You’ve captioned slutty football players. You’ve captioned slutty water polo players. And you’ve captioned an anthropomorphic unicorn with an incredibly large penis. Logically, the next step is to do a round of Caption This with some amateur furry porn! We apologize in advance if we offend the furry community by using this image for a humorous contest. We’re not judging you at all! We just think your fetish is hilarious (almost as hilarious as fisting).
If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for the image below. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!
For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.
– Dewitt
Photo via: CTRL + W33D
Take a look at today’s image and last week’s winner below:
Goo made a Girls reference, so uh, we guess that wins?
you horney dog!!!!
A Ccck Is A Cock – Being Warm a Fuzzy is just a bonus!!
guys get blue balls, yiffies just go blue
If you don’t suck my cock, I’m gonna hold my breath until I turn blue!
Being a mascot doesn’t always pay the bills.
Mascot? I thought you said “mass cock”!
My palms did get hairy from jerking off, but come on! WTF?!?!
Red Rocket, Red Rocket!!
Aw, c’mon, baby. You know what they say. It’s a dog eat dog world…
Shaggy: “Uh……., Scoobs. Remember that one night stand you had with Smurfette? I think you should see this.”
Scooby: “Ru Ro Raggy.”
It all started with blue balls……..
I thought you said doggy style?
Don’t deny a wolf his bone…
Hands in the air…can I get a “Hell Yeah !?!”
I like them hairy but this is to much, way to much
and thanks for saying my other pic is cute
“I’m one of the new versions of “Pound” Puppy!”
and you thought it would be blue too!!!!!
…What’s funny is…I actually know this fella. XD
Like, not personally, but we chat online~
ALRIGHT. Caption time.
“Look, I can stand on command!”
What do you mean, have I ever thought about manscaping?
Blue rover, blue rover, send your cock right over.
he’s not a mascot.
he’s a “furry”
one who’s probably about to fuck his camera-man (or -woman?) dawgy style
The safety word is “Woof”
Beast, from X-men to XXX-Men
What more is there to say?
The werewolf just saw a full moon…and wants to tap that mother fucker!