This delightful video of a male cheerleader who likes to kick, and stretch, AND KICK for China’s Shandong University gave the world a big hug today. Kudos to this young man for refusing to wear the male version of the team’s togs and hang in the background for the sole purpose of catching these other sluts.
Nay, he sashayed his rhythmic ass up to the front. Where he belongs. And he showed them all!
– J. Harvey
To watch this fearlessness in action, Follow the JUMP:
ha ha fun…..good on him!!!
Oh no he di’nt. Oh yes he did! You go girl.
I love it! I love how he’s the leader of it too!
Now, I am not sure about that outfit….but hey, he killed it.
Well, it does take guts…
Loved it!!!!….You go boy!!!!!
go gurl!!! shake those booties and pompoms!!!
Yikes indeed. Ugh, the line between men and women will be completely blurred soon. Sad.
i agree it isn’t awesome… is a big turn off to watch and doesn’t feel like civil rights advancement in the slightest……..
is def a PLUS that he’s actually part of the cheer and isn’t “hang[ing] in the background for the sole purpose of catching these other sluts” — i guess i prefer this to male cheerleaders who literally just catch the whores as the fall — though, would much prefer it if he were wearing men’s clothes
k, we all complain about people making catty & disparaging remarks on Manhunt, so I have ask: why exactly were the girls labeled “bitches” & “sluts” by the blogger?
He looks ridiculous. And is it really necessary to call the other girls sluts? Isn’t that just mysogyny?
Congratulations, Mr. Harvey. Well done.
one would never catch a guy in this country wearing that outfit as a male cheerleader. He would be dressed like a pep promoter and not not be wearing something that skimpy and get away with it.
i was the first male cheerleader at my hs in north nj and got no recognition by the school system at all! mayjor props to HIM!
Isn’t misandry to say he looks ridiculous yet not say the same for the girls? I bet if a girl were in the background wearing a male’s uniform and catching the “sluts”, none of you would bat an eyelash, yet he throws on a skirt and it’s the end of world. There’s nothing wrong with acting feminine, and it’s really misogynist to think so.
its a big turn off for meto see a guy acting so feminine but i have to say bitch werqed it. not my cup of tea but good for him for showing those girls up. also in a side note i think they all have the same chest size
SAD indeed! The reason I’m a fag is because I want to be with a MAN! NOT a cheap imitation of a chick. I was straight, then bi, and I’ve made a journey to manhood-2-manhood.
To see gays celebrate and encourage femininity in Men is ridiculous, pathetic and a real bad joke.
No wonder “the straights” hate us.
You idiots who say “you go gurl” to the sick display of a “man” acting like a woman, are just plain ignorant and psychotic. Exactly what grade in junior high school did you drop out?
So the moral of this sad story is – let Men be Men and let men who act like chicks get a sexual reassignment already.
All you queers who encourage men-acting-like-women, get therapy, and stop using drugs!
I have to admit I’m torn, and have a few mixed thoughts.
1. I don’t really find that sort of thing attractive, and therefore, there is certainly a part of me that is not impressed. That’s a negative.
2. To do what you want to do regardless of how people receive it, especially when it’s way over the top, takes balls – and his have to so big I’m surprised they’re not dangling. That’s a positive
3. Whether or not it helps “our cause” can be taken two ways
a. The ones who hate gays anyway will have their opinions of gays reinforced, therefore detracting from “our cause”. Negative
b. The ones who are less dedicated to hatred will have some exposure that serves to lessen the “shock value” of homosexuality – sort of like desensitization. That’s a positive.
So there, I’ve eaten up precious seconds of your lives to explain why I am very unsure how to take it… but Kudos for him for not giving a shit how I feel!
Hey Alex, while I can understand your gay homophobia, we all experience it sometimes. Your journey is your journey. As you mentioned you went through some transitions. Also, what you are into, is what you are into. It isn’t the same for everyone and it shouldn’t be.
Gays saying, “you go gurl” is only as bad as fags saying “hey bro..” and putting on a pretense of masculinity. You shouldn’t hate on people who express their gayness differently than you do, because it doesn’t actually reflect on or concern you. The truth is, you don’t know the context of this video. This kid could be doing this for fun, he’s clearly having a blast. And it was put up here to be fun. So just fucking relaxe dude bro.
