Blogging! Blogging! Read All About It!!!!


I was discussing blogging with a couple friends of mine the other day and
the inevitable “aren’t blogs online diaries?” comment surfaced. While I tried
to explain to them the different types of blogs, I realized many of us probably have
some sort of cross-over between types and rarely consider what our dominant
blogging style is.  Now I’m a huge, huge, huge fan of blogs and I visit my entire favorite blog sites every chance I get.

My friends shared with me how they are into blogs and how there are so many different types of bloggers and or styles of blogging.  So we literally came up with this list of “types of blogging” to find which one better fits the bloggers that we frequently visit.  I shared with them last night that I am also blogger – of course this was after we’ve finished with our list.  I’d let you all know which one I am after you guys get done reading the list. 

Here it is:

  • The Second-Hander’s – These guys desperately need rehab. Can’t survive a single day without checking out their own blog at least 10 times a day… for the comments, what else? Their primary motivation for blogging is the comments they inadvertently seek from others.
  • The Pseudo-realists – They create an alternate world through their blog and the community built around it. It’s their escape from reality.
  • The Technocratic – They blog with a specific purpose, every word on their blog is measured and is placed strategically to derive the maximum literary mileage out of it.
  • The Rainmakers – They make rain from their readers’ tears! Emotional postings are their specialty and they have a special circle of admirers.
  • The I-Want-In Types – These guys blog just because everyone else is!
  • The Muddle-Heads – Their posts are all over the place. No agenda, no structure, no trends in their posts. These are the random walkers who churn out occasional jewels.
  • The Wannabe Critics – They pick up news items from anywhere and try to spin their own yarn around it. Their posts are mostly unoriginal secondary reports like secondary market research.
  • The Artists – The genuine entertainers who make the time spent on their blogs worth the money! These are the quick-wits from your college gang, who can make a joke every other sentence.

I guess the above classification makes me a definite muddle-head.

So what’s your type???

If I missed your type… leave me a comment 

Bumble Bee

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