So a straight guy walks into a park, sees a sign for gay cruising, runs away to hug a giant monkey sculpture for comfort and then one of the cruisers pulls down his pants and takes a picture…
We must admit that we have no idea what's going on in this photo, but we'd love to hear your captions!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Flickr
For the full slightly NSFW photo, follow the JUMP:
I don’t care but I want to rim his ass!!!!
It looks like the guy is mounting a giant gorilla/dog… doggie style.
hmmmm some sort of BEAR backing I WOOD imagine… yuk yuk
Me first. Then you do me. But we’ve got to be quick about it!!!!
“Just giving ol’ Kong here a taste of my King Dong!”
“I saw what you did to Fay Wray on that island of yours! This’ll teach you to finger a movie star’s poon tang!”
It really isn’t that hard to figure out what’s going on here. Some frat boy-type thought it would be funny to stage a picture where it looks like he’s fucking a sculpture.
It’s MONKEY love
The new Republican diagram for the evolution of man if gay marriage becomes law.
He has a bruise so somebody was having some fun with him
i not gay i am just fucking this bear in the ass
Barney Frank Dreams of Being that Bear.
How about you actually give credit to the photographer/sharer instead of the site you found it on? the poster on flickr might have more hot photos and maybe deserves credit?
yea he’s kinda hot..I’d hit it.
he just wants a hole in one!