Ah, the dangers of binge-drinking. Memory loss. Liver damage. One-night stands. And taking naked pictures that wind up on MANHUNT Daily. There seems to be an interesting message in this picture. Two extremely spankable asses are framed by a guy holding a sign that reads "Support Our Schools". If you look carefully, there's also a santa hat involved in the mix.
You can imagine where this is going. We're taking captions for this photo, and we'll be taking them harder than last week's pass-around orgy bottom. If you can come up with something as clever as last week's victorious submission, you're sure to give us just what we need.
– Dewitt
To check out the full pic and last week's winning caption, follow the JUMP:
Support our schools or we will turn your children into this!
Texas University for Male Prostitution.
With Gay Bottoming Master, Gay Pimping Master, International Relations, and Amsterdam Legal Regularities.
T.U.M.P., where you wanna get in!
Support our school!!
good protester etiquitte always cleans up after themselves, and avoids throwing around trash signs.
this is only because we need to prevent negative images that work against our cause going around.
just TWO of the audio visual learning aids available here at “the internet academy of assfucking”…sign up TODAY!!!
Wrap up a seasonal package of support for our scool and we will thank you orally!
it would be nice if you let us know what the word-limit is for the captions — it seems like, generally, it has to be short enough so that this Caption may be superimposed on the image, in a small block.
Your tax dollars hard at work. Gay Sex Ed 101
Your tax dollars hard at work. Gay Sex Ed 101
Support Our Schools… drop off donations here.
Don’t be an ass! Support Our Schools!
eww those guys are fat..