Video confirms Santoro’s Butt is “OK.”
Earlier this evening, I sent a tweet lamenting the fact that Billy Santoro hasn’t sent me any disturbing butthole/creampie videos in nearly a month, and questioning whether or not his butt was ok.
Moments later, Santoro replied with the following video:
— Billy Santoro (@BillySantoroXXX) February 19, 2016
Manhunt Daily can confirm that Santoro’s butt is, in fact, OK and will keep you abreast of any changes. Watch the Billy Santoro tag for further updates.
– tyler
I think we should have a regular feature, Billy Santoro butt report
If I ever tweeted and Billy answered me I’d probably pass out! WOOF!!!
he needs a moist tongue first then a lubed cock to finish….yum !
You should tell him that. He seems pretty receptive to such things.
Lol. My policy is just to keep doing it until he does. Constant twitter harassment until he shows some butt.
lmao. I’ll let him know. He can be our scene reporter.
I was thinking we could get Seth to record a weekly vine, Yes I can report Billy’s arse is still firm and meaty, that is all sort of thing
The thing is, as a bottom, I find Billy extremely enthralling in my visions of him as a top. Always have, and likely always will. He is, without a doubt, the gorgeous hunk of a guy-next-door; now if only he lived next door!