Here’s a picture of Junior Stellano, Ethan Hudson and Dirk Caber in Titan Men‘s Hellions. We came across it while doing “research” for last night’s Everything Butt post, and it immediately screamed out Caption This! What was Ethan thinking as Junior approached him from behind? It’s time for you to fill in the blanks…
If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s Caption This post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!
For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Titan Men
To check out the full pic and last week’s winning caption, follow the JUMP:
And here’s last week’s winning caption…
Nothing says blowjob like Gone With The Wind. Congrats, wrestlesex!
I don’t think the keys are in there!
When I said go fill the tank, I didn’t mean mine.
Thought it was a grizzly!
Whoa, how about a head’s up next time!
That better be Lite Mayo, Mr Rye.
Daaaaaaaaaad! I told you to stop trying to fuck me in front of my friends!
“Oh no you di-int!!”
OMGz! diD yOu heaR aBOut eGYpt!?!?!
The Three Little Pigs: 2011 Edition
The Butcher, the Baker, and the Candlestick Taker.
Holy Big BAT Dickman
Hey! Where’d Goldilocks go?
(Sorry….I’m on a fairy tale kick today for some reason. lol)
GURL! Do you *see* the boots he’s wearing?
Not up the ass!! I’m saving that for my wedding night!
is that a bear?
Hey… I was here first!!!
disgusting ….period
Dude, not so deep! We’re double f*cking him.
I know you said we were going to a wildlife preserve, but I diddn’t know it was mine…
I didn’t know the Girl Scouts came all the way in the woods to sell their cookies….”Thanks anyway girls! This sandwich will do me fine.!”
“WHAT THE FUCK?! … That was last week’s Winning caption?”

Bears In Their Natural Habitat
The Natutral Habits Of Bears
Who Invited You ?
Did I ask for salami on this sandwich?
The thing that happen when your drunk and camping with buddies
Just killin two birds with one bone
“Oh my god it’s Will Smith!”
I forgot to ask if the pickles were kosher.
Shouldn’t have come to Camp Crystal Meth Lake…
A sandwich is a sandwich, but a Manwich is a meal.
Oh damn, is it Black History Month already?
Oh my gawd, Do you see that bear over there watching us?
Lions and tigers and bears – oh my!
Not that hard man! I’m trying to focus on the guy in front!
This ass is too loose!
And this ass is too tight!
And this one is juuuuuuust right!
I thought this was supposed to be an MMF scene!!!
fuck off, man
No-one told me I was bottoming today!
But I’m a top!
Oh my God, Mary, you scared me half to death!
Whoa! I thought I’d already put the salami in this sandwich.
Table for two please!
Did you find the tent poles yet?
Have you been fucking me the WHOLE time?!
Didn’t your momma tell you to knock before entering?
Hey!! Don’t fuck me while I’m fucking arsehole!!
In on a forward thrust, in on the back. It’s an in in situation.
Lions & Tigers & BearButt Oh Yeah
The motherfucker lied – he’s a grower!
Oh no you didnt!
I have to assume you’ve never scene Gone With the Wind, and don’t understand the significance of the quote. It’s based on the last words said in the film before the Intermission, and is considered a classic scene. You can see it here
I hope that’s ur cock and not a snake!
Where did you come from?
conocer chicos lindo de buen cuerpo
Hey where’d you cum from??
OMG!! Who the hell are you?? Oh well get in here and get some too.
Can you believe these boots were on sale?
Do I have to pay $5 for that foot long?
What the f*ck at you doing?!
You saved HOW much on your car insurance???
“When i said pitch a tent and go get wood….this isnt what i meant.”
Perfect. Simple and totally appropriate.
Hey!! I told you to warm that thing up before inserting!!!!!
” Yowza!!!! Now I know what the ‘CREAM’ in the center of an Oreo feels like”
“Cover in the Hole” “Cover in the Hole” ……BOOOOOOM
Hey I thought I went camping to avoid traffic jams?
Seriously? You’re IN me?
Put that thing back where it came from; or so help me!!!!
Hey man! I had my oil checked just before we left town! I swear!
“The more the merrier my ass indeed”
Oh no!!! I didn’t prepare for that today!
Oh, hell…..its a real bear!
Lumberjack Rule # 44 “You’re supposed to yell – ‘TIMBER!’ as a warning”
he went down the woods and the Bears are out to play
Dude, the parking brake is off!
You wanna put what where?
OMG!!! That reminds me, I forgot to by cucumbers!!!
He bought the boots at Walmart!?!