Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Solomon


What would you rather have this morning for breakfast–some boring cereal or a ten-inch Hawaiian cock? If you're up for the latter, then we've got the perfect man for you. His name is Solomon, and his thick rod's waiting for you on Island Studs. Though I haven't sampled this hearty entrée myself, the pictures in the menu make it look quite delicious.

We know some of you aren't into uncut cock, so this post goes out to all the foreskin lovers and those of you who'll take your dick either way. This also goes out to anyone who appreciates ridiculous haircuts. Yeah, don't think we weren't expecting comments on that aspect.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Island Studs

To check out what Solomon's packin', follow the JUMP:













18 thoughts on “Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Solomon

  1. Dewitt,
    Why do you even mention that “some” people don’t care for uncut cocks? Sometimes the things you say….

  2. I’m uncut. I didn’t even realize there was an issue with it, until I started reading the many references to uncut cocks being unattractive or fetish-worthy. It makes no sense as that is the natural state of being and most men in this world are uncut. I think these subtle comments are unnecessary and kind of rude. 🙁

  3. You know what? With an uncut dick, in most cases, all you have to do is pull the foreskin back & you have a cut dick! The foreskin is just an added pleasure for those of us who enjoy uncut dick!
    BTW, yea, I would do him or let him do me in a NY minute!

  4. haha uhhh oh now were hating on the USA? HAHA ohhh my guys you complain to much! just be happy!

  5. The USA is hate-worthy. You’re a collection of stupid, back water ingrates who have no appreciation for the world outside your own narrow view. You can’t even see an uncut cock as sexy.
    I should know what the problems are with the USA! I’ve lived here my whole life.

  6. Amazing how everyone has a right to their own view and other views should be celebrated…unless it differs from your own view of course. UniversalP, practice what you preach please. Whatever happened to accepting the differences of each other’s culture? US has a cut culture, so that’s what most of us like. Get over yourself.

  7. Personal preferences are personal preferences. People shouldn’t be chastised for having personal preferences. Now the thing that gets arguments started is when people state their preferences and opinions in a manner that offends people. Why do people have to express their opinion as if to offend someone?
    I prefer cut cocks. Uncut cocks aren’t as attractive to me. But overall i like a nice looking cock, whether it’s cut or not. Am i going to turn down a guy just because he has foreskin? Hell no. Now this guy, I’d definitely give him a blow job… but that’s as far as it’ll go… he’s not even going to point that thing at my ass. He probably can’t fit that in the inner tube of a tire

  8. Universial it’s a free Country why don’t u just fucking leave !!! I bet u would cum running back with your new CUT dick begging 2 be let back N !!!!!

  9. agree with blockeduser….i know i’m being “picky”….but he is hot until…he takes… the hat, its downhill from there…

  10. When he holds the pineapple, in picture 5.
    i was very impressed initially since i thought he was comparing it to the size of his dick.
    i didn’t realize it was actually meant to show that he’d used the green leaves as inspiration for the current haircut. i think i shall call him PineApple Boy. Dewitt you should start a new section and call it “Fruit And Nuts”. pineapple boy is definitely the first nut.

  11. would luv to show him MY COCK SUCKING SKILLS and have him NUT A LOAD DEEP DOWN MY THROAT and ALL OVER MY FACE.

  12. first, cut cock is not a US only anomoly. And I’ve met plenty of close minded uncut only men. This whole cut vs. uncut really is stupid and shouldn’t be brought up outside of health discussions. Basic difference is that uncut requires more hygiene attention. As a cut US male, I find uncut very sexy, but hell, I like cock period.
    As to the hair – it’s refreshing for people to bitch about his hair instead of how they don’t like smooth men!
    I find this guy delicious! Guy’s been blessed with a beautiful cock – and the rest of the package around his package is damned fine too.

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