Check Out Betty White On SNL

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I was super excited to watch Betty White on this weekend's Saturday Night Live, and then I somehow forgot to record it on my DVR! Thankfully, the whole episode is streaming on Hulu, which means I'll be watching it tonight as soon as I get home. Isn't it great how the internet always saves the day? 

On top of that, there are three web-only bonus clips that feature the former Golden Girls star, including Debbie Downer, Joyologist and Bronx Beat. For those who saw the whole thing, what was your favorite sketch? Did it live up to all the hype?

– Dewitt

To watch the episode and some bonus clips, follow the JUMP:

Debbie Downer:


15 thoughts on “Check Out Betty White On SNL

  1. My fave was the NPR “muffin” segment…really showcased Betty’s comic timing, and affinity for the double entendre.

  2. Betty White was pretty good, but it’s Andy Samberg whose muffin I want.

  3. For an 88.5 yr old woman, she outshined many of the SNL regulars. The women in the NPR couldn’t hold their smiles back at times. Betty was the stone faced comic only years in the biz can create.
    Betty – we want you back when you are 95!!
    I laughed the hardest when she trashed Facebook once she knew what it was all about. The woman is pure comic genius – moldy muffin or not!

  4. Overall betty white did a great job. i especially liked her in the following skits: “manuel ortiz”, “the census taker”, “mcgruber”.
    they should have left the debbie downer skit in the show and extended it because it was actually funny.
    They could have cut out the “jail” skit, and the “muffin” skit because they weren’t funny and didn’t advance the show at all.
    the quality of the writing has gone down hill. in the past it seemed like their writers were young, witty and cool kids who probably went to decent colleges.
    now the writers seem like desperate dropouts who are grasping at straws to try and find anything funny. They don’t have their pulse on what’s funny in this country.
    you have to be out in the real world observing people, watching the news, interacting with people NOT held up in a writer’s room doing drugs and trying to think up something funny…
    if they don’t breath some new life into this show it’s going to wind up like madtv….

  5. yea it was just allright for me. I’m not jumping on the band wagon. the material was just so so..sorry

  6. I love SNL, People dont give it the credit it deserves. The new cast is fantastic and adding Beddy White was just comedic gold! So glad to see debbie downer back!

  7. There was only so much that Betty could do with the awful writers of SNL. However, she did better than any other host (including Justin Timberlake) could do.

  8. I always liked the Molly Shannon skits as her character Sally O’Malley (I’m 50). I loved it when Sally came out & then Betty showed up as a 90 year old Irish lady. That skit made my day. The muffin one was also great bringing back memories of Alec Baldwin and his Shwedy Balls. Overall I’d say Betty White is a national treasure and a real class act.

  9. I am not a fan of SNL and have not watched it in years. But, there is no way I would have missed Betty White hosting the show. Ms. White is a delightful lady and pure comic genius. The quality of the material mattered not. To see Ms. White at work is worth it all.

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