Celebrity Skin: Christopher Atkins

Christopher Atkins

We all remember watching Blue Lagoon several times just to get a glimpse of Christopher Atkins' hot body in those little white shorts. Well, at least I do… Atkins isn't young, tan and trapped in a deserted island with Brooke Shields anymore, but he's still showing off his full frontal goods!

He's older but not any less sexy, in fact, he looks pretty damn good! I think you guys will like this one…

– Andy

Check out the shots, after the JUMP:

Christopher Atkins Naked

Christopher Atkins2

And an oldie to remind us of the good old days:

Christopher Atkins3

6 thoughts on “Celebrity Skin: Christopher Atkins

  1. His haircut makes him look like Andy Warhol, which is both slightly sexy and pretty creepy.

  2. I would too. But I’d constantly be wondering if he was going to photograph it or take me to Studio 54 afterward

  3. Really? Wow when was this? I rememeber him better as Peter on Dallas, when he would wear not only those cutoff midriff shirts, but would wear a divine blue Speedo. I never thought I’d see him naked and all. Was this recent, and where do we find him? 🙂

  4. He’d look better with shorter hair! I prefer short hair on a guy. Anyway, nice face and body!

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