Caption This: The Traffic Cone

Don’t look so startled! Based on his previous videos, we’re pretty sure Jessie Balboa could swallow that entire traffic cone with his butthole. For now, he’ll have to deal with another challenge—acting as the subject for this week’s round of Caption This.

If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!

For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Club Inferno Dungeon

Click through for last week’s winning caption:

Whit0785 made us wish t-shirts were given as rewards for eating ass.

43 thoughts on “Caption This: The Traffic Cone

  1. In an effort to start a new sex trend, Jessie failed miserably at “coning.”

  2. This is how the West Hollywood Police Department introduced Jessie the Sexual Safety Bear.

    “Only YOU can prevent faulty fisting.”

  3. Please form a single file line behind the cone. The teller will call on you shortly.

  4. And in 9 months time, with a bit of luck a new bottom slut will hatch out of this freshly laid egg.

  5. It may still take the road crew a while to fill in a pothole but don’t you just love their new uniforms?

  6. Despite the megaphone mishap…Jessie’s first day of cheerleading camp went quite well!

  7. In preparation for his driving test, Jessie decided to practice his parallel parking skills

  8. …and here is a promo picture for Jessie Balboa’s upcoming film ‘Traffic Violation’. I can’t wait to see (if) the director’s cut.  

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