Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Welcome To The Potential Redemption of Ryan Rose

This is the last time you’ll hear me mentioning “Bobby Hart’s battered face” in a post about gay porn model Ryan Rose. Since most of you probably don’t follow gay porn gossip—judging by the number of people I see reblogging images of Mike Dozer‘s hairy ass on Tumblr, blissfully unaware of the terrible crimes he committed—I’ll let Mr. Rose fill you in on the details in his own words:

Ryan Rose Blog Post

The full post, which can be read here, is primarily believed to be a response to a feud with fellow performer Jaxton Wheeler. To my knowledge, it’s the first time Ryan has publicly apologized to Bobby, acknowledged his extreme regret and discussed his suicide attempt, providing a perspective on his path toward peace that “haters” such as Jaxton (and myself) weren’t privy to until now.

Admittedly, I haven’t quite sorted out my feelings on my long-standing grudge against Ryan. Part of me wishes he had said all of this sooner, yet at the same time, I fully recognize that he’s been wrestling with these demons for a while now. Why would he want to talk about his “mistake” when everyone else (like me) wouldn’t shut the fuck up about it?

When my colleagues at Manhunt’s brother app Jack’d discussed working with Ryan on a trip to Orlando, I had a mini-meltdown about their decision to hire him for the gig. All I could see was his ex-boyfriend’s bloody face, haunting my own ability to accept that Ryan might actually be the sweet, professional and personable individual they described him to be. I couldn’t accept that he learned from his “mistake”, because I’ve seen far too many people promise they’ve changed and make the same “mistakes” all over again.

Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 3.22.16 PM

At some point, Ryan started harassing Jack’d on Twitter about those four sad words I mentioned in the first sentence of this post. In my attempt to jump to their defense and express that my views shouldn’t be a reflection of our entire company, I was called a “#fuckingmoron” and blocked by him. It was a move I wrote off as immature and laughable, and while I didn’t take it too personally, it also wasn’t pushing me toward joining the Ryan Rose fan club.

If you want me to be completely frank, I’m not sure I’ll ever be a member of Ryan Rose’s fan club… But moving forward, I’m willing to put all my bullshit feelings aside and present you his scenes without any bias. I will critique his performances just like I’d critique anyone else, and if his “big award winning hairless bubble butt ass” has a problem with what I have to say, then I hope it only inspires him to work even harder and prove why he earned those awards.

For now, I’m just going to shut up and let you “critique” two of Ryan’s recent scenes on your own time. Under these circumstances, “critique” is a code word for jerking off (if I didn’t make that clear enough). It’s time for #fuckingmorons like me to say “goodbye dumbass”.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: Falcon Studios

Check out Ryan topping in two recently-released clips below:


Ryan Rose and Chris Bines in Easy Inn:

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Chris Bines for the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.


Ryan Rose and Adam Wirthmore in Easy Inn:

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.

Ryan Rose fucks Adam Wirthmore in the gay porn film Easy Inn by Falcon Studios.



50 thoughts on “Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Welcome To The Potential Redemption of Ryan Rose

  1. You’re a better man than me, DeWitt…after reading about this guy’s exploits, I’m not sure he deserves a second chance. There are many people in this world that have never and will probably never have the success that this guy has. Those are the people I feel sorry for and those are the people that deserve my support. I’m sorry that so many of these guys who have it all (and not just in the porn industry) become such divas and feel that they can do anything they want without expecting to pay the price. And you know what, after the dust settles, they are welcomed back with open arms. I guess nice guys really do finish last.

  2. That’s what the bad shit does to you. Acknowledging his wrongdoing is a big step for any public performer. I hope he keeps on the straight and narrow. If his nearest and dearest can forgive him, good for him. Ryan may have done horrible things but everyone deserves a second chance.

  3. blah, blah,, its just porn!
    if you thinks he’s hot, watch it and enjoy, last time I checked, hes not trying to become a UN ambassador or anything.

  4. Rose is one fucked up dude. I don’t follow his porn and never really liked him anyway. There are many porn stars out there that are not as fucked up as Ryan Rose!

  5. Yeah but then again JM you would let that big dicked homeless man in your downtown area pump your ass as well!

  6. Not really interested in him either way, but this article did clue me in to Chris Bines, and that at least made seeing Ryan worthwhile.

