Barack Obama will be the 44th President, the first black man ever elected to the office. He enjoyed a decisive victory winning several states that voted for Bush, including Florida and Ohio. The final Electoral College count is 349-189. Even though it looks like Proposition […]
Category: In The News
ACLU To Smack Down Proposition 8?
So the homophobes in California passed Proposition 8. Where do we go from here? The ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) has already filed several lawsuits essentially claiming that the purpose of the Constitution is to prevent a majority from squashing the rights of a minority. […]
Mormons and Propositon 8
After the unfortunate passage of Proposition 8, gay and straight Californians alike are looking at the Church of Latter-Day Saints with increased scrutiny. Several protests are taking place outside Mormon temples in what is becoming a heated battle over the church's role. Much of the […]
Proposition 8 is Approved by Californians
As you may already know, it looks like Proposition 8 has passed. This marks the end of gay marriage in the most populous state in the country, California. Same-sex marriage was also banned, and more decisevly so, in Arizona and Florida. Proposition 8 opponents have taken to […]
Cutest Obama Pic Ever!
The next prez gets down with the little people. – Wilbur
Burn More Calories By Jumping Rope
Sippers, did you know that jumping rope can burn three times as many calories as jogging at an eight-minute-per-mile pace? No wonder many fitness experts call the jump rope the best all-around piece of exercise equipment you can own. From Mens Fitness Magazine, here […]
Proposition 8 Update
Election day is finally here, and a Proposition 8 update is in order. Proposition 8 seeks to ban gay marriage in California after a May Supreme Court decision deemed it legal. If passed, this would mark the first time in American history same-sex couples have […]
Wife of Mormon Football Player Fights Proposition 8!
Barbara Young, wife of legendary football player Steve Young, donated $50,000 to fight proposition 8. What's most interesting is the fact that both Steve and his wife are Mormons. The Mormon Church has made it clear that they are against gay marriage, however the Youngs […]
Kathy Griffin and Bill Clinton Say ‘No on Proposition 8’
Kathy Griffin is helping her gays by appearing in a web ad opposing Proposition 8! The spot is great and features some other D-listers making the case against the ban on gay marriage. Another big name lent their voice in the fight against Prop. 8, […]
Proposition 8 Update
With 5 days to go until election day, the outcome of Proposition 8 is still uncertain. Internal polling has shown the same pattern we've seen in public polls, a tight race that will come down to turn out. Here is the latest on Prop 8: […]