As some of you may know, I'm a sucker for cute shit. If you placed a picture of an extremely attractive man next to one of an adorable puppy, my head would probably explode from trying to decide which one to focus on. And if you place them in the same picture? I won't know whether to pop a boner or squeal in delight, but I will love every minute of it.
With that said, it should be obvious that I'm obsessed with boys + cats. Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like–pictures of cute guys and their faithful felines. Some of the pictures are hilarious. Some of them are kind of sexy (and not because of the cat). And every single one brings me happiness. In other words? The internet is fucking awesome.
Just don't take this as an indication that it's okay to flash your pussy in your Manhunt profile. There's only one place on the internet that pictures of hard cocks should appear next to pictures of kittens, and that's my Tumblr page. Which reminds me… I need to step up my game in posting more cat pics!
– Dewitt
To see more boys with cats, follow the JUMP:
dewitt you’ve made my day.
this is very sweet. i love the couples shot.
you know the pro-gay rights people should run ads featuring gay men with cute animals and cuddling them.
the ahhh- thats so sweet effect would probably melt alot of people’s hearts and might work on getting the female vote.
women love sweet cuddly things and they do make up at least 50% of the vote.
imagine those anti-marriage ads, with two people staring at the camera talking about how gay marriage would be bad for their kids and how its a threat to the “institution of marriage”, and the next ad that runs is two gay men holding hands and cuddling two cute little kittens, and the words: “how could this be a threat to anything” scrolling past.
one wins more flies with honey sometimes.
off topic slightly but just a thought
I thought we were gonna try and keep the amount of pussy on this blog to a minimum
Seriously, there are some really good pictures here. I like #3 from the top, with the couple. Reminds me of an old Elayne Boosler joke, where she described her discomfort with animals watching her and her boyfriends have sex. She said that dogs look at it with fascination, while cats have this look of “I’ve seen better.” Siamese cats, she said, were even worse, looking like they’re thinking “I’ve had better.”
This is awesome! I miss having kitties around, this almost makes up for it.
The toilet one is adorable. Actually, they’re almost all adorable.
I laughed at the last one, too. They’re not hairless, they’re smooth.
This has got to be the best post on MHD ever!
The kitty in pic #6 is the most cutest cat I’ve ever seen.
Great change of “scenery”, love the fur, on the guys and the cats.
I agree jimbo dewitt made my morning
Wow the cat and the boy in the last picture both have the same expression!
Love these photos. Does anyone else think that the last boy looks like a masculine Pixie Geldof?
Totally gay. Dogs rule. Detwit, you suck.
I think i’m allergic to cats =\
Gay Boys and there pussy.
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