  7. Donald as a twenty year career Marine I know in the Corps one incident of abusing your spouse will get you separated from the Corps. I don’t know about the other services.

  8. Well, seeing as I’m not really from a “city”.. and downtown consists of a corner store, not to mention that the human race seemed to have missed the memo on our town name. So, if he has that body, with that dick.. yes I would let him pump me, while I offer him shelter. Why you should ask? Because chances are I already know who he is, that’s my small village for you!

    Get a grip, it was just my opinion. What I decide to do with my orifices should be my concern, and not yours.

  9. I like watching him have sex. That’s it. He’s hot as fuck, but I don’t want to be his friend and I don’t fantasize about a relationship. And I don’t pretend that he is Mensa material.

  10. You are exactly right! How you give out your orifice is your concern not mine, I just have higher standards in both Rose, a proven mental defective and the homeless man who you would be charitable with your orifices. Good for you!

  11. I know a lot of people will feel like this statement is the wrong way round, but I don’t care if you can fuck or if you’ve worked hard on your body or if you were lucky enough to be born with a great face — if you’re a c**t, you’re a c**t and that cancels everything else out.

  12. Correction: One *documented* incident. Given that the majority of domestic violence isn’t reported, and not all incidents that are reported are substantiated even when they may well be true, it’s a stretch to say doing it once gets you kicked out.

  13. I’m sure all of you commenters are perfect. Completely perfect.
    I’m one of the guys that work with Jack’d that Dewitt mentioned, and I personally thought Ryan was an awesome guy. In addition to being sexy as hell, he’s kind, welcoming and great to work with.
    Everyone makes mistakes. Some terrible mistakes.
    He is truly sorry for what he did. Stop being so fucking hard on him. My how easy it is to anonymously judge from a distance.
    As probably the only commenter who actually knows him, I can testify that he’s a great guy who made a bad mistake. He paid for it and he regrets it everyday. Have some fucking compassion, some forgiveness.

  14. anyone who has done meth-or has knows someone to do meth-knows how this can happen-i hope he will be clean and sober

  15. Anyone who does condom porn should drink Drano and shoot their own brains out. No one needs to see that shit!

  16. If you get into an industry as public and fan-based as this one, you better believe you’re being held to a higher standard. If he doesn’t like people scrutinising his behaviour like this, he probably shouldn’t have done it.

    Are we all in the position to know him like you do? No. Are we more cold and cynical as a result? Yes. Are you more biased in his favour as a result? Probably. Without knowing him we have no way of knowing if he’s changed or not. Personally, I’m glad to see people expressing their disgust over his past domestic abuse rather than being flippant over it, because it’s not something anyone should ever accept.

    No one is perfect, and we’ve all made mistakes, but some mistakes (like beating shit out of your loved ones) are too big and too public to be swept away with a quick ‘I’ve changed’. You do something like that, you don’t get to tell other people they’re wrong for judging you by it, because the person you beat bloody didn’t deserve what you were handing out either.


  17. Ryan is a very good looking guy. Having never met him I can only say that he’s pretty damn fine as a top man. And while I’ve always had a crush on Adam, I have to say that I’d take Chris first if presented with the choice of the three of them. Provided Chris would swing his manhood into top-mode, that is. Oh who the hell am I kidding? I’ll take one of each, please. What’s that? Yes, to go, and make it quick, I’ve suddenly become very hungry! 😉

  18. When you beat the shit out of someone and behave like an uncontrollable monkey, it’s only fair that you take the lumps you deserve. People will forgive him over time. But it’s too soon and its unreasonable to expect that people keep their opinions to themselves. And getting into squabbles with other people in the industry won’t help.

  19. Sighs I swear some of you people in this community. Yeah its real humorous too mock people who have no homes enjoy your privileged existence and be thankful YOU do. Funny how there are far more of us within this community who have absolutely no sensitivity conscience or give a shit for other people. I guess the way WE are treated is the only thing that matters not people who rummage through garbage cans for food have no clothing too protect them from hypothermia in the winter or people who are spit on physically assaulted for being homeless and mocked for being homeless. Your response was ridiculous heartless and totally insensitive some of you really do need too go back too the drawing board in regards too being decent human beings not the ones who are always referring too people being too ” sensitive” or politically correct comments I might add that most people on Fox News use all the time against US in this community.

