Brad Pitt is great for staring at, especially when naked as we proved last night. But Brad is so much more dimensional than that, he can talk technology and online dating too. So MANHUNTers, pay attention to his words of advice!
Brad says in a new issue of Wired Magazine, "Everyone lies online. In fact, readers expect you to lie. If you don't, they'll think you make less than you actually do. So the only way to tell the truth is to lie."
Okay, maybe don't listen to him. We know you guys would never lie on MANHUNT… right? Seriously though, does he have a point? If you put in your real age/weight do you worry people will automatically add 5, with the expectation that you're lying.
While you ponder these questions enjoy Brad on the cover or Wired. Like fine wine I tell ya!
– Andy
Oh please, what does he know from online dating? “Oscar nominee seeks winner w/serious parental issues”??
That’s what I thought Wayne after reading this. Maybe there’s some hidden exclusive A-list celebrity dating site?