The second season of AMC’s zombie epic The Walking Dead has shambled and gone, and – eh. Luckily, the season finale was pretty damn good (shouldn’t have opened that barn door) which made up for the boredom that comprised Season 2. Fuck, find Sophia already! How are zombies boring?
Andrew Lincoln plays zombie apocalypse survivor leader Sherrif Rick and he’s hot. Did you know the British actor has done some ass flashing in his previous work? We’ve got Andrew Lincoln ass!
– J. Harvey
Photo credit: Casperfan
For pics of Andrew Lincoln’s butt, Follow the JUMP:
The second season of Walking Dead isn’t over yet, that was their midseason finale…still hope to see Andrew’s ass on there too
Damn Yummy is all I can say
Nice..good too see a real man and a nice chest as well!!
so hot
They did find Sophia already, she was the little girl zombie.
Nice ass, try to find any fotos of what’s up front will you!
Wow, didn’t think he’d have that nice of an ass. Now please find nude pics of the guy that plays Shane!
You can tell those pics are a few years old. He looks a whole lot better now that he’s been seasoned a bit!
Damn he’s so sexy!!
they did find Sophia…..she’s a zombie….and the season isn’t over yet. it starts back up in Feb.
Do u even watch the show? Lol
I remember him from the movie “Love Actually”, when his character was pining away for Keira Knightley, who was married to his best friend.
He showed his cock in the first season of “this life”
Have to agree with MERLIN season is not over till March 2012. But love the show can hardly wait till February for it to continue.
Honestly? I crapped out after maybe the third episode in. It was boring. And I LURVED the first season. Eh. But I did catch the end of this MIDSEASON FINALE (sorry about the error, you dorky fanboys) and thought it was well-done.
Oh yeah! I thought he was sexy in a hospital gown on the very first episode of “The Walking Dead.” This is a nice treat. Sweet!
what movie are these nude shots from. Anyone Thanks
i luv this guy i find him incredibly hot esp when he’s all sweaty and whatnot-if there ever is a zombie apocalypse i hope i get stuck with him
What I love about the show is that it is character driven. It centers on a group of people trying to figure out how to survive in a world gone literally dead. If someone wants a whole lot of “action” and moment-to-moment flesh-eating, then go rent some cheesy B- zombie moves.
he is soo SEXY!!!
You guys need to honestly make sure that you have your facts straight before you post on the blogs about shows or news or whatnot and be sure to update because this posting was wrong from left to right. I could understand if you could get into this season because, yes, they did drag it a bit this season, but it was only half a season with the other half coming after the holidays. Geez, if you’re gonna post anything about someone, make sure to get it right. It’s exactly why celebrities hate the dirt sheets now. (Not saying that a majority of them would be looking at Manhunt Daily anyway, but we can all only dream)
I agree that he looks better now than back then. And if there was ever a reason to start watching the show, it was him without his shirt for most of the first episode!
Sophia isn’t a zombie. She’s a shot zombie corpse.
Rick shooting her will be the defining moment of this season.