This is a gay site right?…and we are all ACCEPTING in the gay world right?…this is who he is and we as gay men and lesbian women, we who demand of the so called straight world are RIGHT to be, accept him and his right to be…him…it does not matter if you or I get it or like it…it is who he is…we of all people MUST welcome him into our FAMILY, or we as gay men have no right to be accepted into the families of others…bless him…go for it…and he is in China after all…a great dancer, a great kicker, and a brave person…
What’s more of a “thing” to me is not the guy in a girl’s cheer leading uniform doing the routine, for all I know he did it on a dare or lost a bet, however, based on the post this seems to take place in China…I guess I hadn’t realized they were this Westernized.
I feel like people should be allowed to be who they are. Don’t judge guys who are feminine. Just let them be. We are who we are and love who we love. I find it amazing that he is able to be so free in who he is that he can get out there and cheer with the best of them. Who the fuck cares what uniform he wears?
I have to give the guy credit, it does take balls to do what he has done. Whether or not he’s a femme doesn’t matter, he has entered a field that has been strickly been female dominated. Because he’s wearing women’s garb shouldn’t matter it’s what has been achieved that does. Women who do manly things and succeed get applauded, but take a male in a female society he is condemmed and called a queer.
My hat is off to you Bud!!
It takes a real man to put on that outfit, work it and be comfortable in your own skin. I give props to him, everyone should be comfortable as who they are and should not have to change for anyone!
You pathetic liberal queer!
Not only are you ignorant, you’re absurdly out of touch with reality.
I’m not homophobic, Stupid! I am queer!
Let me spell it out for you since you have the brain of a gnat. I am gay and I am proud that I am a MAN that wants to be with a MAN! If I wanted to be with a woman, I would choose a real woman, not this “thing” dancing around that thinks he has a vagina.
This “freak” is a he/she that wears a girls outfit that obviously is a woman in a grotesque form of a “guy”.
I will relax if you grow a pair of guy balls and look at reality as it is, not in the rosy-colored queer glasses of your pathetic liberal life.
Um, wow. You are full of so much hate! There are varying levels of masculinity, and not all fit within your preconceived notion. Lay off the name calling, it shows your lack of maturity.
And, for the record, one CAN be gay and still hate homosexuals. People hate others all the time just because they remind themselves of something they really hate about himself.
I celebrate the person having the courage to be himself. Only the weak judge.
uhm… bitter much, Alex?
I agree very much with Alex the Great! 😀
Yes, I hate ignorance!
Thanks for your amateurish attempt at psycho-analysis – it just shows your inability to understand complex concepts and shows your glaring propensity to liberal nonsense.
Your lack of a world view is what is destroying this country and will keep gays from developing into a real cultured society.
I don’t blame straights for hating us, it’s idiots like you that feed into the pathetic stereotype that they bully and persecute.
There are not different levels of masculinity – it’s like being pregnant – you either are masculine or you are a cheap imitation of a woman.
This “thing” prancing around, has a vagina – I shudder to think it actually has a dick. There is nothing brave about a person becoming a caricature of what society loathes.
I’m surprised DAK that you can write a complete sentence and to you queers that support this “thing”, there are meds for that.
Good for him..he’s amazing. As for people threatened by how comfortable in his own skin… is sad coming from a gay website. Just sayin. And finally kudos for mr straight then bi then gay man on grizzly man sex for joining the team. Lame.
Ha! Attacking my intelligence & “world view” without knowing anything about me in the slightest. To lash out at someone simply because of a varying opinion is just full of spite & vitriol.
And technically, there ARE different levels of pregnancy. Ya know, like, embryo, fetus, 1st trimester, 2nd trimester, etc.
I find it sad that you think ‘I’ and other like me who accept people for who they are (as long as no one gets hurt) as the one(s) responsible for “destroying” our country. Surely it’s not those who hate & persecute? Nope, me & my fellow “liberal” (read – okay with ourselves & others) are tearing apart ‘Merica.
Good for you for defending us from fags, queers, dykes, homos, pole smokers, queens, limp wrists and whatever else we’ve been called by straights – and ourselves it seems.
Good gracious, I’ve fed a TROLL!!!!! Oh no!
lol Alex. U mad bro?
that dude is great. You go boy!
