How do you follow up a ginormous schlong like AJ‘s from Latin Jocks? There’s really no good way to answer that question. Going any larger could lead to somewhat scary territory, while going smaller is sure to disappoint all the cock-hungry size queens.
Well, sorry size queens! Cabo doesn’t have a fourteen-inch dick, but he’s definitely big enough to get the job done. Don’t you just want to nuzzle up in his taints and lick his balls until he shoots a huge load all over himself? Because if the answer to that question is “yes”, then you’re not alone.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Active Duty
To check out what Cabo’s packin’, follow the JUMP:
And the obligatory shots of the back:
EWWW sorry I boycott activeduty after I found out the owner makes generous donations to the RNC and against gay rights!!!!!!
I urge others to look into it and do the same:
on the first pic naked pic reminds me of one of though toys were you pull the string and the arrow goes around, and where it stops a different sound is made. I wonder what sounds you could get out of CABO? I know everyone of you are going to give me shit about this but you will be thinking about it.
Meh … goofy tattoos don’t help.
wow hes so attractive.absolutely gorgeus. love the tatts. he is so mint.what a nice cock hes got.
YUM!!! All the creamy smooth skin and that big juicy cock. WINNER!!!
I think his tattoos are gross as well – especially that one on his chest. Thanks for letting us know about Activeduty Andy23. I will definitely be boycotting them!
Andy23, I read the article you linked, and it says that Marina Pacific Distributors donated the money. This company only sells pornographic movies (from Active Duty and others) they don’t produce it. You’ve confused the “maker” with the “seller”.
All those missed wanking opportunities for nothing…
The tattoos ruin it for me. Seriously couldn’t get past them. I like a sexy tat on guys – but his are like a coloring book gone bad.
I really hate the tatts, however all is forgiven if I can pop his beautiful cherry ass. BANG ! Bang !
Thanks for the info. I won’t buy their products again. Shame on him and everyone who support him (and his products).
I think the guy is hot! Could do without a couple of his tattoos, but those would certainly not be deal breakers! Nice job, all around, Dewitt!
Cute yea, but the Barbie tat is even over the top for me. LOL
@andy23… Thank you for bringing this to our attention. It is very obvious that Manhunt doesn’t really care about gay issues as long as they are making money from it so it is up to people like you to tell the real issues.
I think everyone is out there to make a buck, Josh.
Can we get back to the topic at hand? If anyone hasn’t noticed, HOT GUY ALERT!!!
that’s kinda serious, Dewitt & Andy.
while it is true, the article andy23 cited was from november 2006..
..well, i feel that this is something you need to look into, for determining if this is still going on — i wouldn’t want to think that you’re supporting someone who doesn’t support us.
If you really read the article it says the donations were made by the “distributor” Marina Pacific Distributors NOT the producers of Active Duty films. Marina Pacific distributes all kinds of porn. “Dink Flamingo” is not a supporter or the RNC I would guess. Can everyone do a little reading before hopping on the bandwagon!!
Heres something more recent Saint Impatience:
Nicholas boyias is the president of the production co. that owns and the gentlemen in question!!!
OMG He does not OWN….he only distributes JEEEEZ
Wow! This guy is really hot!!!!! (hint hint)
I don’t care how hot he is, thanks andy23 no way in hell I’ll be supporting the RNC hot guys great site but not worth my our rights
screw how hot he is, our rights are more important!
So what rights are you talking about, Andy23? And, for that matter, are the democrats doing anything for the gays? I really DO want an answer to that question! What are they doing for us?!?!?
It’s his money. He has a right to do with it what he wants. I dare say that boycotting him won’t change his mind.
Todd I would agree that the DNC could be doing so much more considering that the Democrats control the white house & both chambers of congress but it just seems so hypercritical considering that he is using money from the gay community to support the RNC and there right wing anti equality agenda !!! So Todd U R right it his money but where do U think he got it from ?
Your right Todd about one thing it is his money to do with as he pleases but I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of MY money going to him so he can “do with it as he pleases” HENCE the term boycott. He can by all means utilize your money or some other guys money for that purpose just not mine : )
And yes the DNC could do more but no way in hell I would cast my lot with the RNC to get it done. In fact for the most part they are the ones forestalling not only equality measurements but much of everything else for that matter.
Moral of the story: He CAN spend HIS money wherever he’d like and SO CAN I and I choose not to spend it with him or his website!
I understand. I guess my point was that neither side is doing anything to help. I don’t think we should just trash the one side. Both sides should be targeted. Thanks for responding and doing so kindly!
That said… I still think the guy is hot in the pics….
And sorry Todd I’ll bring it up one more time if I may, the Republican party is the party that put into place a lot of these initiatives that DNC has to fight to remove (though they aren’t doing so in a timely fashion).
