Caption This: Thumbs Up, Tongue Out

A beefy jock dude pulls down the back of his shorts and shows us his crack. His friend swoops into the picture, sticks out his tongue and gives us a big thumbs up. You know what that means, right? It’s time for another exciting round of Caption This!

If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!

For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.

– Dewitt


Click through for last week’s winning caption:

Sadly, we edited out the best part of HORNY‘s caption.

33 thoughts on “Caption This: Thumbs Up, Tongue Out

  1. Budweiser is revamping and aiming their “Waazzzzaaaaap!?!?”  campaign to a more ambiguously gay audience.

  2. The original wet willie was a lot more fun.

    (and THANKS for finally choosing one of my captions! Best pride day EVER!)

  3. HEY !! We need a ride… our choices are  to thumb it,  tongue it,  or you can pump our tight end for gas money

  4. Little Jack Horner sat in a corner,
    Eating a Christmas pie;
    He put in his thumb and pulled out a plum,
    And said, “What a good boy am I!”

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