Christopher Villa Is Damn Sexy!

There’s not much I can say about hottie Chris Villa except that he is looking damn sexy in this shoot. Villa is rocking various sexy briefs and teasing us by showing just enough to keep us wanting more… that bastard!

These pictures make me want to do two things: hit the gym hard or get on Manhunt to find a muscle stud of my own… I think i’ll go with the Manhunt.

– Andy

For more shots, follow the JUMP:

32 thoughts on “Christopher Villa Is Damn Sexy!

  1. Impressive body…the lack of hair other than the overly manicured head/facial hair isn’t doing him any favors though…in my book.

  2. Wow. LOVE the pic of him in the Diesel underwear, pulling it down!!! His veins on his arm just make me….. Excuse me? What was I saying?? *Drool*

  3. i’d love to run my hands all over this guy.

    that would make me plenty happy, of itself.


    (i’d not have much of a shot at doing much else with chris…)

  4. Sorry, but holding a Chanel bag negates any potential masculinity points you had going into the game.

  5. The body of this boy is quite impressive. However, if I were to rank him on a hotness scale of 1-10, I would unfortunately only be able to give him a 6 (6.5 if I feel generous). Why, you may ask? It is his face. To me it reminds me of a drugged-out son of Jafar (evil character in Aladdin), and to me the face is very important on the hotness scale

  6. Yeah. I agree, Tim. I’m not sure where he gets the drugged look from.. I’ve seen my fair share of people on drugs and this guy isn’t one of them.

  7. I think the Tommy Tucker record just got shattered, and with good reason. Anyone finding fault with this guy needs to get a life, get out, and check how many guys they see like this. I’ve seen just about one or two this totally hot in all area. If the physique and face ain’t fairly decent, the guy ain’t getting into the sack with me. This guy wouldn’t even have to ask me, I’d chase him down! Score another win for Andy!

  8. He needs to be stripped naked, dog collared, oiled, and tied to my bed so that i can milk his cock over and over again until he begs me to stop!

  9. Bet he has a killer smile … but professional photogs seem to think the pouty moody look is the best. I agree – he has it all going. LIke it all .. would love to see more.

  10. Danyboi I hope U really take Tim advice & LOL ToddM …. M/H Thank U 4 REFRESHING my fanatasy with Christopher I cannot wait 2 FUCK him 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

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