I seriously think this is the recurring wet dream I had in high school. Remember old-school Russell Crowe when he had body and was hot as balls? These are screen caps from a flick he did called Hammers Over The Anvil (1993). In one scene, dude turns up riding a horse into a river bare ass naked. He obviously had no concern for his nuts getting battered or mine from exploding due to blue balls.
– J. Harvey
Check out more pics of Russell Crowe naked on a horse after the JUMP:
Nice…I am glad you dont spoil this spread by showing a pic of his bloated, drunk ass face today.
I meant hahaha to this post, didn’t mean to start my own. lol.
he is a good actor and made some good movies but not my type of guy.
Lets not forget that he also played a gay character in the Australian film, THE SUM OF US…hot film, hot body…then
wow, he was pretty hot back in the day. had the biggest crush on him when he was in “the sum of us”. not so much now tho….lol
Knew him in NZ before he became “famous”
Young and sweet~ I like!!!
The thread should have been titled Russell Crowe riding bareback.
you guys posted these exact same pictures already…
Saw this cranky fuck recently in shorts, I’ve seen better legs on a fucking table.
Better legs on a table LOL !
Thats FUCKING table
Russell is still amazing actor …………………
Yea, he was hot back in the day and that ass looks pretty delicious laying out on that horse. That horse may be one of the few “men” in Hollywood that can say Russell rode him bareback…………maybe one of the few…but not the only.