Sorry for going down on you… and we don’t mean what your trick did last night. Like Joan Rivers and countless other celebrities, MANHUNT will be getting a facelift. In order to make your experience on MANHUNT faster and easier, an upgrade was necessary. Don’t panic! We’re keeping all of the features that you know and love, we’re just going to make it easier to find and use them.
The best part of the facelift? It won’t involve any needles or scalpels. The site will be down for a few hours and once we’re back online, MANHUNT will have a new look and feel. Have any questions or concerns? Want to learn more? Follow us on Twitter at or click the button to read all the juicy details:
If that’s what the new Manhunt is going to look like, then I think I’m going to be cool with it. Can’t wait to testdrive it myself!
I’m going to miss the old MANHUNT. It will take time to adjust, but…I can’t wait for the future updates and features that will come with the new platform. YAY!
I’m so fucking horny, HURRY THE FUCK UP BITCHES.
I miss the old manhunt from 5 years ago. When it was fun the use and we did not have to pay such ridiculously high prices for a membership. Out of all the gay websites that I used over the years Manhunt by far has the highest membership fees.
agree. with over 50,000 of us you’d think they’d drop it a bit. or at least give free day of onthehunt while we lose a day’s service……………
Wow glad to see they are really keeping everyone up to date with the updates. Appears they have not worked the bUGS out
AmericanSoldier I had the same problem with Manhunt many times where I wanted to go on the site but it was down. When I emailed customer service complaining about this and telling them that I am a paying member and was not able to use the service because it was down and asking them how paying members will be compensated for this I never got a reply back.
Out of all the gay website I been to Manhunt has the highest membership fees. So with huge membership fees they charge you would expect to get top service but that is not the case. I don’t think I will be renewing my service, it is definitely that worth to be paying $25 every 90days.
Hi guys,
Everyone who is paid member will have an extra day added to their account. I am sorry that the upgrade is taking longer than expected. If you guys have any questions please check out or follow us on Twitter @ MANHUNTnet for frequent updates. We appreciate your patience and it’ll be worth the wait.
Your Beloved Blogger,
you know what Andy, over the 5+ years some of us have $$paid$$ for the various upgrades every so-often and then the regular downtimes(at least 1ce/month) add up. prolly what bugs us is the fact when you all say ‘a few hours’ and that in real time is closer to 12-24. Hope this ‘new’ Manhunt sticks around. Stop with the geek-squad BS. That’s why then bigbox is out of business. Dont fix what ain’t broke. 12 hours and counting………….
I agree AmericanSolider!! You forgot to mention all the times the system slows to a pace of a limp snail. One would think with our fees paid they would have upgraded servers, Few hours was back around 14:16 with the switching buddy list. Not being a geek-squad person, I do wonder why they just did not mirror/copy the info onto a new server and then do the intergration and make sure and had a quick easy rolloout. this 35 a quarter is gonna end soon for me too.
are you gettin’ this all down, andy?
Well, while we’re waiting… I’m curious who the cute model is on the “Sorry we had to go down on you page”. Yummy! Where can we see more of him?
I think this is about as effective as peeing in the wind and hoping none gets on you! Free day, hell, give me a free MONTH! Or at least give us who subscribed for a this long a DISCOUNT, law of supply and demand will be Manhunts demise! Is it better to have 50,000 at 25 bucks a quarter to 150,000 at 15 bucks?
are you gettin’ this all down, Andy?
Hey AmericanSoldier,
I understand your frustration and our tech team is working around the clock to get the upgrade finished. Just bear with us for a few more hours and we’ll get the site up and running again. Thanks again for your patience and support!
Your Beloved Blogger,
Now a few more hours? At 5:04 the Q and A was being done with “last minute” tweaks. At 7:49 we were told to grab a beer or two,as last minute things were being double checked, well that was a 12 pack ago now. It is becoming obvious that there are more than bumps in the road more like Jersey Barriers with spike sticks.
Tell justin and the many other $$$paying$$$ members about waiting a few more hours (or days?)……it’s not frustration. It’s not getting what you paid for. and for Bo who’s prolly paid right along with me for years. one day free? 1 month is more like it. this isn’t patience or support. don’t say a couple or few hours, that’s deceiving.
I don’t remember if we were able to tour the new site while waiting for the big change???
15 hours and counting….tick,tick,tick.
You guys can take your 1 free day and show it up your ass!!! I find that very insulting me as a customer!!! Over the years there has been at least one incident per month where I wanted to use the site and it was either down or so slow that it was unusable, and I was never once compensated for this. You guys charge top dollar but you don’t provide a top service. All my gay friends are also getting fed up with manhunt and say that the huge membership fees you guys charge are not worth it.
Phew, good thing that “things are looking good,” and that “it wont be long now,” at 7:49. Closing in on three hours of going good now. They must be working hard as they are not keep updates going on “” and responding to Twitter. Someone just placed a post about an early review of the new MH and it is not good from the review given. \
Just saw the new front page and couldn’t log in…if that’s not fixed I’ll be done as a manhunt member.
Shut down for a whole day+?
Poor planning, boys.
It’s just pathetic at what you people are complaining about. “Booohooohoo”… whine, whine, whine. You can’t hook up for a day. It’s THURSDAY ! Go grab some food with friends or get your laundry done and clean up your place! Or how about you go to the bar and let people see you in person… instead of looking at 15 year old pictures of you with a mullet!!!!! GET A LIFE!
