Chelsea Handler interviewed Glee's Chris Colfer, who plays Kurt on the show. The interview was pretty funny and the highlight came when Chelsea said "We know that you're gay". A truer statement has never been spoken…
He responded pretty candidly, so I guess those rumors about Fox trying to keep him in the closet aren't true.
– Andy
I find this amazing. Andy..Dewitt…Whoever. I hope you guys read this one to because it just blows my mind how nearly every single comment after your second Malachi Marx interview post was about how much they hated him and how muc hthey were tired of gay for pay actors and that he was so horrible that i’m sure they have made hi mthe most commented post of the week AGAIN! and yet here is a young fresh gay face in hollywood and noone can give any props or kudos to him. I mean despite what most people think of Adam Lambert and Chris Colfer and yougner guys like them,yes i know Adam is 27 get over it, theydidn’t have it like a lot of the older openly gay celebrities in hollywood. They didn’t start their careers i nthe clsoet they started out and proud and to tell the truth they may not get much success Y is that? because they will be type cast as only gay characters! Yes Neil Patrick Harris plays straight characters but that is because he started of as a “straight” actor. you really think Chris Colfer is gonna be asked to play a womanizer anytime soon? Doesn’t seem likely.
I just think it is bullshit that all of those guys who “hate” MM commented on his post and yet can’t give any appreciation toards this young star. Hell if you ask me prove you hate someone by not commenting at all! Again I love Glee and Way to go Chris Colfer this interview was hilariously enjoyable.