The guy in the video can be as gay and as flamboyant as he wants to be. It’s not my place or ANYONES place to dictate otherwise. Personal preferences aside, if it makes him happy to wear a cheerleader costume and dance around with pom pom’s than who am I, or ANYONE else, to say otherwise.
I like guys who look like guys. Some guys like guys who pluck their eyebrows and shave their legs. Some guys like women but sometimes find they have a cock in their mouth’s. It takes all kinds. Who am I to say what’s wrong or right when it comes to how you express yourself? Nobody really has that right.
If you can look at yourself in the mirror and be proud of who you are , than it’s alright by me. If anyone else has a problem with it than it’s their problem and not yours.
All I have to say to the guy in the video is work on you timing and your fan kicks need to higher. And most importantly, don’t forget to point your toes and remember to smile.
Hugs back!
Alex The “Great”: Can’t tell if trolling or just very stupid…
Agreed! Sure his choreography was off a little bit now & then, but damn, I wish I had the skill & coordination to do anything halfway as good!
I do find it funny (sad) how some people demand that others be tolerant of them, but deny it to others. Hmm.
Alex the great ….great what? You are fucked up dude. Come up to my neck of the woods and I’ll show you “guy balls” , or better yet “man balls”. Let the little guy do what makes HIM happy. Now run along down to K-Mart for some good ole’ trailer trash cruising with the good ole boys.
DAK a couple months ago when I said I disliked men who feminize themselves (shave their chest hair etc) you jumped all over me. It seems as you are a femanazi. If a person is gay they can have no personal preferences except what you agree to. I dislike femme men and don’t associate with them I just bitch slapped you! I know you enjoyed it because you aren’t the sharpest tool in the tool box, it is obvious! Alex has a point and I agree with him!
i think haters reacted sensitively to the outfit and the music. i watched it with the volume off, and he looks like any ohter guy, he did the choreography as it is. could have done it with more feirceness(girlesque). he had on was shorts with strips danglin, and a short tank topish thingy. hes not even a twink flame to go all hate, sensitive crazy about.
I’m not a “femanazi” (whatever the hell that is), I just happen to believe a person – you know, a fellow human being like, well, maybe something like you and ol’ Alex up there, can be whomever they want to be without fear of hatred from jerks.
You can have whatever personal preferences you want! Honestly, I believe that, even if I disagree, but when you cross over into insults & degradation, then you lose something. Dignity.
Haha…kmart…..git ‘er done!, Alex better be great!
I can’t get over how many comments sections on this site turn into verbal cat fights! (i.e., that argument above the short & sweet comments on this page). Have met some great guys on Manhunt, but hope I steer clear of these people who just rant and rave and attack each other.
I am incredibly glad that I’m not you.
Also, you are homophobic. 80% of what you’ve written is pure homophobic vitriol. I can relate. People who are “too gay” in certain situations make me cringe…it can be socially awkward to be around and just plain uncomfortable.
However I recognize that this is due entirely to my own insecurities and I do my best to get over it.
What I tried to point out is that, for starter,s this post wasn’t intended to attract you, it was intended, obviously, to amuse. Its harmless. Furthermore, you don’t even know if that kid is actually gay. He’s just performing a routine in drag.
You can hate on female impersonators all you want to, but they fact is, they started the gay rights movement in this country. They are the ones that push the boundaries and allow regular, below the radar gays to be out in the open. By attacking them, you’re attacking the people that have given you the freedom to be you. That’s seems a little fucked up to me.
Read up on your gay history dude. There are several respectably researched sources out there.
As for your foxygen huffing diatribe against my liberal attitude. It is only through liberalism that civilized societies can continue to function. If we all ascribed to traditional conservativism then you me and everyone posting on this blog probably wouldn’t be on this blog because things like Manhunt wouldn’t be illegal.
My main point though, is really, just lighten the hell up.
Good for this guy! He has more balls than most of the population to be himself regardless of what anyone else thinks of him and to not worry about what others will think. Why anyone, especially from the gay community, would bash him is confusing to say the least. MORE people need to have his courage.
since we’re all hating on the haters, I just wanna know WHY very few (it would seem) are critical of the girls in this vid being called “bitches” and “sluts”?
