Last Monday, one of our Manhunt colleagues sent us a pic from the Bone Island Bare It All Weekend in Key West. We sponsor the event in collaboration with Island House—a clothing-optional gay men’s resort in Key West—and one of their guests had an, um, interesting gift.
“Apparently, this is a ‘botched’ circumcision, where a little piece of skin healed to form a natural little loop d’ loop,” our coworker wrote. “This was the most creative way they could think of displaying it.”
I’m not going to spoil any of the details for you, but let’s just say this image is VERY appropriate for a round of Caption This… So let’s get to it!
If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!
For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.
– Dewitt
Click through to see last week’s winning caption:
And the winner is… Commenter!
Pole smoking. Your doing it wrong!
Talk about a HOT DICK!!!!
Great place to hang your keys!
screw the caption!! what the hell kind of masochist would led a guy light a fag on his cock!!
I’ve heard of smoking after sex, but not during; but I think I’d rather be inhaling that cock and it’s load than some cigarette.
I guess I picked a bad week to give up smoking.
First I’ll smoke this joint then I’ll smoke yours
Ethan brings cock smoking to a whole new level.
Public Health Warning, New cause identified for testicular and prostatic cancers. Use of tobacco via the penis is an extremely hazardous practise.
Talk about a double entendre!
Smoke this, not that!
Today i learned to the best way to make smoked sausage.
Stand still, man! I bet those guys over there your cock is hot enough to light a ciggie!
Need help quitting smoking? Try this! Its better than the patch!
Great bllas of fire!
No matter which kind of joint you smoke, it’s all about sucking on that long hard tube until the tasty white stuff comes out and makes you feel GOOD.
Or the British English non-PC version:
I’m going to kick back, relax, and suck on a good fag. And I think I’ll have a smoke while I’m at it.
Holy shit is that real and how do you fuck up a circumsion THAT much?
Looks really…wo-ow
Its smokey and the bandit
light my joint
It’s a little skin bridge that formed as the cut edges of the circumcision were healing and instead of healing only together in that one spot, they were touching the tender mucosal surface of the head undisturbed and healed to it as well. Totally avoidable with proper after care, keeping it vaselined up, and retracting it after 14-20 days of healing. It’s also a very simple office procedure using xylocaine to remove it. I’ve done several in my office over the years and the boys were always glad to get rid of their funny looking dickhead, but this guy may not want a change.
Can’t wait to see the Surgeon Generals warning on this !!
Ok, Ill say it, he is flicking his Bick on his Dick.
sorry, Bic, I know better.
Oh wait…nevermind this would probably keep me smoking lol
and they say woman have the most imaginative cigarette holders
nah man, if I burn you I’ll kiss it and make it better…
I’m going to smoke your dick!
Do you smoke after sex? Response: I don’t know; I never looked!
Goodness gracious great balls of fire
Is it hot in here or is it just me??
So that’s why your profile says you only date smokers!
It has been determined smoking cock IS a safer alternative to cigarettes!
You light up my life, in more than one way!
Look Mom — NO HANDS!
Smegma refreshes while you smoke!
Come on baby light my fire (or at least my dick).
Well so much for “The Great American Smokeout”
you dont even wanna know what i use as an ash tray
Soylent cigarettes are PEOPLE!!!
I was gonna suck your dick, but then I got high
Forget smoking AFTER sex…
I love smoking a fag.
It’s a fag lighting a fag on a fag!
“That is NOT how you spark a doobie…bitch, get your face outta my junk!”
Hate to see his version of smoking “crack”!
Ew, it’s menthol.
This is not the kind of sucking I wanted you to do down there!
How about a little fire scarecrow!
Make sure Mayor Bloomberg doesn’t see this.
Monica Lewinskys brother.
So that’s what they mean by “dick smoker”!
I’m a flamer, not a lighter you moron!
save a cigarette, smoke a pole
I don’t know if I find this hot. Just worried for the guy when he’s halfway through his cigar.