Want to know something funny? Since starting our weekly Bi The Way series, we received the most positive feedback on a post with the most pussy. And do you know which post got the highest number of unfavorable comments? The one that had absolutely no vagina whatsoever!
At this point, I’ve stopped trying to figure you out. We’re gonna keep this feature running as long as there are still bisexual men using Manhunt, so you better get accustomed to its presence or completely ignore it altogether. Do you want me to rant about this again? Because I will.
Today’s update includes two faces you might recognize from Corbin Fisher, except this time they’re sandwich-fucking with a lovely lady named Delia. This scene is one-hundred percent bisexual, and everyone gets at least one of their holes stuffed by the end of it. We hope you enjoy it! Or at the very least, respect that other people might be enjoying it…
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Amateur College Sex
To check out all the hot action, follow the JUMP:
NOTE: We here at Manhunt Daily have no intentions of endorsing unprotected sex. We encourage you to make responsible decisions in your sexual activities, however you may interpret that. Apologies if this disclaimer is a boner-kill for some of you, but we feel the need to put this out there.
Well I thought it was hot and I’m not even bi. o.o Kinda wish it were me instead of her.
Never have had sex with a woman; never want to have sex with a woman. I have always watched some hetero porn for the hot guys. Bi porn has been a favorite of mine since Catalina’s “The Big Switch.” Watching guys sharing each other and then sharing a woman is a guaranteed wood builder. My partner who was married to a woman refuses to watch anything but bareback vids. No accounting for taste, I guess.
Well, lately I’ve been watching vids of bi 3sums, and spite of the gil, I kinf of enjoy it a lot more than gay vids, mostly becuz, I dunno if it’s becuz of th girl or whaty, but the guys get mor nasty, horier, they moan more they fuck eachother harder and, spite than I’m not into freely bareback sex, bareback porn it’s my favorite and most of bi vids are. And this guys.. well, are tremendously hot, like all CF models are!!
damn, I’m reading my post and what an awful ortography do I have.. =S
Why do bi flicks always have such ugly bitches in them? Where are the big breasted Vivid video type ladies?
just change the name to pussyhunt, am done with this site sorry andy but your black bisexual co worker just couldn’t resist his breeder insticts.
Awww. Poor dressden. Sheesh. Good riddance if that’s the way you want to act.
This was HOT! In EVERY way!
Haha, dressden, you stupid, uptight, racist queen, be gone!
I am a bi guy and I thank you for posting these pics. Nothing is hotter than uninhibited MMF sex. It is definitely the best of both worlds.
On a slightly ranty note, it is interesting the amount if intolerance there can be in the gay community. Seems a bit hypoccritical.
Again, thanks for the pics and the site.
This was totally hot in every way! Love the fact that they were sandwich fucking.
BTW, Dressden, FUCK YOU
Cain is absolutely delicious…the thing i would do if i had the opportunity to play with that sexxxy young-un.
My dream come true. I like pound a guy while he is fucking a girl. Dewitt, keep ’em cumming!!!!
so…why is she even there? did they ask for room service or something?
I definitely dig the MMF porn. I can proudly say that even though I’m gay I have no problem slamming my junk to a pair, or in this case trio, of beautiful people. Most certainly hotter than hell.
If this was baseball Dewitt would be a triple crown candidate. Always coming up with the good topics.
Very hot. Thanks for posting.
@dressden: Bye – Don’t let the swinging doors hit you in your sorry ass on your way out!!!
Gettin better Dewitt!
@LEO, I hear ya, though nothing kills a hardon like all that super-fake chick screaming mainstream porn ladies do. There probably isn’t enough money in bi porn to hook the big names, so the D list gets rolled out.
Now, Dewitt, as much as it’d get derided over not being full of hairy 40 year-olds, if an amateur, dorm-style bi flick happened to show up in the rotation…
Love it. Thank for posting this!
YUMMMM!!! Hot stuff there. I agree with the guys above…I see me there instead of her.
The guys are hot as fuck. Ditch the bitch!…The cunt smells…literally…
I love these posts, keep them coming. I may not be into vadge but a guy fucking a girl is really hot. My fav scene from Corbin Fischer is one where Dawson fucks a girl so hard he jumps off her, onto his back, and shoots on his stomach, all without touching his dick. Amazing.
Never been with a woman but I am slightly curious (at 38…wow!) and these posts are absolutely fuckin hot!
And Dressden is an ass
I’m a 100% gay top but bi porn is awesome!
Three perfect tight little butts getting plowed. Fucking poetry.
I love getting it on MMF style. Especially double-vag penetration… it gets mighty tight in there, dicks sliding against each other, with the chick going crazy… my favorite kinda sex. Never did the sandwich train before… gotta try that…
Thank you Dewitt!