“China’s Shandong University”
Tell me again how this is destroying America when its happening in China…
thankfully my gnat sized intelligence gave me the ability to read comprehensibly.
holy fuckballs that was astouding and funny that that would never happen in the states, but has happened in frickin china!
I haven’t an issue in the world with gender expression. That being said, this kid still looks kind of ridiculous. There’s a fine line between expressing yourself successfully and making yourself out to be a fool.
And I still think words like slut, whore, etc. are awful, damaging and completely unnecessary. One famous gay probverb goes “Stop calling each other sluts and whores! That makes it okay for the guys to.” I hope we all remember that at the end of the day.
After reading all the negative comments, it’s clear that homophobia exists even within the gay community.
SUPPORT YOUR BROTHERS! Do you still not realize you look at him with the eyes gay-haters look at you with?
oh, for the love of Cher.
It’s sad that so many of you are so unexcepting,if that how that guy wants to perform kudos to him.Everyones idea of what being gay is,this how he choses to express himself,its the experience hes chosen.Im surprised the number of homophobic gay men(aka republicans ,lol).So its not your thing,thats cool. LIVE AND LET LIVE…STOP BEING A HATER
i see nothing wrong with this video. he seems to be having fun and there is nothing wrong with that. reminds me of some of my friends from high school.
Wow. Reading this thread was a really, really depressing and unsettling way to start my morning. I was kind of excited watching this video: thinking about this guy’s bravery, the fact that he was being cheered on by folks in the stands, wondering when he might be auditioning for the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and how those big-hair, fast-talking Southern gals would deal with that. The amount of self-hating, narrow minded, gender-fixated thinking among gay men (not to mention a knee-jerk celebration of masculinity–like valorizing masculinity has ever worked well for advancing the cultural and political position of gay men) just astonishes me.
Also, as someone who teaches queer theory, I’m more than a little sad to see the word “queer,” which I use to mark a radical politics that often separates itself from a gay normativity, used to name such ugliness and the word “liberal” used to describe a radical affirmation of gender non-conformity (which, is the only thing that will every save queer folk: mainstream culture hates gay men because it thinks we’re failed men, as long as we celebrate the same version of masculinity they do, we’re sealing our own doom–see Bersani’s brilliant 1987 essay, “Is the Rectum a Grave?”)
Just a reminder that being gay doesn’t mean you have a radical politics. And that always pulls me up short.
Ummmm so after the first two comments I just started ignoring this thread. This kid is awesome good for him for working that tiny ass outfit (better than the fat chicks at my school did) I wouldn’t ever do that and Femmy dudes DO sort of grate on my nerves but who am I to deny someone the right to show their talent and to take away their fun. the kid is obviously not hurting anyone so he gets my cheers!!
What I do not understand is why does this warrant a reaction at all? Maybe I am out of touch with reality because this did not concern me one way or the other outside of another random internet video. Has anyone ever tried looking upon something without imposing an opinion on it? Not only will things become immediately less hostile, but the item being witnessed becomes free to be experienced for what it is. It was only opinion that turned this into 1) good for the “cause” or 2) the worst thing to happen to gay men. Alone it is just an internet video.
Yay for him for dancing to Britney, he nailed it ^^
i don’t see what the problem is?
why can’t a guy be a cheerleader?
why can’t a guy exude feminine traits (without automatically being labeled a person who sets back the “Gay Movement,” by default)?
it’s fine if you, as a not-heterosexual, not female-acting, gay male, don’t like the femme dudes.. ..but you don’t have to express your disaffinity using the very language that a garden variety Gay Basher/Bigot employs.
no need for all the disparagement of an innocent fella just doing what makes him happy, and not hurting anyone else, man.
i can’t even speak of there being a LGBQT Community, because we are definitely lacking in -unity.
why is this guy calling young cheerleaders “whores” and “sluts” sad!!!! Perhaps he’s a woman hater. There’s enough hate in this world against gays without us falling into the same hate bullshit. Unless he knows the sex history of all those girls, he should be careful about his derogatory name calling.
C’mon, J…it’s apparent what men like and don’t like on here. You guys keep striking out with SH** like this!
Lets not forget that this video was from mainland china. Brave kid.
Doesn’t “freedom” mean the right to do your own thing, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else? I think this definitely fits the definition. Good for him.
