YouTube personality Cheeks has filmed a tongue-firmly-in-cheek(s) PSA, demonstrating that bullying affects everyone. Even tall, straight jock-types who play gay hitmen on cancelled SyFy Network shows. “I like highlighting parts of a national conversation by taking the punchline to the literal or absurd,” he explains. ” I figured it’d be unexpected, funny, and spread two good messages: Don’t bully gays. Don’t be a gay bully. ” Satire aside, does anyone else find the 1950’s-looking gym outfit with the matching hoodie and sweats makes actor Sasha Roiz look hot as hell? Here at Manhunt Daily, we find the most important aspect of every story.
– J. Harvey
To watch Cheeks torture a guy, Follow the JUMP:
Surprised to see you post something besides Maverick Men.
True. If we want people not to do it, we should start first by not doing it either, if not it would be a double moral.
That’s really pretty funny, and does make a good point. Sassy is okay, mean and or/bullying is not, whether it’s gays bullying straights, straights bullying gays, or gays bullying gays.
it gets worse
This isn’t satire for me. This is what the Dublin gay scene is like, and that’s when they’re being nice…
That was awesome. “Get his shoes.”
*sigh* if only people would LEARN from this…
Love it!!! “Get his shoes” is the best part.
Love it!!! “Get his shoes” is the best part.
This is evil hate masquerading as comedy.
I now realize I should not have went into watching this with the idea that it was going to be an Oscar winning moment……..
i may sound really lame… but i loved Caprica…lolllll and yes bullying sucks.
Gay boys are often bullies. The really fabulous ones anyways, to other gays that is. It’s so uncool.
The biggest problem with this spot is that Sasha Roiz could wear ANYTHING (or preferably nothing!) and still be amazingly hot. So there’s no way that he could burn anyone’s retinas — in a bad way, at least!
And for the Caprica fans out there, wait until you see how it ends! The last four episodes will all air on Jan 4th. But they’ve already aired in Canada. So, the more internet savvy of you can already find them online. The ending is HUGE. Without giving anythign away, they also do a nice epilogue which gives a sense of where the show would have gone if it hadn’t been cancelled.
Oops. Make that the last FIVE episodes will air on Jan 4th on SyFi.