DOMA, DADT, which then president Clinton unsuccessfully vetoed… Many in the gay community are excoriated the DNC but the reality is most of the impediments to our rights have been set up by the Republican Party!
And yes TODD he is HOT LOL!
I totally agree in boycotting his company. Equality is the main principle (to some of us). It doesnt matter if it is his choice r not, I wont buy his product. As a matter of fact, if I have prefer to buy from lgbt-friendly-company if I have a choice. People need to wake up and do their research and find out which business support us.
Thanks andy23 for bringing us to the light side.
here is my general Political Stance:
screw the Repugnantcan`ts.
screw the Dumb-old-crats.
one side is more vocal/open about their disdain for non-heterosexuals; the other side isn’t as vocal as they could be, in defense of the non-heterosexuals. (in addition to also supporting some propositions that hurt non-heterosexuals.)
both parties have alternately-ruled over this country for a long time.
this country is currently not a nice place to live in.
***i’m not really concerned about the æsthetics of Cabo, at the moment***
at any rate: it appears that I can presume nicky’s still a repugnantcant, in considering the kinds of candidates/incumbents (?) he’s given financial support to, as of 2008.
(thanks for that, andy23.)
it might make sense, too, that someone so interested in the Military would be conservative.
in that case…
…boo to ‘Active Duty’.
Your comment is awaiting moderation. Bang Bang !
Cute guy, normally think tats are hot (have one myself, too)…but that sickly-yellow skull staring back at me from his chest – what exactly was he thinking that made that seem like a good idea at the time?
@Willy either way you look at it he makes a profit off of my money and turns it around to the GOP you are right he is the distributer of a lot of other porn including Jet Set Men (which I don’t watch either) and the rest is mostly straight porn…
The POINT IS I’LL SPEND MY MONEY SOMEPLACE ELSE GEEZ. don’t you get it I don’t like my money funneling into the RNC and against my rights!!!
AND ACTIVE DUTY as well as JET SET MEN should know better there are tons of other distributers, stop thinking your defending them because of their ignorance!!!!!
Cute guy nice cock, don’t care for the tats tho.
The article refutes your statement, andy23. You’re as worse as any fear-mongering book-banning republican, or hot-headed, do-nothing-but-whine liberal. If you were to trace products that hints to any inkling of the GOP, you’d be boycotting most everything that is gay-centric. You think capitalism and greed is characteristic of a spineless dumb-o-crat?
Oh. Hot beer-can thick cock. Not so hot tat. I’ve seen worse on a few of my shipmates.
How does the article refute anything I’ve said or demonstrated. The point is very simple and I’m sorry you fail to understand this:
If active duty as well as Jet set chooses to do business with Boyias as their distributer than great for them but they won’t be getting any of my money!!!!!!!
VERY SIMPLE CONCEPT— Free market is not only free to produce but freedom to spend!!!
Andy, you have every right to choose how you spend your money. But you have also failed to read the rest of my post. If you are trying to prove a point, it is only half-assed at best. Commendable in principle. Pointless if you don’t boycott every known organization that goes against your cause. And believe me, the list goes on and on….So you probably may want to hold judgment against others who don’t see eye to eye with your knee-jerk stance.
You tread on quicksand if you begin playing the association game such as you have between a producer and its vendor(s). The money trail will involve someone associated with whom you disagree with politically.
And for the record, DADT has Clinton’s fingerprints all over it. It was part of his own agenda as a step to protect gay men and women from being discharged from the armed forces. And we all know how that is going.
Again. Hot guy. Hot thick cock. Woof.
I just can’t get pass that ugly tattoo.
I honestly didn’t want to start a thirty post commentary about this topic, it wasn’t that serious. Next time I’ll keep my opinion quietly to myself and bypass the posts that I may have something less than favorable to say about. I apologize if anyone was offended by my choice of spending habits. I wish you all a beautiful rest of the summer!
There is nothing wrong about expressing your opinon in any gay related issues. I def stand behind you (I wish it would be literally…lol). You have rovided good info and Iam sure alot of guys will start to look beyond cock and dig much peeper to the core foundations of our existence, struggles and our freedom. We [as gay people] collectively have a tendency of sleeping with an enemy as long as he got biggest cock in the block.
For some reasons that I can’t comprehend, all we think is sex even if it means that it will take our last breath and die. People, wake up
i second that, Not Enough.
don’t stop trying to knock some sense into these, um, Numb Skulls, here.
navy sausage: maybe the thing for the LGBT “Community” (quotes, intentional) to do is say ‘bugger off’, back, to all who have already been feeling That Way about us all along.
if doing so means, manhunt daily can only pull media from one or two studios, from hereön..
..then, so be it.
Nice cock tiny balls…..
guess what i meet cabp to..he and his girlfriend came and ate at me job..theu were getting wasted and he ending up telling me dat he had done porn and show me i can home and googled him, low and was really him, same tatts and everything