I would just like to say that the title of the video is misleading. I respect the guy for being himself, however he is not a cheerleader, he is a dancer. There is a huge difference. As a former world champion cheerleader as well as a competitor at dance worlds I feel like I have been exposed to the 2 pretty well. Cheerleading has grown into a more masculine, gymnastics, cirque de solei style competitive sport while dance is more expressive and stylistic. I think that we need to be careful when putting a label on one or the other, due to the fact we are trying to build the reputation of male athletes in both sports and by mislabeling them it can hinder the progress being made. Cheerleading encompasses stunts, tumbling, jumps, pyramids, baskets…and dance. A large percentage of collegiate level male cheerleaders are in fact straight and many are former football players. They are recruited for the stunting aspect of the sport. By calling this young man a cheerleader can you see where that type of recruitment can become a problem with the ability to contiue to increase that number which will actually lead to more acceptance and understanding of the gay community. I have no problem with male cheerleaders, dancers, or with anyone being who they are, but when a group in effected negatively by being misrepresented then our community sufffers as a whole due to this ignorance and lack of knowledge.
We as human beings need to be tolerant! stop with the negative criticism and the name calling. Is this the way we want our right to be respected?
i totally agree with your last paragraph!!! we all have our own personal preferences. NO ONE can decide for us for our own happiness and NO MAN OR WOMAN OR GAY OR LESBIAN can judge us for being what we are or what we have become.
just like that cheerleader… cheerleaders are there to cheer on their teams and somehow provide negative effects on the other team. if this is their strategy to cheer their team, and i hope it worked, it was a very good one. but who knows, maybe it was just a strategy and he is really straight to really distract the other team, or gay who is just having the time of his life.
we all have our opinion. we can voice them out in a very constructive way. but to add insult to the injury is another.
When did Mean Girls become prophetic?
Since I started the Church of Tina Fey.
Good point, I just thought it had bit harsh to call J Harvey a misogynist when he was just attempting to be funny.
What I got from the video is how — in China no less — this guy got applauded and cheered and appreciated while if this had happened in the United States, Fox News would have had a two hour special on “The Gay Agenda.” And to the self-loathing man who just happens to like sucking dick, get over yourself. The point is that this dude is COMFORTABLE with who he is without having to conform to a type that YOU think he should be. It’s a big enough tent. So you’re butch. Big f’ing deal. When a guy is getting blown, he’s not thinking oh, this big butch guy is blowing me. He’s concentrating on whether you’re good at it.
what is wrong with you?
sexuality is a spectrum and you cant generalize everyone into black or white, there is a lot of grey in the middle.
just because another guy/girl doesnt fit your narrow-minded opinions of sexuality, doesnt make them “sick”.
quit drinking the hateorade and grow up.
I’m just to ignore the majority of the comments down there because they’re pissing me off and just say this man made my day 🙂 he knows how to MOVE! loved it, love him, and love the crowd for cheering them/him on.
Alex your numerous comments reminded me of a movie I saw this morning ( 7/1 on the here network ) in the movie this hustler meets up with this guy and they go back 2 the guy apartment where they have a glass of wine , make love and spend the rest of the night getting 2 know one another . As the hustler was making his way out of the building he was side tracked by another guy who mistook the hustler 4 someone else that he knew . The hustler went back 2 the 2ND mans apartment where the 2ND man had several friends waiting for him where they all shared a bottle of wine long & short they had a good time . Five different time the hustler attempted 2 leave the building and each time he attempted 2 leave he would get side tracked by one of the other gentlemen that lived in the building. On the 3rd attempted at leaving the building the hustler asked this good looking young man who was opening his apartment ( where his wife with a screaming baby girl in her arms where waiting ) The hustler ask the young man for direction to get out of the building . The handsome young man lead the hustler down long spiraling flight of stairs and in to the basement where he proceeded 2 proposition the hustler saying he would give the hustler $ 65.00 dollars if he could suck the hustler dick ,The handsome man gave the hustler the money and not only did he suck the hustler dick but order the hustler to turn around so that he could eat his ass out , After the handsome young man finish eating the hustler ass out ( the whole time while jerking off ) and Alex this is the part that reminds me of U The handsome stranger started beating the hell out of the hustler !! A Elderly man who heard all the noise ran out his apartment hollering 4 the handsome stranger 2 leave the hustler alone !! The elderly man made enough noise 2 scare the handsome stranger off . Alex I personally found the cheerleader video 2 be DISCUSTING and certainly nothing 2 be proud of but is even more disturbing is people like that handsome stranger in the movie who do not think it is 2 gay 2 suck dick & lick some guy asshole 4 as long as they beat the hell out the QUEER fag after words !!! Alex I hope U are not like the handsome stranger in the movie who says I like 2 suck dick ! but I hate all GIRLY ACTING FAGS ! Alex if you are like the handsome stranger before you go about chastising others take a good look at yourself because at the end of the day Alex when it is all said and done it will be 2 late 2 realize you where not that GREAT after all !!!!