  20. First of all no said they were perfect no one is in this world.
    Perfection is also an illogical concept too begin with considering its unattainable and fictional too begin with its not even humanly possible.
    Secondly yes people make mistakes we all do but domestic abuse is just like someone cheating on their partner whether that be man and woman woman and woman or man and man.
    By that I mean 99% of the time if someone assaults their partner they will rest assured eventually wind up doing it again.
    Hence why I mentioned infidelity because 99% of the time if someone cheats on their partner rest assured they will also eventually do the same thing again.
    When it comes too abuse some women and men sadly think that they can change or get help yet domestic abuse is continuously prevalent in our society whether in gay relationships or straight relationships.
    Yes he made a mistake and I wish him the best in healing his life and becoming a more rational calmer and level headed human being.
    However the fact still remains that he assaulted his partner and no matter what the reason may or may not have been domestic violence is inexcusable under any and every circumstance.
    There is never any just cause reason justification or rationalization for it ever.

  21. Interesting discussion, discussing porn models like we would discuss friends and acquaintances. Sad to hear that the two men, in a same sex relationship with the added pressures of youth, drugs, alcohol, testosterone, and extra-curricular sex for the taking as part of the job description, ended up as they did: one man physically assaulted by the other, who is said to be a Marine. I, too have heard of a lot of domestic violence in the Armed Forces, especially those who’ve been in war zones. As a middle age gay man, I have genuine sympathy for BOTH of them. I’ve been in emotionally/verbally abusive relationship, but had sense to end it before it got physical. 20 years later, we are still friends. I’m glad Ryan Rose is getting a second chance at maybe getting his life back on track. I hope his former partner also recovers from his physical and emotional wounds. To those of you who are very young, you will come to understand later in life that it is OK to forgive people. You don’t have to approve of whatever happened (it isn’t really any of your business unless the principal players made it public.) And lastly, porn is entertainment – optional. If you don’t like it for whatever reason, then don’t watch it.

  22. Michael it seems to me you read things into my comment that don’t exists! Sighs, the American educational system has failed us yet again! Your reading comprehension is very poor!

  23. Look here MISTER THANG you aren’t gonna speak too me that way NO ONE is that’s the problem with people like you you don’t possess a conscience or humility just arrogance pretentiousness and an asshole personality.
    Everything I said came from something called a heart Im not like someone like you I don’t put down someone for how they write or think I do however express my freedom of speech when I believe someone is being cruel thoughtless insensitive barbaric or insensitive especially in regards too other human beings difficulties or trials and tribulations.
    So be advised that if you want too play that game where you speak down too me as if I cant understand or grasp the concept of simple English or intelligence I will have absolutely no problem ripping you a new asshole verbally.
    You are not special you are just another man who happens too be gay who has that macho mentality and actually thinks he represents the gay community in a positive way .
    You don’t you do however perpetuate the stereotype that gay people can be just as wretched and hypocritical as our straight counterparts can be. But let me guess your comment attempting too demean my intelligence is excusable simply because you ARE GAY? Funny that any hetero would also try too justify that kind of behavior and attitude.
    In closing get a life and some semblance of humility and humanity if at all humanly possible.

  24. Blah blah same shit different day from asshats like you dude. Get over yourself dipshit. Notice it took me a few days too even respond too you that should tell you where people like you exist on my radar . 🙂

  25. I believe that’s irrelevant to my point, Mike. If you think the Corps has some magical 8-ball which reveals every incident of spousal abuse committed by a Marine, whether or not anyone reports it to anyone, then I’ve got some extra tin foil to line your cover with.

  26. Ryan has, I’m sure, been to Hell and back, and been taught about humility from friends and his family. It has been a hard journey, and he has turned negative events into something more positive for the future by moving on with his life and learning from those past mistakes. I accept he’s been a Bad Boy, but none of us are Angels, otherwise we would not be on this earth.

    We should not, however, not be holding the Sword of Damocles over his head waiting to use it pointlessly and at a whim for those past mistakes. Although I am a Bear lover by nature rather than being a well sculptured smooth Adonis,

    I do warm to Ryan as a human being and feel forgiveness is a gift to give to him not expecting him to feel remorseful for those past deeds and actions every waking moment. For my part, although I was unaware of much of his life, having written a Bio (well almost complete), I have become a fan of Ryan’s as one “Brother” to another!

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