it. Although, January Jones and Sarah Jessica Parker at least gave it a good try. What was more intriguing was Riccardo Tisci. He’s a the fashion designer that currently works for Givenchy. He’s ALSO the dude who is rumored to have been in a gay relationship with temper tantrum-tress Kanye West! It was my first look at Mr. Tisci, and HOT. DAMN HOT. He puts that Marc Jacobs chick to shame! Take a gander at this assemblage of Riccardo Tisci pics and dare to disagree with me! He’s even hot when with a bloody nose and wearing a dog as an accessory. You’ll see what I mean below.
GOT-DAYUM!!! If Kanye banged him, I would not be mad at him, I’d love to have a romp with Mr. Tisci, he’s VERY hot!
Please refrain from comparing Marc Jacobs to this or any other man; Mar Jacobs is down right fugly and has creeper written all over him – it’s in the tats men!
Kanye does not deserve sexy Riccardo.