Holy pivotal porn moment! Did anybody else know that porn Jesus Colby Keller was going to be guest-starring in the finale of the porn boy band “One Erection” saga? Famed Cocky Boys’ auteur Jake Jaxson was kind enough (seriously, thank you, Jake!) to gift us with the teaser before it went live and holy shit – it’s hot as fuck! Did I mention that Colby Keller shows up to fuck One Erection (whose members include Liam Riley, Tayte Hanson, Kody Stewart, Levi Karter and Allan King)? Check out a few snippets below.
You can watch the whole scene (it’s SO hot) when it goes up this afternoon (and the rest of the “One Erection” saga) FOR HALF OFF here. Colby Keller, “One Erection,” 50% off, it’s like porn Christmas around here!
– Michael Xavier

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