I stopped reading the comments pretty quickly, because they all seemed to be filled with hate, animosity, and ignorance. I’m more of the masculine type myself, saying “dude”, and yes, occasionally “bro”, the kind that people refer to as “straight-acting”, which–in my humble opinion–is highly insulting in itself, but whatever. All I want to say is that the guy in the video is fun to watch, a good dancer, and probably very brave to express himself in that fashion. I hope he *does* “go gurl”. And I hope that gay people of every “type” could learn to understand and care for one another without hate and judgment. How can you expect anyone else to accept us if we won’t even accept each other? Call me a “liberal queer”, to quote one respondant, or whatever you like, but I’m a member of a *community* of gay people, and all gay men and women, transsexuals, bisexuals, transgendered people, drag queens, and yes–awesome, happy, dancing, chinese cheerleaders–are welcome in *my* community. Dude can move, yo. Don’t deny it.
Whatever rocks anyone’s boat.
I’d just like to add, that anytime I went to a gay dance club (which I don’t do anymore, because people like me aren’t welcome there by the “regulars”), there was always a guy like that center-stage on the floor (or additional platform) who shaked his shimmy and became the star of the place. Other gays would go up to him to talk or salivate and he would eat up the attention and play and flirt with them. But if you weren’t the perfect epitome of “hot,” they would either: 1) rudely ignore you, or 2) go out of their way to humiliate you in front of everyone else. Both happened to me enough times. I wasn’t trying to “score one” with “their kind;” I just wanted to say I appreciated their antics and yet I got spit upon by their kind (once literally, to the hoots of everyone around him).
did anyone notice the Eurovision song form Turkey?? Hadise – Dum Tek Tek???
Man you’re a bitch. lol!
Spoken like a true liberal FAG! [applause]
Alex The Great!
You go Girl!
disgusting? There’s nothing wrong with being feminine, and this has nothing to do with sexuality, it has to do with gender expression. When you criticize a person for expressing feminine characteristics, no matter if they are anatomically a man or woman, you are saying that being feminine is lesser to masculinity. That women are lesser to men. And that’s simply not true. When we stop viewing women and femininity in general as weak, or too emotional, or too stupid, that is when we will have progressed.
It’s not disgusting for a man to want to show pride for his school, or to know how to dance or cheer. Absolutely nothing. Objectively, it’s harmless, it helps with fitness, it helps him make friends, and I’m sure it can be fun. There is literally nothing actually wrong or disgusting with it. The only thing wrong is the ignorance and hate coming from others. We get it, it’s not your thing, you’re not attracted to it, but, no, it is not disgusting and it is not wrong, and it’s insulting for you to say that.
can’t we ban this guy? There’s a difference between ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘difference in opinion’ than what this guy is putting out.
Spoken like a revolting liberal pansy. Waaaaa, did I hurt your feelings silly gay boy? SO…clench your little sphincter and waddle back to your fag friends and tell it to someone that cares.
I stand by what I said: Men should be MEN! And I’m a man that loves everything about a proud, confident and masculine MAN!
Michael, you’ve obviously been attending too many drag queen shows. It might be time to cut back. (while you’re at it, put the drugs down…:0)
Another offensive post by,
Alex The Great!
he wanted to dance and he did it, and very well indeed.So, stop all this nonsense !
He did what he wanted to do, he had the time of his life and you are making a political, sexual issue out of it, stop it !
Is that song Dum Tek Tek ? (HADISE)