All of my long emails were cut off! Wonderful. Great planning guys. Bone us again sometime.
I’m really not a fan of the new layout thing. I think it a lot harder to find stuff.
Main account page is alright. But most other pages need work. Profiles are claustrophobic, especially if there is a lot of text and they check a lot of “intos”. Yikes…
Why are headline and button texts so giant? That’s probably adding to it as well.
I could have done without losing half the contents of my emails too! WTF?
the new manhunt epically fails. First of all, like someone said earlier on here…”why fix something that’s not broken?” I get the fact that they’re trying to go for the more “advanced” sophisticated look…But they’ve made it more complicated and confusing for the users. Remember, most of the people on MH are just average Joes. I also think it was a big mistake for them to re-open their site when so much of it isn’t functioning correctly. It’s just really unprofessional…not to mention tacky, especially for the price we pay on here (as aforementioned earlier by other users). I’m sorry, I don’t mean to sound like a “bitchy queen” for all you PATIENT people, but…what the hell manhunt??…maybe it IS time for me to look for a different hook-up site. hmmm
haha, you guys are retarded. more complicated? ya if you’re a moron! it’s really not that hard, whine whine bitch bitch. do you listen to yourselves. i just find it funny. i like the new site, gotta get used to it, but i like it so far.
I wholeheartedly agree with the why fix something that’s not broken concept. Except for the part where IMs interrupt anything you’re doing when you receiver a reply. I hope thats fixed (did anyone else have that problem?)
WOW. Do so many of you really have nothing better to do than sitting around waiting for a hook-up site to be back up? Do you ever go outside? Do you have non-sex friends? Do you have any, I don’t know, non-sex hobbies? Really, how do you expect them to lower the price when you obviously can’t live without it for even a day?
Speaking of the price, REALLY?? First of all, you can still use the site without paying if you aren’t on it all the time (see the above comments about having a life). Secondly, $10 a month – That’s less than gas and parking and one drink at the bar if you go out! Or less than a meal if you actually meet someone for a “date” – remember that concept?? You really know how to put “cheap” in “cheap whore”.
On a final note, I’m on MH pretty much every day (though not staying long each time), and I’ve rarely, rarely encountered any downtime or technical problem. So I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Maybe when you like complaining so much, there just has to be something for you to complain about. Law of Attraction, anyone?
ABSOLUTELY terrible roll out. New mail has not stopped flashing since yesterday, no answer to messages sent to MH customer (lack of)service, site locks up, slows to a crawl today, email screen is just totally screwed. FIRE the programers for sure, obviously there was not enough beta testing of this site.
Bring back the old format.
Your little project has failed.
And I was told that IM will no longer be available to free members. Not all gays a rich and can afford it. What about us poor college guys? NO IM????? Seriously?
I agree whole-heartedly with LoveGame.
If ManHunt is all you have…. wow.
For someone who checks ManHunt daily, I’ve never experienced bad service.
And for those who are bitching and complaining and whining… I am actually feeling really sad for you right now. Get a LIFE.
And just for a moment, think how you’d feel if customers of the service you provide as a job reacted like this to an update/change that you had no control over (blogger Andy is taking the rap.. WHAT?!) What if you knew some behind the scenes info that all your customers didn’t that made these changes ESSENTIAL to the longevity of the service?
And $10 a month? Please. I’m as poor as they come and thats something even I can afford. Happily. I’ve met enough great people on here to make the service worthwhile.
So I urge you to step back for a moment and look at the big picture of your life and how you’ve acted by posting rude comments on here. I would be ashamed if I were you.
All the best, ManHunt. Thank you for trying to provide us with a quality service, despite the inevitable glitches now and then. It is much appreciated.
Yep, bury in the back all of the legitimate complaints and not keep this “Topic” front and center. Couple of you ‘lucky’ members never had problems. Good For You! Many of us have! Many of STILL are having! Andy. Your “boys” royally screwed up. This WAS a great site. WAS. Now it’s no better than the other sites most of us gave up to COME HERE.
Tired of the broken record? Too bad. Some of us have paid $$$ over the YEARS. The old site was almost perfect. the NewManHunt is old and broken.
Bring Back The OLD!
And rude is taking people’s $$ and NOT adequately providing a service which was PRE-PAID for!
D, how off base you are! Andy is an agent for the company and was passing on information. He is not the messenger, it sure appears he has a voice and passes information onto the powers to be. More so that he reads and typically replies to the blog postings which carry the company name. They are operating a company with a over 3 million members according to some of their postings. More so, MH is adding more and more ads, I am paying a fee and get plagued by ads that dont even load. This was a terrible roll out and the site does not work well at all. They created this problem by giving an update obviously for marketing and money making measurers. Your comments akin to ordering a meal only to find they sent you the wrong meal and not complaining as the waiter is a messenger. But alas you have not paid for the meal yet.
Damn this new site is great! Great way to keep up with your typing when it rejects your password consitently, keeps your hour glass working well while it takes a minute to load the page, email or profiles. And the profiles look great, nice job on clearing all the information out of them, that way we can keep our typing skills up. It was very thoughtful to provide us with the opportunity to hone our skills.