Rafael Nadal is formerly the number one tennis player in the world. Yeah, the poor guy fell to number two. IN THE WORLD. Hi, I’m the second best tennis player in the world. That’s a big title. Big enough that Armani asks you to sell their underwear.
Rafael shot an ad for their skivvies, and showed off a little skin. What’s annoying is that he RUNS off the screen once he loses his pants! Why? It’s why we’re watching, dummy. Never fear, there’s a pause button.
But not nearly enough skin. Then again, we’ve been told that we’re known for our greediness when it comes to celebrity nudity.
– J. Harvey
To see tennis champ Nadal in his underwear, Follow the JUMP:
Not near enough shots of his glorious ass!
Lame! Not even a crotch shot in the briefs? What is he selling, after all!
Forget Nadal. Give me Novak Djokovic (the actual number one in the world) any day, all day, every day!!!
He has an ugly face.
Hmmm! Almost like he’s trying to see stuff for Armani instead of titillating crotch-watchers the world over!! The damn nerve!!!!
The person who came up with the concept of this commercial aught to be shot!
I have NEVER seen anything so badly put together.
One doesn’t get a good look at the product, in this case the Armani underwear. Almost everything is blurry and if not the product then you’d think they might focus on the model: the World second ranking professional tennis player, but NO they “treat” us to some vague shots of Rafael Nadal. What we do get are shots of the background, the crew and a clear shot of the dressers hands. I think my 8 y.o. nephew would’ve done a better job shooting this commercial in his sleep!
I agree with Rowin – 3 minutes and 18 seconds, plus loading time, completely wasted, and the final produst, 52 seconds, hardly worth all the fuss. What is it with this stuff anyway – made in Indonesia, Vietnam or China, then vastly marked up and sold to gullible people…
i love me some novak dickovic! nadal’s body is amazing but his face is rather peasant-y.